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(08-11-2020, 01:00)hibeejim21 Wrote: "Mr Biden - a quick word for the BBC?"

'BBC?...I'm Irish (smiles and walks past)

He immediately went up in my estimation.

He said that as a joke and it upset the Brexiteers and Farage. The Tories and the right wingers in this country all backed the wrong horse.

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(09-11-2020, 23:49)spireitematt Wrote:
(08-11-2020, 01:00)hibeejim21 Wrote: "Mr Biden - a quick word for the BBC?"

'BBC?...I'm Irish (smiles and walks past)

He immediately went up in my estimation.

He said that as a joke and it upset the Brexiteers and Farage. The Tories and the right wingers in this country all backed the wrong horse.

I know he was joking. He seriously doesn't like Boris though, and by all accounts the Vice President dislikes him even more. Probably compounded by the idiotic comments of that ulster unionist lord today.

First of all, this clown with the silly titled name, deemed to him by another silly outdated Royal Honours' system, has past history re this kinda shit and he will never change even if he was kicked out of his nice little privileged existence as a member of the HofL. This is precisely the sort of unacceptable type of toffee-nosed shameless unionist behaviour that I wanna see "kicked into touch" once and for all up here in Scotland (yep, we have a number of these shameless unionist c#### up here as well and we despise them!!) and the way to do it is to push for self-determination sooner rather than later. I think Joe Biden just needs to discreetly watch and listen to how many f####### RW political lunatics are resident in the UK now and start toting up the shit comments that these morons will keep uttering against him and his close associates like Harris. It will be a big list and there will hopefully be a "big price" to pay for these unnecessary, insidious remarks. Just "keep your powder dry" until the right time Joe but lets opt for an eventual tough-discreet response!
hibeejim21 likes this post
(09-11-2020, 21:57)theo_luddite Wrote: Gobshite Farage was on the Radio again this afternoon - giving his version of how to run an election. Doh

Claimed a box of votes were delivered 2 hours after the counting had started in Philly. Well hello - how far did they have to travel from where they were collected to where they were counted you thick pillock? There's many an election box of votes that turns up at a counting station here hours after they start the count.

He was also getting on the case of postal votes, over here and over there. These would be the same postal votes that have allowed me to vote for the last 5-6 years or more when I wasn't able to vote in person since I was 20 something as I was always on the road on business.

I don't understand why the earth allows him to breathe our precious oxygen let alone why the BBC give him the oxygen to spread his BS to be honest. I guess it's called free speech but quite honestly, Alastair Campbell wasn't on the ball quick enough to call out some of his crap. Just had my interweb changed this afternoon so didn't hear what Jeremy Whines listeners had to say about him.

He's absolute poison Theo. For years he has had huge press coverage to tell constant lies and misinformation about the EU, and about europeans and its been lapped up mostly without question. He's doing the same now with the postal votes.

Brexit was designed by the Brexiteers to be good news for a small cabal of Poshos and Right wing billionaires - they never thought it would be good for Britain as a whole and they never intended it to be: it never could have been either, as everyone with any knowledge of the subject has pointed out.

Unfortunately it needed someone like Farage to front it because the only way it could fly with the plebs in England was if it was fronted by someone playing the race card, and the yellow teethed populist is adept at that.

Whats left now ? Well the EU will happily help U-turn Bojo claim a victory on a deal.... with some formulation..... and provided he accepts reality.
0762 likes this post
I notice that certain Republican senators in Georgia are trying to force the Republican Sec of State to resign, the REASON BEING THAT HE ADMINISTERED THE ELECTION COUNT IN GEORGIA!!!??? I call this playing Trump politics and trying to find a scapegoat. Of course, Georgia is the subject of Senate votes - more to the pt, impress the Trump voting base in Georgia and self-interest abounds as usual! Meanwhile Trump refusing to follow proper political protocol and cooperate in a smooth transition of power to Joe Biden et al. What an absolute disgrace watching Republicans like McConnell and others backing Trump's intransigence/crass behaviour even though they clearly have their own political interests plus Fox News still disgracefully "stoking up" the politics of hate by endorsing Trump's false fraud claims! Thumb down I want Uncle Joe to eventually initiate a full investigation of Trump's past dealings in the really shady aspects of his presidency incl the Russia scandal - there is much more to this story than meets the eye and I believe Trump could be jailed for some of this stuff! The criminality just hasn't been fully exposed yet.
Russian business props up or has bailed out most of his failing businesses. He's on record in the run up to the last election saying they are fine people to deal with - then he's tried to prove dealings with Russia as a reason to sack everyone or sue everyone that's been near him or agin him since he was elected. I hesitate to call him a two faced bastard because he's got far more faces than two.
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[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.

