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31 Aug, 2021 Transfer Window: Championship Rebuild
Reach seems like a decent bit of business for free.

He's someone who has always caught my eye for his long range goals, but admittedly, I have no idea how he is from general play. But if it's to cover/compete with Townsend at wing back, can't complain as he's someone who has played plenty of games at this level, knows where the goal is and clearly must be a step up on Peltier and sick note (Gibbs).

As for Pereira and Johnstone...

Pereira's statement is mind boggling and tbh he probably should've kept his mouth closed. Footballers never seem to be the best advised do they? In one breath he says he's committed and in the next he says "I want to leave, I want to seek new experiences"...

Maybe I'm the idiot here, but if he wants to leave, then clearly he isn't committed and the statement by the manager is true. Clearly he's took the hump when the manager was simply explaining why he wasn't playing. Says a lot about his character - toys out of the pram...

If he thinks the statement about him being made this life changing offer that will make him "financially free" will win over any working class blokes from West Brom, he's deluded. He already earns more in a week here than what many fans earn in a year, so why would we give a crap about him earning more? Poor bloke is only on £40k per week here so lets all beg the club to give him away for free so he can earn £80k per week untaxed in the middle east. GFY.

He's a talented player, but I'll be chuffed when he leaves as he's everything that's been wrong with the club last few years. For me, being talented only gets you so far. If you can't be arsed to even jog into defensive shape then you're only going to make it so far. At times I thought his effort last season was unacceptable.

If you're reading this Matheus, we couldn't care less about the offer YOU receive, we care about the offer the CLUB receives. The fans will happily wish you all the best if we receive an offer that's true to your worth. That is taking into account the goals you scored in the Premier League and the fact you are on a long term contract that YOU signed. £22m would be a bare minimum IMO, considering we paid £18m for Grady who had barely kicked a ball in the Premier League at the time. If it wasn't for covid, that bare minimum would be a lot more...

As for Johnstone, I was hoping we would sell as I think we're well stocked in the goalkeeping department and it could've given us some much needed funds to strengthen outfield. But of course if there's no decent bids incoming, hopefully he does sign a new deal rather than walk away on a free next season.
drewks likes this post
At a guess I'd say that at least 95% of modern top level players are completely mercenary with no real feelings or commitment to the club that they play for.

What grabs my goat is that they are perfectly keen to sign a contract - yes, a CONTRACT - which keeps them earning a stupidly high wage for x years and gives them that security, but as soon as a better deal seems possible, they act like the spoilt children they are.
Get lost, MP, and good riddance
Slick_Footwork likes this post
Did not know to much about this Adam Reach, other than that screamer he popped against us, just had a look at some video, that boy has got a sweet left peg on him, must be something to do with the Sheffield water.
(02-08-2021, 19:19)Salopbaggie Wrote: Did not know to much about this Adam Reach, other than that screamer he popped against us,  just had a look at some video, that boy has got a sweet left peg on him, must be something to do with the Sheffield water.

Sheffield must be experiencing severe drought then!! Reach score a couple of worldies a season aside from one season a few years ago when he got into double figures. Be interesting to see if you can get more out of him, he has been a passenger for a lot of the last two seasons but obviously has ability. Good luck to him, but also good luck to you now he is yours!!
(02-08-2021, 17:56)4evaabaggie Wrote:
(02-08-2021, 17:18)wba13 Wrote: Pereira responds and he’s chasing the money.

Don't want him to leave, a great player, but an honest statement. He has never come out and disrespected the club, never said directly he wants to leave. He deserves to play top level football, there is no guarantee we will get promoted, he has to do best by his family.
Agents are the main issue, they put poison in players ear and start touting them around in front of the big boys.
He owes us a little which we will get back in a big transfer fee, I am more p@&#@d at the academy players we took from promising kids to rising stars only for them to refuse to sign contracts and leave for peanuts. Players that have cost us years and years of investment only to show us no loyalty.
If he goes for the right cash, good luck to him. All the scum that went to villa, I hope their careers are very short lived.

Welcome Adam, takes us back to the greed league.

Hope Sam signs a new contract but not hopeful.

Need an out and out goalscorer.

A good pre-season but squad is vulnerable.
I’m sorry but did you read his statement, he says himself I want to leave. He wants to go to an inferior league because he’s chasing the money so that is being disrespectful, we have known he wants out get a deal done as good as a player that he is.
What's the issue with MP?
For us -
He came to us with a view to help us gain promotion. Which he did.
He did more then any other player to keep us in the PL.
For himself
Gain experience and put himself in the shop window attracting bigger and better contracts.

