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Trump Watch activated!
Was an absolute stick on this clown would try and lever a conflict with Iran when the chips are down.

No tears for the arsehole who got hit here, but that doesn't detract from the fact that this was an incredibly reckless thing to do. Iran will certainly retaliate.

Iraq is a complete xxxx mess, america has got the oil but the place is a hotbed for radical islam and worldwide terrorism.

Trump's desperation at home is making him even more of a liability.
0762 likes this post
I still think Iran will play "cute" re this issue and carry out proxy attacks against a consistently antagonistic enemy ever since Obama's policy of diplomacy was reversed by Trump. I reckon Iran will also try to "take out" a top US military official at some point - patience is a virtue and timing is crucial to do it properly. Also remember that Iran's main allies are the "top players", namely China and Russia. I recall that the US wiped out a group of Russian military personnel in N Syria not so long ago (plus disgracefully "threw the Kurds under a bus" to favour another RW loon ball named Erdogan!!) and I'd imagine Putin and co wouldn't be averse to accommodate an element of "payback" to a President who clearly "didn't want to get involved in the Middle East turmoil any more" (quote) but suddenly changed tact for obvious reasons - the hypocrisy is breathtaking but one must take into account the mental state that is self-evident in Trump's irrational behaviour and demeanour!! Another nutty "big mouth" with a massive ego prob!! Political historians will not be kind to this moron of a US President together with his sycophantic, obliging administrations that keep changing as fast as the weather lol!!

If only Trump and his Administration hadn’t spent the past 3 years damaging the relationship the U.S. has with its European allies....
And today the British govt defends the right of the USA to make this strike - AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Thumb down The British lap dog gives its usual f###### nodding dog response!!! Shades of Blair all over again and these war-mongering shit heid erseholes never disappear from our society and never seem to learn from past shameless historical events!!!!! Is it deliberate incitement???? F####### right it is and the ultimate casualties at some pt will likely be British citizens - mere collateral damage in a bigger game of RW populist politics where these people have no regard for the casualties of their actions and will come out with the usual insincere sympathetic and shocked responses while they are the instigators with a set agenda alongside good buddy Trump!!!!! FFS!!!! Thumb down We've hardly entered the year 2020 - F###### BASTARDS!!
Lastly, read the US vilification of cautious Euro govts - Pompeo's comments/arguments are so "full of holes" that they should tell him to f### off and "get a life" rather than flagrantly destroying it and trying to destabilise an already unsettled region of the Middle East!!!! And his reference to his Middle Eastern partners?????/ Saudi Arabia, the State of Israel and the UAE FFS!!!!!?? This is one huge conspiracy full of criminality and it looks like the British gov is about to join them!!!!!!! I despair at the lack of pragmatism and wisdom!!! Thumb down
Breaking news and the Iraqi Parliament votes in favour of a resolution to evict foreign (US) troops from Iraq - to be phased in asap! Also in other regions of the Middle East the US presence is again vilified and moves being made to remove or target US military personnel - A CASE OF GET OUT OF OUR COUNTYRY JOHNNY FOREIGNER - YOU ARE NOT WELCOME!!! I think Trump and his RW criminals in the White House absolutely underestimated the high regard that Gen Soleimani had accorded to him through much of the ME region and the response to this ill thought out assassination is actually no surprise and will be proved to be a massive error with the sad loss of many innocent lives ultimately the end result of such folly. We'll see how the "global bully" responds eh!!! I'm sure more US troops will be sent to bolster the current "Johnny foreigner" presence that Trump was previously so willing to minimise in the ME and Afghanistan where the indigenous anti US combatants are historically accustomed to fighting such a common enemy for decades. Lastly, IMO the idea of drone assassinations that the USA deploys, and has been using for a good number of years, reminds me of sci-fi movie scenes from the likes of the Terminator and I still find this type of killing as having an element of cowardly criminality attached to it with a huge number of innocent people also having lost their lives while their American murderers classify them as "collateral damage" - absolutely shocking and unacceptable and many of these people should not be allowed to "get away with it" under such a pretext!! We currently live in a world full of hypocrites and double standards!!! Thumb down
Here is a quote by Trump in 2011 re Obama: Obama will start a WAR with IRAN to get re-elected! Mark my words! VERY BAD!  Barrack Obama didn't need to start a war anyway and was duly re-elected as US President!!!!! Obama is a "jewel in the crown" compared with this dangerous lunatic who is clearly not a normal person with no respect for anyone bar himself!! Quote by Trump's spokesperson, Pompeou, last night - "This action is part of a strategic plan to establish peace in the Middle East"??????????? These US govt people and Trump are so impudent and shameless, the sooner they are removed from the White House, the better!! Then establish another Presidential administration that is a proper, accountable one that needs to "build bridges" (not walls!!!) and start following far more pragmatic, diplomatic policies than what we have been observing for such a long time from a US President who is clearly "out of his depth" and is a criminal, a gangster who is abusing his power, hence the impeachment!!!
Johnson will have to (at best) tacitly endorse the orange shitgibbon, or (at worse) drag us into a war with Iran. The latter is what I have feared for a while now.

Why ? Because Brexit has boxed the moron bojo in and turned us into a lapdog for another populist fascist.
I personally don't think there will be a war v Iran mainly because Trump does not wanna go that far plus he is in an election year in which I really fear he is bizarrely gonna see a second term unless the Dems "get their finger out" re their choice of candidate - it does not look good - lotsa old white men with money vying to be a US President, no "shining beacon", I despair!! But he'd like an attack of some sort that suits his politics and his "tough response" would, in his eyes and those of his cohorts, reel in the "stoopId vote" again AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!
ritchiebaby likes this post
As 0762 mentions in a previous post, Trump is a bully. He looks like one, talks like one and acts like one, therefore there is a good chance he is one. It's his "modus operandi".
Cabbage is still good for you
Iran launch rocket attacks on US bases in Iraq.

Iran’s Tasnim news agency is now quoting Iranian officials warning that if the US retaliates against these strikes in Iraq, Hezbollah will fire rockets at Israel — a threat to widen the conflict and bring Iran’s regional allies into play.
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