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(21-02-2016, 23:17)SkadForLife-WBA Wrote:
(21-02-2016, 20:57)TheBaggieMan Wrote:
(20-02-2016, 15:36)Salopbaggie Wrote: Just wondering with the vote now fixed on our continued membership of the E.U..

Does anyone have any idea what effect a NO vote would have on recruitment?  Obviously there would be work permit problems and interpretation of overseas player rules which don't currently affect players from other E.U. countries.  Also would E.U country players be less likely to want to play in England as a result of any difficulties around permits?

Not as this would make any difference to my vote I was just curious.

In many ways Salop, should we leave the EU and thus reducing the number of overseas players, would it long term not be a good thing towards making it a more level playing playing field for the smaller clubs ?

In a word, no.  The Champions League money and the TV money will remain exactly the same, meaning that there will still be a 'natural' economic pecking order; we'll just be divvying up a smaller selection of players between us all.  It will still be financially catastrophic for a club to get relegated from the Prem, so most clubs will still prefer to buy "proven" talent to keep them out of trouble rather than risk blooding youth.  It'll be the same old crooked game with slightly different names and faces.

That would be my take on the situation as well Ska'd, same number of "talented" UK players, but all going to the top four due to the overseas player rules. I fear that it would have a knock on effect throughout the entire football league with the lower (not top four) Premiership clubs having to buy and play players who are currently Championship standard which would have a trickle down effect right through all of the leagues. While this (just like in society) would not really have any great effect on the top four rich clubs, it would be devastating for the less wealthy clubs.

The end result being a serious lowering of the standard of football we are used to.
(22-02-2016, 13:30)Salopbaggie Wrote:
(21-02-2016, 23:17)SkadForLife-WBA Wrote:
(21-02-2016, 20:57)TheBaggieMan Wrote:
(20-02-2016, 15:36)Salopbaggie Wrote: Just wondering with the vote now fixed on our continued membership of the E.U..

Does anyone have any idea what effect a NO vote would have on recruitment?  Obviously there would be work permit problems and interpretation of overseas player rules which don't currently affect players from other E.U. countries.  Also would E.U country players be less likely to want to play in England as a result of any difficulties around permits?

Not as this would make any difference to my vote I was just curious.

In many ways Salop, should we leave the EU and thus reducing the number of overseas players, would it long term not be a good thing towards making it a more level playing playing field for the smaller clubs ?

In a word, no.  The Champions League money and the TV money will remain exactly the same, meaning that there will still be a 'natural' economic pecking order; we'll just be divvying up a smaller selection of players between us all.  It will still be financially catastrophic for a club to get relegated from the Prem, so most clubs will still prefer to buy "proven" talent to keep them out of trouble rather than risk blooding youth.  It'll be the same old crooked game with slightly different names and faces.

That would be my take on the situation as well Ska'd, same number of "talented" UK players, but all going to the top four due to the overseas player rules. I fear that it would have a knock on effect throughout the entire football league with the lower (not top four) Premiership clubs having to buy and play players who are currently Championship standard which would have a trickle down effect right through all of the leagues. While this (just like in society) would not really have any great effect on the top four rich clubs, it would be devastating for the less wealthy clubs.

The end result being a serious lowering of the standard of football we are used to.

You mean it can get worse?????
We are currently bad but it could be worse ...... We could play in black and orange with a dog on our shirt and play in a bowl of custard ........

Just sayings dot com.
Dingle-Dingle likes this post
Got thrown out of the chemists today.

I only asked the woman behind the counter "Do you take it up the ar53 love or do you swallow it"?

She went mental.

xxxx knows what I do with these suppositories.

DD Doh Doh
BBB likes this post
A guy was packing for a business trip and his five year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed helping her Daddy pack for his big trip.
At one point she giggled and said, “Daddy, Daddy…Look at this,” and stuck out two of her little fingers.
Trying to keep her entertained and enjoying her playful mood, he reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in his mouth and said, “Daddy’s gonna eat your fingers, nom nom nom” pretending to eat them and then went back to packing for his trip.
He couldn’t help but notice how quiet she had become and looked up to see his is daughter standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated and bewildered look on her face.
He looked at her and said, “What’s wrong, honey? Daddy was just playing. I would never really eat your fingers!” and let out a little giggle.
She replied, “I know you were just playing Daddy but what happened to my boogie?

DD Sick Sick
A very good looking man walks into a singles bar, gets a drink and has a seat. During the course of the evening he tries to chat with every single woman who walks into the bar, with no luck. Suddenly a really ugly man, and I mean R-E-A-L-L-Y ugly man walks into the bar. He sits at the bar, and within seconds he is surrounded by women. Very soon he walks out of the bar with the two of the most beautiful women you ever saw.
Disheartened by all this, the good looking man asks the barman, 'Excuse me, but that really ugly man just came in here and left with those two stunning women - what's his secret? He's as ugly as sin and I'm everything a girl could want but have not been able to connect all night - What's going on?'
'Well,' Said the Barman, 'I don't know how he does it, but he does the same thing every night. He walks in, orders a drink, and just sits there licking his eyebrows...'

DD Tongue Tongue
I came out of the toilet, did up my zip and said, "I`d give it a couple of minutes"!

The G/F said "URRGH, have you done a smelly shit??".

I said "No...... Your sister`s putting her knickers back on"...........

DD Blush Blush
A woman bought a new £100,000 jaguar car and proudly drove it off the showroom floor to take home.
Halfway home she attempted to change radio stations and saw that there appeared to be only one station.
Unimpressed, she immediately turned around and headed back to the dealer. Once at the dealership, she found her salesman and began, rather excitedly to explain that her radio was not working,and they must replace it immediately, since she only had one radio station.
The salesman calmed her down and told her that her car radio was voice -activated, and that she would only need to speak aloud the type of music that she wanted and the car would find it.
She got into the car and started the engine and then said the word "country music," and the radio changed to a station playing a Dolly Parton song.
She was satisfied and started home. After a while she decided to try out the radio and said "rock 'n' roll" the radio changed and a song by the Rolling Stones came out the speakers!, quite pleased, the woman continued driving, a few streets from her house, another driver shot through a red light causing her to slam on her brakes to avoid a collision. The woman angrily shouted, "xxxx arsehole...
The radio immediately tuned to a party political broadcast from Jeremy Corbyn. DD Angel Angel
The G/F looked at me and said "I want you to make me scream using just 2 fingers".

So I poked her in the eyes. DD Sick Sick
The guy who invented throat lozenge died last week.
There was no coffin at the funeral.

DD Whistle Whistle
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