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Freedom Day
To be fair Jim he was photographed at Wembley for the match before
Any way 90 % of adults now antibodies
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

With all that going on in pubs etc with no masks, we still have to wear masks in church and are not allowed to sing.
But when it's Café Church, we can sit baht masks because we've got a cup of tea.
There's no sense to any of it.
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
(07-07-2021, 17:40)hibeejim21 Wrote: Starmer looks like his image was superimposed on that picture  Laugh

I don't even know for sure which one is Starmer!! If its the guy on the left, then the best thing about this photo is the longing and loving gaze the woman opposite is giving him!! You could turn that book into a Mills & Boone novel or a Murder, Mystery depending on her state of mind!!

(07-07-2021, 18:06)Lord Snooty Wrote: With all that going on in pubs etc with no masks, we still have to wear masks in church and are not allowed to sing.
But when it's Café Church, we can sit baht masks because we've got a cup of tea.
There's no sense to any of it.

I get the singing one, but not the rest. The problem we have is everything we have done through this pandemic has been reactionary, simply because we didn't know what to expect or what would happen next. We were advised over here early on to not wear masks, but this was the advice based on not being able to get PPE for healthcare workers due to everyone buying it, so the CDC prioritized the nurses and doctors simply because they knew if it was rampant amongst them then the rest of us had no chance!!

We opened up on June 15th here is California but in reality we never really shutdown after the first lockdown in April 2020. Our restaurants didn't close at all, they just moved outside and cities were quick to pass laws to allow restaurants to set up on sidewalks, car parks or in the road itself. Bars closed, but if you were serving food you were allowed to open outdoors. Of course we have the weather to do this all year, most states don't and there you did see restaurants closed.

Since opening up masks are now no longer mandatory as they were if you are fully vaccinated. Masks are still required if you haven't taken the jab but its an honor system so who knows who is abiding by these rules. Shops etc can impose their own rules as they see fit but most are simply applying the State rules anyway.

There is a sort of belief here now that if you haven't had the vaccine then you are on your own, its your risk to take. The Government has recognized that some people will simply never get it due to politics and the difference is numbers between red and blue states is startling!! Missouri has a surge going on due to the Delta variant and the fact they are only 30% vaccinated, Mississippi is only 29% whereas California is approaching 60% and Vermont is approaching 70%. Most states with high vaccine rates are not seeing a rise in cases, the ones without it are seeing a rise. The vaccine is probably the best protection we have but for some that might as well be like signing a deal with the devil!!
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post
(07-07-2021, 18:04)themaclad Wrote: To be fair Jim he was photographed at Wembley for the match before
Any way 90 % of adults now antibodies

He is trying to achieve herd immunity in the remaining unvaccinated population without full vaccination.

Whatever way you want to dress that up its reckless.
(07-07-2021, 18:31)hibeejim21 Wrote:
(07-07-2021, 18:04)themaclad Wrote: To be fair Jim he was photographed at Wembley for the match before
Any way 90 % of adults now antibodies

He is trying to achieve herd immunity in the remaining unvaccinated population without full vaccination.

Whatever way you want to dress that up its reckless.

Its not that different to what Biden and the individual states are doing over here. At some point there has to be a benefit to getting the vaccine, and for most that is the ability to shop, go out and get back to some normality without a mask. There is no way that we will reach herd immunity over here by vaccine alone, especially in red states, so antibodies do become another way to help stop the spread. If that makes some people feel unsafe then they should continue to socially distance and wear a mask when they feel its needed but I live in a state with over 60% vaccinated and a county that is now over 70% and surely its time to open up and let people make their own decisions while making sure they have all the facts.
(06-07-2021, 14:17)Amelia Chaffinch Wrote: Just wondering how you feel about the lifting of all restrictions in England on the 19th July?

With rising cases even with some restrictions still in place, albeit with less deaths, I'm sure they'll rocket when Freedom Day comes round.

As someone who had to shield and then decided to retire in August (as I worked as a Pharmacy Dispenser, I felt I would always be at risk at work), I'll admit I'm scared about it. Of course, I'd like to return to normality but what is the point of what I did last year if I throw myself back in?! 

I can't see that I'll go without a mask in public places and a full stadium worries me, not that we're likely to see that at our ground; for one thing, the underachievements of the last couple of seasons has dissuaded many from renewing! Added to that, like a lot of people nationwide, jobs have been lost and some people won't have the money to renew.

I am supposed to be going on a hen party on the 31st July. I'm not sure now. Whilst I have been going to coffee shops and garden centres, I haven't been in a pub. You just know that sense goes out of the window when booze is involved. I was taking a little confidence from the fact we were likely to have table service but I expect that will disappear on this "magical all is now ok with the world" Freedom Day. I suspect I'll be sending my apologies and back out.

Your thoughts on our brave new world?

Lifting all the restrictions all at one go on the 19th July isn't a good idea, it should be done in stages and the data should be monitored closely. Not everyone has had 2 vaccines, some have had 1 vaccine or none at all. The idea of getting rid of masks and the 2m social distancing rule is stupid and it should be one or the other instead of both, it's probably a better idea to do away with the 2m social distancing rule and encourage people to wear masks. Since the pandemic we've gone 1 step forward and then 2 steps back.
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More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Went into the local Morrison's the Security guard a big lad who if he beat you up you would happily thank him for it, was wandering around unmasked, the irony of it is I'm going down with a cold
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

1200 scientists around the World are saying that Boris Johnson's covid policy poses a danger to the rest of the World. Countries round the globe are banning Brits from entering countries.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
The last time we reported over 50,000 #Covid19 cases was 15 Jan.

The same day we reported 1,280 deaths.

Today over 50,000 cases and 49 deaths.


If you notice it happened with Brexit remember the day before most of the major debates in Parliament the Doom Mongers were out in force the same has happened here every week before an announcement the negative headlines ramp up as for the 1200 Scientists I bet they could easily find 1200 Scientists who would come to a different conclusion

During the last 18 months the Media has been abysmal, trying to ramp up the scares stories

You only have to look at the WHO especially at the begining, changed from day to day, a lot of people who want restrictions are those who can work from home furlough stops shortly it won't be extended,

You do what you wish is best for you

The R rate has also dropped
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

The worrying data that makes me stop and think is that 51% of over-50s who have already had Covid in the first wave have developed new illnesses and even 37% of Covid cases in their 30s have done the same. No doubt Boris isn't too worried about this as he is only looking at current Covid data. He obviously doesn't care about pressure on the NHS, only about the economic effect on his business pals. It would be good to think that Sajid is interested. I'm not holding my breath as I might need non-existent hospital care.
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