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The Off Topic Thread
DD, You're the brightest star on this Site. You cheer us up, so when you've got rid of that hangover, keep posting. Same with you, Silver.

ps This is a Football Forum, where you'd expect to see diverse views and passion. It's nowhere nowhere near as bad as the other Forums, believe me, and generally we ain't a bad lot.

Smile Smile
drewks likes this post
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with
As a recent poster but long time guest to this site, I think it would very very sad if any contributor decided to leave because of personal comments they receive. The opinions, discussion and, of course, debate are what make the site worth logging onto and I personally don't feel any personal attacks are justified. So, DD and Silver Baggie, I agree with talkSAFT, please don't leave, keep posting and if people disagree with your views, well we can debate but not fall out. Cheers
talkSAFT, BaggieMan, drewks like this post
Just visiting.

The first rule of Alzheimers club......

You do not talk about Chess club.

DD Ghost1 Ghost1
How's the hangover, DD? Wink
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with
Most folk believe Barbara Windsor should have received a Damehood years ago for services to sexual innuendo.

It's nice to see that somebody's finally given her one.

DD Ghost1 Ghost1
Stairs likes this post
New Year`s eve forecast......

Mostly drunk with a slight chance of passing out.

DD Doh Doh
A wee tip for all my Scottish friends;

If you dig out your old 1988 calendar, you won't have to buy one for this year.

DD Laugh Laugh
BaggieSteve likes this post
An atheist was taking a walk through the woods, admiring all that the "accident of evolution" had created. "What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!", he said to himself.
As he was walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes behind. As he turned to look, he saw a 7-foot grizzly charge towards him.
He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in on him. He tried to run even faster, so scared that tears were coming to his eyes.
He looked over his shoulder again and the bear was even closer. His heart was pumping frantically as he tried to run even faster, but he tripped and fell on the ground.
He rolled over to pick himself up and saw the bear right on top of him raising his paw to kill him.
At that instant he cried out "Oh my God!" Just then, time stopped.
The bear froze, the forest was silent, the river even stopped moving.
A bright light shone upon the man, and a voice came out of the sky saying, "You deny my existence all of these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit my creation to a cosmic accident and now do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?"
The atheist, ever prideful, looked into the light and said "it would be rather hypocritical to ask to be a Christian after all these years, but could you make the bear a Christian?"
"Very well", said the voice. As the light went out, the river ran, the
sounds of the forest continued and the bear put his paw down.
The bear then brought both paws together, bowed his head and said, "Lord I thank you for this food which I am about to receive.

DD Rolleyes Rolleyes
Once upon a time, in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self assured princess happened upon a frog as she sat, contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle.
The frog hopped into the princess' lap and said "Elegant Lady, I was once a handsome prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me.
One kiss from you, however, and I will turn back into the dapper, young prince that I am and then, my sweet, we can marry and setup housekeeping in yon castle with my mother, where you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children, and forever feel grateful and happy doing so."
That night, as the princess dined sumptuously on a repast of lightly sauted frog legs seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce, she chuckled to herself and thought: "I don't f*cking think so!"

DD Cool Cool
(01-01-2016, 17:45)Dingle-Dingle Wrote: A wee tip for all my Scottish friends;

If you dig out your old 1988 calendar, you won't have to buy one for this year.

DD  Laugh  Laugh

I'm not Scottish, but I dusted down my 1988 calendar yesterday. Colin Anderson and Don Goodman look great on my wall.   Whistle
(I've got a reminder to write some more hatemail to Margaret Thatcher).
Dingle-Dingle likes this post
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with
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