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Trump Watch activated!
(13-09-2019, 01:21)0762 Wrote: Sensational news - US Congress to investigate Trump at last with a view to moving towards impeachment of another US President!! I wish them well on this move by these Democrats and hope they succeed!! Thumb up

Terrible move by the Democrats in my opinion!! This is a no win battle that will fall in the Senate if it ever gets that far and in the process it will likely invigorate the Republican support for Trump as we head towards the election next year!! The Democrats need to focus all their energy on the election next year, this is the only way to defeat the ego that Trump has, getting him on a “technicality” will just make him stronger and make the Democrats look petty in their hatred for him.
Trump....making America great to laugh at again.
I'm hoping the Democrats actually have more on Trump than a mere technicality and that Robert Mueller has kept one "big rabbit in the bag" for this very purpose! One can only "live in hope" that Trump, one of the most evil US Presidents in living memory and an absolute "bad dream", is finally impeached and given his "just desserts" before ever contesting a US election that he should be nowhere near in a country like the USA! One nightmare term of office was more than enough TBF!!
I can't help thinking that if Mueller had anything concrete on him then it would have been part of his report. As it wasn't it will be laid open to ridicule and collusion with the Dems. But still the overriding aspect of this is that the Republicans hold a significant majority in the Senate and without the support of that Chamber this will simply die no matter what happens in the House.

I get the symbolism of taking this action but it won't make him any more or less popular than he already is.
Yep! If that is indeed the case then "channel all their energies" towards defeating Trump once and for all. IMO there is so much "ammunition" against this dishonourable con man that the Dems would be wise to find the biggest and most effective "spin doctor" who they can afford and use him/her to "shoot him down"!! Bring back Bernie Sanders or similar? Because at the moment the traditionalist approach of picking certain favoured candidates has been IMO very unimpressive. Also the Democrats must move away from the four Democratic Congresswomen, Cortez, Tlaib, Pressley and Ilhan Omar. They must "take a back seat" and be removed from the "firing line" of this poisonous bastard and his cronies for obvious reasons - it is a sad reflection of the political situation in the US but they are clearly fighting against fascists with a fascist agenda and extreme antagonism to match up to it.
St Charles Owl likes this post
Assuming the facts are as presented by the committee yesterday, the big crime isn’t that he did this for his own personal gain, bigger than this is that he actively worked against America’s strategic military interest.

That money was voted through by Congress because it was a strategic military imperative that Ukraine were strong enough to repel Russian advances in the area. It was part of a wide ranging containment of Russia and Iran plan.

Think on that, a whole country decides politically to do something that is seen as militarily strategic to it’s interest an individual ( President or not ) decides to stall this for their own personal gain.

For the first time I'm starting to believe this xxxx could end up in prison.
Based on Trump's own polling info, it looks like Trump would be down to Joe Biden by 16 pts (no real surprise there) and Bernie Sanders would lead him by a lesser 8 pts. Hence, what does any resident fascist do when his presidential status is threatened? Yep, he has already tried to do it illegally and now he is facing a serious impeachment charge. Also god bless that whistleblower who "spilled the beans" although apparently being implicitly "threatened" by this fascist US President. I just hope Pelossi and the Dems "pull it off"!
Now that the Turkish invasion of northern Syria is well underway, after just one phone call between Trump and Erdogan, I'm just listening to Trump's most recent disparaging comment re the Kurds who were allied to US forces in ops against ISIS - "The Kurds didn't help us in the 2nd World War and they didn't help us with Normandy"?????? Ehhhhhhhhh????? No surprise that lotsa US military people and Republicans, as well as Democrats, consequently going apoplectic at Trump "throwing the Kurds under a bus"!! This whole story "beggars belief" and again I question the sanity of this man and clearly a huge lack of true statesmanship!!
Listening to the US Vice President, Mike Pence, issuing a statement re US sanctions to stop the Turkish invasion, it remind me of someone trying to use a sticking plaster to stop the bleeding on a ruptured artery - TRUMP HAS "LET THE GENIE OUT OF THE BOTTLE" AND PENCE KNOWS IT!!

This is an interesting development in the Ukrainegate scandal and some more damning evidence against the "trumpet man" provided by a top US Diplomat. Is the "noose finally tightening around this president's neck"? The Dems seem to think so and I hope they finally "get their man", another demagogue who normally thrives on the process of "scapegoating" certain people but this time the roles may well be ironically reversed and his underhand technique to try and expose/ruin the prospects of a political opponent has been revealed!!
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