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Trump Watch activated!
I’d love to see Trump lose in 2020 to Kamala Harris. A strong, black woman who is a former Attorney General would be a real humbling defeat for Trump and his supporters.

I also love that two Muslim women and two Native American women have been elected to the House. I bet Trump supporter’s heads exploded watching that happen.

Jeff Sessions is out as Attorney General.
0762 likes this post
She would be an intriguing opponent for Trump and of course one can only ponder what political state he'll be in when that election time arises. One significant common message coming out of most US states is the fact that Trump's extreme behaviour has engendered a great dislike of the guy - only natural and no surprise there.
CNN’s Jim Acosta has had his press pass pulled and Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has shared a doctored video of Acosta forcefully touching an intern’s arm during yesterday’s press conference. The actual footage shown live on C-Span shows Acosta put his hand on the intern’s arm without force and then takes it off and apologises.

The people who scream fake news are spreading fake news. Who’d have thought that could happen? Doh
0762 and hibeejim21 like this post
Did you watch Trump's post election press conference? Wowwwww! Look at the whites of Trump's eyes - a squirrel "caught in the headlights"! His treatment of that CNN guy was nothing short of disgraceful and calling that other press woman a "racist" - look at her colour you arsehole and listen properly to her question!!!! Another unprecedented moment from this US President and clearly could not hide his "panic attack"! Shocking and totally unacceptable!
(08-11-2018, 15:09)0762 Wrote: Did you watch Trump's post election press conference? Wowwwww! Look at the whites of Trump's eyes - a squirrel "caught in the headlights"! His treatment of that CNN guy was nothing short of disgraceful and calling that other press woman a "racist" - look at her colour you arsehole and listen properly to her question!!!! Another unprecedented moment from this US President and clearly could not hide his "panic attack"! Shocking and totally unacceptable!

And yet once again the lemmings who support him are lapping it up!!!!
Trump lied publicly. Who’d have guessed that. Doh
Putin spotted giving trump the thumbs up on armistice day.
Aye! I watched that piece of Putin "friendliness" in the coverage of Armistice Day in Paris! I'll bet that "raised a few eyebrows" and I wonder what Robert Mueller made of it.
(12-11-2018, 11:36)hibeejim21 Wrote: Putin spotted giving trump the thumbs up on armistice day.

This is a well known Russain greeting for ' have you read your e~mails today .? ' Huh
Indictments are expected to be announced by the Special Counsel’s office this afternoon. Jerome Corsi is probably going to be indicted for making false statements, maybe perjury. Roger Stone and Donald Trump Junior could also be in trouble as well but we’ll have to wait and see.

The Guardian have also published this this evening:
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