Johnson won't do this although he really should be condemning this bullshit incl the last comment by Trump's sidekick, Mike Pompeo, who appeared to be semi-decent compared with some of the previous "nut jobs" who surrounded the President. Then Pompeo utters the most astounding statement re Trump carrying on his new term of office - all credibility lost in the space of a number of secs and the guy wasn't joking with this stupid statement of support for his toppled boss - another moron exposed and one has to question this man's intelligence that appears to be obscured by some form of fanaticism that IMO resembles an element of extreme cult behaviour. As for Johnson's non-committed stance, he and his cohorts are part of this "nest of populist vipers" who are now in a vulnerable state that they never ever thought was possible months ago - boyyyyyy, do they deserve this retribution and more!!
(12-11-2020, 00:57)0762 Wrote:

Johnson won't do this although he really should be condemning this bullshit incl the last comment by Trump's sidekick, Mike Pompeo, who appeared to be semi-decent compared with some of the previous "nut jobs" who surrounded the President. Then Pompeo utters the most astounding statement re Trump carrying on his new term of office - all credibility lost in the space of a number of secs and the guy wasn't joking with this stupid statement of support for his toppled boss - another moron exposed and one has to question this man's intelligence that appears to be obscured by some form of fanaticism that IMO resembles an element of extreme cult behaviour.  As for Johnson's non-committed stance, he and his cohorts are part of this "nest of populist vipers" who are now in a vulnerable state that they never ever thought was possible months ago - boyyyyyy, do they deserve this retribution and more!!

I disagree, no foreign leader should be getting involved in the legal shenanigans currently going on over here. Its not good diplomacy to insert yourself into others internal matters, foreign leaders have all done the right thing in congratulating Biden on his victory and that they look forward to working with the new administration. No other European leaders have said anything other than the usual congratulations and looking forward to working with them. After all, how was it perceived in Scotland when Obama weighed in with his opinion during the independence referendum?

Mike Pompeo is a Trump puppet of the highest order!! The benefit he has had is his job means he doesn't have to say shit that appeals to the base back at home and he can focus on the US foreign policy message instead, and this even in this administration is a little more diplomatic that the rhetoric we see from Trump when he rallies his right wing base. Lets not forget though that Pompeo was at the forefront of the Jerusalem as capital statement and has been a big friend to the Saudis as well.
I must say I'm more interested in the eventual retribution than Johnson getting involved in the legal shenanigans, the reason being I despise Johnson and his shameless band of Brexit backers with a passion. Great to hear Cummings on his way "oot the door" but it would be great to see them all "shown the door".
Meanwhile, more great news for Joe Biden with the announcement that Arizona has been won - another "nail in the coffin" of the Trump campaign to try and overturn the election.

I wondered what mischief Trump and his faithful RW fascist saboteurs would "get up to" next and, hey presto, he pardons the lying Michael Flynn who IMO should still rightly remain incarcerated. An immediate retort from the US House Speaker says it all - "This is just another indicator of corruption at the highest level of governance and an abuse of power". What next will this corrupt bastard of a President "pull" during the final weeks/death throes of his tarnished presidency? Can he pardon himself and denigrate the whole political process that is entrusted on a US President to do things honorably/wisely? I must say I'm "chomping at the bit" to see this shameless shit eventually trialed, convicted and jailed for crimes that he has indeed committed as well and done them with impunity and total disregard for the "rule of law".
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