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Trump Watch activated!
More revelations on Paul Manafort just "tightens the noose" a bit more!!
If true, Paul Manafort sharing polling data with Konstantin Kilimnik is a big deal. A big question has always been how did the Russians know which areas of the country to focus their misinformation on? How did they know which districts were pro-Trump who could be brought in deeper into the Trump phenomenon and which districts were pro-Clinton who could be dissuaded by false news to flip them to Trump or Independent? After all, the entire plan was to help get Trump elected. Kilimnik is/was tied to Russian Intelligence and was still so in 2016 so him being given polling data is big in trying to understand how the Russians worked their pro-Trump efforts.

The two big questions from this are:

1) Did Candidate Trump or anyone else on the Campaign know about this? (Manafort's deputy Rick Gates seemingly did based on reporting)

2) What did Kilimnik do with the polling data? Did he pass it onto Russian Intelligence or to someone close to the Kremlin who could then pass it along or up the chain?

Anyway here is the New York Times' in-depth article about it -
0762 and Devongone like this post
Rudy Giuliani strikes again.

That fast food/cold food banquet he laid on at the whitehouse....

There are not enough Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh

....In the world to cover it.

That orange arsehole with the dilated pupils, struggling to read his auto cue and sniffing like someone on all night powderfest is the president of the US !!!!

Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh
0762 likes this post
Aye! I watched this charade and how embarrassing eh! Compare with the previous articulate President Obama and it really is "night and day" of a difference.
That speech he gave the other day was straight out of a 1930’s xxxx playbook. Pretty much near word for word and certainly emotionaly bang on, just substitute Jew for Illegal Alien and you’re there.

He's terrifying.

If true, that is more evidence of Obstruction of Justice and possible Subornation of Perjury (depends on whether Cohen was under oath when he lied to Congress) committed by the President of the United Statew.
Listening to a former FBI associate of Robert Mueller and he compares the infighting within the Trump team to that of the inner strife of a Mafia organisation as Mueller is gradually getting closer to this corrupt US President.
" I never worked for Russia"

Liar,liar.....just follow the money.
This latest story on CNN Business is intriguing in the extreme and could be a "game changer" if proved to be correct!
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