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Anyone watch that documentary on Clapton last night?
Dislikeable bloke, but what a genius!
Good to see him wearing his Albion scarf. Wonder if he's given up on us (?) Saw him 40 years ago walking down Brummie Road for a night match.
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with
Yup, saw all but the last 10 or so minutes.
Always loved his style - really gets the 'less is more' thing! Great blues voice too.
Don't get the 'dislikeable' bit tho talkSaft?
I saw Clapton at the NEC a few years back now. He came on, he played, then played again and then he left. He never engaged with the audience once - miserable git.

Contrast that to Neil Young and Crazyhorse who I saw a month later. He clearly was loving it, chatted like mad, engaged the audience and rocked for over 3 hours.
talkSAFT likes this post
I can never understand spectators stupid actions in the Tour de France, waving fists in front of the riders, running alongside, and behaving like idiots. You can support your countryman/riders, without acting like a demented fool - mostly for the cameras.

Anyone agree with me or not?
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(17-07-2021, 13:09)drewks Wrote: Yup, saw all but the last 10 or so minutes.
Always loved his style - really gets the 'less is more' thing! Great blues voice too.
Don't get the 'dislikeable' bit tho talkSaft?

As I suspected, Drewksy (aka Slowhand).
I know you had a strange relationship with your mother: but you hadn't smiled for 50 years; pinched your best friend's wife; and became a junkie-alkie. Good job you're a Baggie! Whistle
drewks likes this post
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with
(17-07-2021, 14:48)Baggiebob(BBB) Wrote: I can never understand spectators stupid actions in the Tour de France, waving fists in front of the riders, running alongside, and behaving like idiots. You can support your countryman/riders, without acting like a demented fool - mostly for the cameras.

Anyone agree with me or not?

Agree totally BBB. How or why the spectators don't cause more accidents I don't know.

And yet that woman who caused a severe pile up early on isn't going to be prosecuted even tho they have managed to identify her.

Beggars belief Angry
Some days I'm top dog, most days I'm just the lamp post.
Looking to sell my Delorean.
Nice shape, low mileage.
Only driven from time to time.

DD Dodgy Dodgy
I remember my last job interview.

The HR woman said "Can you perform under pressure"?

I replied "No, but I`ll give Bohemian Rhapsody a go".

DD Rolleyes Rolleyes
I woke up this morning determined to drink less, eat right and exercise more......

But that was 4 hours ago, when I was younger and full of hope.

DD Thumb up Thumb up
Just been past the medical center and there is a sign out side that reads...

"Covid 19 testing in the rear".

And I thought it was a nasal swab.......

DD Sick Sick
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