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Trump Watch activated!
Trump is running a campaign on law and order, he is literally staying away from any other topic and he believes this policy will be more acceptable to his base. Of course all the violence we are seeing is happening on his watch so its a double edged sword as all he is offering is that if Biden is elected then we will descend into violence in the cities, but that is where we are now anyway?? Biden yesterday made a point of talking about law and order, pointing out that it has severely deteriorated since Trump took office and that he is against looting, arson and other violence. I think Biden should keep to this message somewhat while still highlighting the abject failure of this administration to deal with Covid nor their ability to protect a rising but fragile economy. The US unemployment rate has grown so much higher during the pandemic than other Western countries, it now stands at 10.2% compared to UK at 3.9, Germany 4.4, France 6.9, Japan 2.9 and the Eurozone 7.9. So not only are more people dying but the protection offered to businesses during the shutdowns has been so mismanaged that it has caused high unemployment and a 30% drop in GDP!! Other countries are not immune from making mistakes with Covid but they have been more creative with protecting the economies and they have at least tried to correct things as the pandemic has progressed, the Trump administration have just largely dismissed and ignored it.

To answer your question Jim, I would put the money on Biden to win, but the Democrats have to keep to their message and Biden must not screw up at all. We know what to expect from Trump, his message and tactics are the same as what we saw 4 years ago, the Dems must be learning from the mistakes they made then and making sure their voters turnout.
hibeejim21 likes this post
I notice Trump now clashing with the players of the NBA and calling the association "highly political" as well as attempting to undermine the sport. I can't disguise my contempt for this big-mouthed twat of a President who does not have the capability to "shut his trap" and just "give it a rest" for a change. The same behaviour and charade goes on n on n on n on n nauseum - been doing it for years and god knows how he still has a significant support base in America - totally beyond me how decent moral values and principles can be corrupted in this way and at this level of governance!
hibeejim21 likes this post
NBA, NFL, he's only got NBL and the NHL left to have a pop at before he starts on the University and College sports. Babe Ruth would have been far too political for him to handle and you can bet your bottom dollar he's clueless when it comes to pond hockey. He'd probably complain about the colour of the puck.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

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Listening to Trump's recent comments to Fox News together with similar comments by the departing Kellyanne Conway and both these twats effectively encouraging/hoping for more violence on the city streets in order to enhance their chances of winning the November election on this law and order ticket!!!!!!!????????????????? Yes, they both explicitly said this!!!!!! I despair and encourage Joe Biden to "COME ON AND CALL IT AS IT IS JOE AND FINGER THESE MORONS FOR WHAT THEY REALLY ARE AND REPRESENT". There is so much "muck" to throw at these morons!! Where do you start eh! Also a visit to the likes of Kenosha wouldn't go amiss either.
That bizarre rant about antifa using tins of soup as an instrument of the revolution was comedy gold.
Now Trump accused of calling certain US veterans "losers"??? Then vehemently denying the accusation but this raises the spectre of previously calling the late John McCain, another US veteran, a "loser" and there was no uncertainty attached to that disgraceful episode together with the outrageous attack against the man's widow - a case of "be careful what you say" because it could well come back to haunt you and "bite you on the bum" - a real vote loser!!! Rolleyes
Not sure it will make any different to voting intentions. First, its a story by The Atlantic, left wing and traditional basher of Trump, and secondly he never said it this time around on camera. The absence of any real proof that he said this and the source will mean it is completely dismissed by his supporters.
Bit of a stretch to call the Atlantic left-wing. Their editorial line in the 2000s was right behind Dubya's War on Terror and highly critical of the anti-war movement, and neocons like David Frum have long been part of the writing team. They've only ever endorsed three presidential candidates - one of whom was Abraham Lincoln - and the other two, LBJ and Hillary, were given the nod purely because their Republican opponents (Goldwater and Trump respectively) were morally beyond the pale.

Either way, this isn't about persuading the red-capped droolers who pray every night for Jesus to save God-Emperor Trump. You can't reason people out of a position they didn't arrive at through reason. It's about giving now-disillusioned 2016 Republican voters an excuse to stay at home, and 2016 stay-at-homers a reason to climb off the fence.
0762 likes this post
"I would rather spend a holiday in Tuscany than in the Black Country, but if I were compelled to choose between living in West Bromwich or Florence, I should make straight for West Bromwich." - J.B. Priestley
Left wing is probably the wrong words, in most media bias reports The Atlantic is in the first group to the left of center. I agree about the red capped droolers as you put it, there is no persuading of them now or even after if he gets defeated. As I said in a previous post, this election is now about getting the youngsters and left wing Dems out to vote in larger numbers than they traditionally do. If you haven't yet discovered it, the Lincoln Project ads are superb and cut right to the core of Trumps narcissism and self belief while delivering a powerful message in the process - and these are a bunch of Republicans running it, including up until recently Kellyanne Conway's husband!
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Good to see Pelosi "calling out" Trump re his initial crass behaviour when COVID19's threat was evident on American soil. He was absolutely concerned about his precious economy and the impending threat to the stock market and the finances of his rich buddies - no doubt whatsoever and didn't "give a f###" about the huge threat to the citizens of the country. Remember his shit comment re "we'll be back in business by the end of May"!! Thumb down
Btw re this revelation re Trump's Woodward interviews. A threat to the American people? Jaw dropping stuff TBF!
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