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Jan 03: WBA 2018/19 Transfer Window
Blimey! Give Darren a chance.
Any new Albion players will soon be thinking "Wish I'd never come. What drew me here were the reports that the fans got 100% behind the Team", etc.
Get right behind the Club, like we did with Pulis and Partridge UNTIL we realised they were not up to it and treated us without any respect.
There's not THAT much to coaching, which you can't learn with a few months analysis of formations and getting the best organisation of the players you have. Other than that, Big Dave has ALREADY shown great man-management ability, so we shouldn't judge a team of strangers on one performance.

(In words of Theodore Roosevelt):-
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Stirring words, and I'm certain Big Dave has those aspects to his character, and will instill them in his players.
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Start every day off with a smile and get it over with
Now I appriciate I am not privy to the wheeling and dealings carried out by the inner circle but I really hope the reported terms of this loan deal with Rondon and Gayle are not correct, a straight 'loan' swap for one season with us receiving a £2 million loan fee.  If that is it, someone wants their head looking.

Remember Rondon only has one year left on his contract, so after the one year swap deal Rondon will be out of contract with us and free to move anywhere for FREE!!!  Where is the logic in that?

If he is going to be sold, sell him now while he has some value or at least get him to sign a new contract before the loan.  Just loan swapping him for Gayle, for one season then losing Rondon on a free, is ridiculous, Rondon is IMO a better 'all round' player than Gayle, so to give him away to Newcastle for £2 mil, plus the loan of Gayle for a season, I think my 7 years old grandson could negotiate a better deal than that.

(EDIT) Just been reading that we still have a further year extension on Rondon, at the clubs discretion which could technically be added to his contract, if I have read the report correctly, it was a little vague.
Several posters appear to be suggesting Rondon didn't want to play for us anymore - I'm sorry but that is absolute rubbish. He loved the place and the fans.
I'm at a loss as to why we sold/loan him. Who gets rid of the most valued player via a loan? Can anyone on here advise me.
(06-08-2018, 17:57)Phil Penn Wrote: Several posters appear to be suggesting Rondon didn't want to play for us anymore - I'm sorry but that is absolute rubbish. He loved the place and the fans.
I'm at a loss as to why we sold/loan him. Who gets rid of the most valued player via a loan? Can anyone on here advise me.

Again I`m in agreement, and in the process we now have a player who does not want to be here. DD Angry Angry
(06-08-2018, 17:57)Phil Penn Wrote: Several posters appear to be suggesting Rondon didn't want to play for us anymore - I'm sorry but that is absolute rubbish. He loved the place and the fans.
I'm at a loss as to why we sold/loan him. Who gets rid of the most valued player via a loan? Can anyone on here advise me.

It’s a way of getting him off the wage book without losing him permanently. It means Rondon stays in the Prem playing for a good side and then if we achieve promotion, we have a Prem quality striker coming back who already knows the club and has been settled here without having to spend £15-20 million.
I am quite happy with the swap deal, we have a player that has proved himself to be a regular scorer in the championship. Rondon, although he works hard and holds the ball up well has not proved to be a regular scorer in England (granted that most of his games were in the defensive Pulis/Pardew era).

I believe we are still a striker short along with a central midfielder, right back and centre back....more if Gibbs/Dawson/Chadli/Hegazi leave. I am disappointed with the start of the season and want any replacements to be experienced championship players. I would love to see Ryan Wood from Brentford but think we have lost him to Swansea.

Still optimistic for the season but we need to be patient and give Big Dave time to get his team to gel and to be playing how he wants them to play. He is an inexperienced manager and will make mistakes along the way....let's not get on his back after one game!!
Josh, that's a good positive answer. How do you stay optimistic Sir?
It's a cost saving then, doesn't make me any happier.

Phil, I wouldn’t really call myself optimistic. I don’t think this season will be a massive success in terms of expectations but I think we’ll be ok and get into the play-offs.
Dwight Gayle is a brilliant finisher and he'll do great if we give him chances, could easily score 20/25 in the right side, honestly surprised that so many people see this signing as a bad thing. Whether we'll have a system to get the most out of him obviously remains to be seen but I think there's room for cautious optimism.
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