20-07-2017, 23:17
A bloke owned a three legged greyhound and one day was walking him in the park when he noticed something unusual under a hedge. He picked it up and found that he had a lamp. He gave it a quick polish just in case and out popped a genie.
“Oh hello” said the genie “I suppose that you want a wish”
“Yes” said the bloke, “can you fix it for my dog to win all six races at tomorrow nights greyhound meeting.”
“They are bound to put stupid odds on it because he’s only got three legs and I can put all my life savings on it and win an absolute fortune”.
The genie looked doubtful and said “ I dunno a three legged dog winning races is bound to have someone suspecting divine intervention, cant you think of anything else.”
“Well” said the bloke, “I’m a Wolves fan, can you fix it so that we win the Championship this year?”
The genie sighed and said “Now about that dog of yours”
“Oh hello” said the genie “I suppose that you want a wish”
“Yes” said the bloke, “can you fix it for my dog to win all six races at tomorrow nights greyhound meeting.”
“They are bound to put stupid odds on it because he’s only got three legs and I can put all my life savings on it and win an absolute fortune”.
The genie looked doubtful and said “ I dunno a three legged dog winning races is bound to have someone suspecting divine intervention, cant you think of anything else.”
“Well” said the bloke, “I’m a Wolves fan, can you fix it so that we win the Championship this year?”
The genie sighed and said “Now about that dog of yours”

Some days I'm top dog, most days I'm just the lamp post.