I don't know what some people expect - so he's chasing financial security? Is that so wrong.

Let's thank him for his contribution and take the millions in transfer profits and move on.
BaggieSteve likes this post
2020 the year the bubble burst  Doh
By not playing pre-season matches he has shown himself to be a selfish individual and not a team player. Now not match ready. Will take time to get to speed. Had he played well during those matches and scored a few wonder goals the doors would have been breached by now and he would be partying with his new team mates.

DD Rolleyes Rolleyes
Also he has earned more in 2 years at the Albion than most of us will see in a lifetime, he asked to leave,he liked on tweet what the Saudi’s were offering him. Money grabber with no ambition. Bye bye. Great player though don’t deny that.
(02-08-2021, 23:53)Blue Baggie Wrote: What's the issue with MP?
For us -
He came to us with a view to help us gain promotion. Which he did.
He did more then any other player to keep us in the PL.
For himself
Gain experience and put himself in the shop window attracting bigger and better contracts.

I don't know what some people expect - so he's chasing financial security? Is that so wrong.

Let's thank him for his contribution and take the millions in transfer profits and move on.

I've got no problem with him wanting to move on, earn more cash etc. That's fine.

But I think the nature of his public statement was a p*ss take...

What's so "disrespectful" about the manager saying he isn't committed to the club? Pereira has made it clear he wants to leave, so the manager is spot on saying he's not committed here. Pereira is a slice of bread short of a sandwich if he thinks that is committed to the club.

As for the offer that would give him "financial freedom", I think that's a joke, frankly.

If any player doesn't have "financial freedom" playing at this level then they are doing something wrong in their personal life. What's he on here? £40k per week? That's over £2m per year and £20m across a 10 year career. If that's not giving you "financial freedom" I don't know what is.

If he wants to earn more, that's fine. But don't word a statement aimed at working class fans like you're on some sort of pauper wage here.

Finally, a true professional should stay quiet, because if nobody puts up the right fee for him he should be willing to knuckle down and play. Obviously the club want to sell him and move on, but to do that an adequate bid has to come in. As far as I'm aware the bid from the Middle East wasn't much profit at all and less than we paid for Grady and Grant.

And finally the statement has probably put potential suitors off him too, because who wants a player who puts out public statements? He's clearly trying to make his position untenable which is doing the opposite of ensuring we are "adequately rewarded" as per his statement.
drewks likes this post
(03-08-2021, 03:45)Slick_Footwork Wrote:
(02-08-2021, 23:53)Blue Baggie Wrote: What's the issue with MP?
For us -
He came to us with a view to help us gain promotion. Which he did.
He did more then any other player to keep us in the PL.
For himself
Gain experience and put himself in the shop window attracting bigger and better contracts.

I don't know what some people expect - so he's chasing financial security? Is that so wrong.

Let's thank him for his contribution and take the millions in transfer profits and move on.

I've got no problem with him wanting to move on, earn more cash etc. That's fine.

But I think the nature of his public statement was a p*ss take...

What's so "disrespectful" about the manager saying he isn't committed to the club? Pereira has made it clear he wants to leave, so the manager is spot on saying he's not committed here. Pereira is a slice of bread short of a sandwich if he thinks that is committed to the club.

As for the offer that would give him "financial freedom", I think that's a joke, frankly.

If any player doesn't have "financial freedom" playing at this level then they are doing something wrong in their personal life. What's he on here? £40k per week? That's over £2m per year and £20m across a 10 year career. If that's not giving you "financial freedom" I don't know what is.

If he wants to earn more, that's fine. But don't word a statement aimed at working class fans like you're on some sort of pauper wage here.

Finally, a true professional should stay quiet, because if nobody puts up the right fee for him he should be willing to knuckle down and play. Obviously the club want to sell him and move on, but to do that an adequate bid has to come in. As far as I'm aware the bid from the Middle East wasn't much profit at all and less than we paid for Grady and Grant.

And finally the statement has probably put potential suitors off him too, because who wants a player who puts out public statements? He's clearly trying to make his position untenable which is doing the opposite of ensuring we are "adequately rewarded" as per his statement.

Some excellent points Slick.
Both Val's and Pereira has not helped the club's or the players position. That's for sure. 
Odd thing is it goes completely against our traditional say nowt until everything is sorted.
2020 the year the bubble burst  Doh
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