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Trump Watch activated!
The man is clearly bored and hyper! What an embarrassment when one compares this clown with his predecessor, Barrack Obama.
So Trump is trying to politically "leg up" a criminal called Netanyahu!! And the Golan Heights are an "occupied territory"!!! Nuts!!

So the Mueller investigation has been completed! So what next Robert Mueller? Can Trump be impeached at last??? When??
Don't hold your breath!

Thing is as you point out above, post Brexit UK will be lined right up alongside Netanyahu and trump.
A scary scenario and even more reason for Nicola to finally "get up off her erse" and rally the Scottish independence movement to gather momentum and push on on for full governance of our own country - far superior to anything that these shameless Unionist clowns could ever attain!!
Attorney General Barr has written a summary of the Special Counsel’s report. His summary says that the Special Counsel found that no member of the Trump Campaign or associates criminally conspired or coordinated with Russia in their effort. Regarding Obstruction of Justice, the Special Counsel did not draw a conclusion. The report sets out evidence on both sides of the issue and leaves unresolved what the Special Counsel views as difficult issues of law and fact. The report does not conclude that the President committed a federal crime and it does not exonerate him either.

Honestly I’m not not surprised. We’ve seen public evidence of attempted collusion with the Trump Tower meeting, Paul Manafort giving internal polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, Roger Stone’s communications with WikiLeaks and Guccifer 2.0 but none of that rises to Criminal Conspiracy. With obstruction there has to be evidence and corrupt intent so again difficult to prove. With Trump it hasn’t been like when Bill Clinton perjured himself by lying to a Grand Jury which showed intent to obstruct. It’s all been rather hit and miss with the man-child.

I do want to see the full report or as much of it that can be publicly released because that way we’ll know 100%. Let’s also see what the other countless investigations are going to find, in particular SDNY.
Yep! This report is initially disappointing and one can only hope there is other more damning info/evidence that will finally bring down this corrupt and dangerous US President.
The Democrats have a tough choice to make now - do they keep pursuing Trump about Russian collusion or do they let is go and start focusing on beating him at the next election?? I think the bulk of Americans are mentally done with the whole Mueller report issue, especially as it found no evidence of collusion and if the Dems continue to push it I think they could well lose the PR battle as it will look more and more partisan to keep pushing it. The American public are far more concerned about the economy, healthcare, education and border security/immigration, these are issues that can win votes, I’m not sure the Russian question is a vote winner anymore and more likely its a vote loser. The Dems need to beat him at the voting booths, that will hurt him the most and at the moment I still think there is a good chance he might just win again, so its time to stop messing about and get serious about finding a candidate who can beat him.
(26-03-2019, 00:48)St Charles Owl Wrote: The Democrats have a tough choice to make now - do they keep pursuing Trump about Russian collusion or do they let is go and start focusing on beating him at the next election??  I think the bulk of Americans are mentally done with the whole Mueller report issue, especially as it found no evidence of collusion and if the Dems continue to push it I think they could well lose the PR battle as it will look more and more partisan to keep pushing it.  The American public are far more concerned about the economy, healthcare, education and border security/immigration, these are issues that can win votes, I’m not sure the Russian question is a vote winner anymore and more likely its a vote loser.  The Dems need to beat him at the voting booths, that will hurt him the most and at the moment I still think there is a good chance he might just win again, so its time to stop messing about and get serious about finding a candidate who can beat him.

You make a good point there and I can see both sides, Personally I think if the democrats are smart they'll push for that release of the papers, continue on with the other investigations. Highlight what the report was unequivocal on which was Russian interference and then highlight that his administration is doing absolutely nothing about that. I think the democrats should keep needling him on that score.

Then again the latest deficit figures have been released and they're horrific. Larger than anything a Democratic administration has managed and in general the american people and the nation got xxxx all to show for it. Maybe its time for the democrats to get to start making the American people wake up to the consequences of that.
I see that a whistleblower has come forward to say that 25 people were given security clearances even though their applications were rejected for serious reasons. Senior Administration Officials were responsible for the overturning of the rejections.

The former personnel security director has been subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee to testify. His lawyer has said that he has been open to testifying anyway.
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