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Trump Watch activated!
Trump's lead in Georgia now down to 665 votes. May take a few hours yet, as it's the wee hours over there and the batches are coming in very slowly, but it's really only a matter of time.

Biden now 917 votes ahead in Georgia.
"I would rather spend a holiday in Tuscany than in the Black Country, but if I were compelled to choose between living in West Bromwich or Florence, I should make straight for West Bromwich." - J.B. Priestley
Just saw Bannons Comments - He should be inside a prison cell right now.

Biden ahead in Georgia, and trumps lead in PA being whittled right down.
A few terrorist attacks stopped on counting stations, Trump supporters arrested, no wonder they dont want to declare results.
I watched the disgraceful scenes last night at a polling station in Arizona and the Police too namby pamby IMO instead of a firm "clear the area" and GTF out of this official state govt facility. I hope Biden changes legislation re this kinda extreme inciteful behaviour/messages coming from a sitting President. IMO it has exposed a huge weakness in the proper way that a President should behave and govern a country. Also the amount of extreme nut cases that Trumpism has created is absolutely frightening although I still see it as a significant minority of these lunatics, some of whom would kill you if you said the wrong political comment - an American version of 1930s Germany, Hitler and the use of populist propaganda/hate speech, a disregard for democracy itself, a shocker!!
Biden coasting in PA.

The fat lady is warming up.
Yep! Breaking news that he has finally taken the lead in the "big one", the state with the 20 electoral college pts!!! Thumb up Thumb up
Trump and his family members incl his wife now going apoplectic with some further incredible statements of fraud and cheating, the voting system is corrupt etc etc. I think senior officials of the Republican Party really need to "step in" and finally tell them to stop this populist, undemocratic bullshit! Also revelations that Fox News media has issued memos to their staff and others to not call Joe Biden the President-Elect and also uttering shocking statements against Pennsylvania electoral officials and polling stations - they are clearly a propaganda media arm of the Trump campaign which we all know but this is shameless and dangerous stuff seriously!! Biden now 6000 votes ahead - whoopeeeeeee!!!!! Thumb up
Georgia heading for a recount.

Just in case your mates haven't already sent a link or a copy
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(06-11-2020, 22:04)hibeejim21 Wrote: Georgia heading for a recount.

Absolutely, they are also already preparing for it. They announced a bit ago that they also have up to 18000 military voting ballots that were sent out, so far they have approx 8-9000 back and the deadline for those is today I think. So with the margin being less than 2000 it could still go either way.
How disappointing to hear that news re Georgia as my perception, possibly a wrong one, is that military, uniformed people will likely back the President even though he is an absolute lunatic. I hope I'm wrong! There is a similar position re Pennsylvania but I believe it is thankfully not significant enough to affect the outcome (note recent declared military vote returns are for Biden and a gain of about 3500 votes - not added yet!) as big Dem vote returns still to be processed from Dem heartlands in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with Biden currently leading by just under 17k votes but steadily rising plus add those military votes = just under 20k votes. It certainly looks like Joe Biden will "address the nation" tomorrow and "clink the champagne glasses"! Thumb up
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