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Not The Town O'Clock News
Oh and one other thing - why has there been diddly-squat from the FL on this? There were some newspaper reports around December that Bournemouth could be facing a hefty fine, then it all went quiet (as FFP tends to do). Now this is December 2015 when this was reported and Bournemouth have managed to include their fine in accounts to their financial year end of July 2015. Something fishy is going on here if you ask me unless they were soooooooo honest they paid the fine up front. Of course, if they were soooooooo honest they wouldn't have broken the FFP rules in the first place would they.
SHEP_HTAFC likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Meanwhile back in Sheffield ..... more and more of the dots are being joined up. Interesting given that Maggies Mouthpiece used to have a regular column in this rag.
Lord Snooty and Amelia Chaffinch like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
It's about time there was justice for more than the 96. #justiceforminers
Lord Snooty likes this post
Just out of curiosity, what form of justice do the miners want? This is a completely different situation to 96 people dying, no one died at Orgreave, so what is the Justice they are looking for?
WakeyTerrier likes this post
Only a Thatcherite would ask that.
Slightly sweeping statement there Amelia!! Its a genuine question, I am long removed from even remembering anything about Orgreave and obviously it doesn't reach the news channels over here!!

Let me also pose another question, on here the decision to remove all blame and cause from the Liverpool fans was almost unanimously criticized, but if this Orgreave affair goes to its final conclusion are we to assume that we will absolve all blame away from the miners as well?? I have no doubt the police used tactics that were wrong but lets not pretend that the miners during that whole strike were angels!!
Even if no one died, it was still wrong for the police ti faslsify reports. There were still innocent men beaten. If an organisation is corrupt which is what has been implied after Liverpool inquest, then you have to question their actions elsewhere. Innocent men were besmirched there just as innocents were besmirched at Hillsborough. For the record, not all will have been innocent; there are troublemakers in every group, just as I have said there had to he amongst Liverpool fans.Equally,  I found the "all Liverpool fans are angels not just the 96" brigade annoying when they slagged off the police chief for saying there were acts of heroicism amongst the police that day. Of course there will have been and he should have been able to say so. There are way too many cover ups. 
St Charles Owl and Lord Snooty like this post
I completely agree with the despicable cover up aspect of this and any other police action, that should be condemned and stamped out. From the perspective of legal action from that day it does seem that the system worked as it should have done and all the arrests were thrown out through lack of evidence and compensation was paid to those wrongly accused, as it should have been.

I just think we have to be careful to not throw around "justice" for this group or that group, there is a bad bunch that have been in charge of the SYP but it seems that all of the police are being tarred with the same brush and as at Hillsborough there were police at Orgreave who did nothing wrong except in some cases take a beating, we have to be careful to not blame every one of them for the actions of their superiors and other civil servants.

Innocent people are always getting caught up in things and always will, as we will always see some guilty ones get away scott free, we have to do all we can to minimize those incidents but on a day like Orgreave there were always going to be incidents between the police and miners and innocents were always going to find themselves in the middle of it. No different to trouble at football games in the 70s and 80s, I never went looking for it and never wanted to be involved but any football fan who went ended up in some very bad situations at some point.

The miners strike was a massive debacle from both sides, bad government and bad union leadership, it turned nasty without the need for any police interference on numerous occasions as feeling rode high and as it wore on it became a war of attrition between the Government and the miners union and in a lot of cases it was the police and other innocent bystanders who got caught in the middle of it time and time again. I worked in the steel industry in Sheffield at the time of the strike and the plant I worked at was picketed a couple of times by rogue miners who got little support from steelworkers fighting their own battles to save their own jobs at a bad time for unions and manufacturing in general in England.

I get those involved wanting to see the cover up exposed and dealt with but I still fail to see how we can class this as justice for miners, its more a case of justice for society as a whole and in a lot of ways justice for the tons of good police in South Yorkshire who had to work on the front line while their superiors pulled all sorts of stunts and never allowed them to simply do their job to the best of their ability. As we stand today, the only real winners out of taking this back to court etc is the lawyers, and ultimately the communities that suffered so much due to the closing of the mines will once again have their taxpayer residents paying for another long and expensive process with no real worthwhile outcome at the end of it. Expose the cover up, condemn the people who ordered it and then lets move on.

And I was never a Thatcherite back then, nor am I now, but I didn't hate her, I didn't celebrate her death and I can still remember the policies I disagreed with and the ones I agreed with, as we all should be able to with most past governments.
HighlandTerrier58 and Amelia Chaffinch like this post
Thatcherite  Big Grin
Last week I was called a "Maggie Minion" Big Grin  even though by the time I could vote her time was up.

All this name calling is a bit immature 

Does Sportsbabble have a Politics Board? It should have then we can all go on it slag each other off until the cows come home.
No, but this board has a NOT the Town o'clock news thread which should be good enough. And I would like to know when I have slagged anyone off. Or aren't I allowed to talk on here now, either.
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