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Freedom Day
(20-07-2021, 00:09)Amelia Chaffinch Wrote: We have cards with manufacturer, BNs and dates administered.

You can get a covid pass on the NHS app for events and travel.

I think the general opinion was that the cards are easily forged????

I'm still peeved I didn't get a sticker.

Ritchie, if it's pensioner night, shouldn't you be calling it a discotheque? 
Whistle Tongue

I never downloaded the NHS Covid 19 App due to barely having any memory left on my phone, also it cost £37 billion to create and was created by Serco, it doesn't even work properly. A lot of people get it confused with the Real NHS App. The Covid 19 app pings people when they haven't been anywhere and then people who have gallivanting here, there and everywhere haven't been pinged once. Also the big question is, is it data mining and where is the data going? Being sold off to private health insurance companies?

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
It's the proper NHS app that I've got. I don't want track and trace.
Give you a tip until everyone in the world is vaccinated this thing will keep mutating only 2% of Africa has been vaccinated
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

Been in a supermarket this morning Security Guard a bruiser of a bloke had no mask wasn't wearing one on Saturday, not masked up walked round in the minority no one said anything.
Truly weird experience
Anyway just a thought, you folks on the left politics like restrictions can't understand that, the Opposition have been pitiful over the last 16 months or so, barely raised a whimper about the restrictions on personal life, I am far happier when a Government of any political colour is not on the news everyday means things are ticking over, we have had 16 months of continual Government control in all parts of the UK and it's crap.
Suggest you get the NHS app because Starmer and Co will vote for this passport and it's wrong because where you need to use it will increase not lessen
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

Just to point out I've got the NHS app for ordering prescriptions and to get test results because my surgery, like many, went into hiding at the start of this and don't look like they're planning on dealing with patients any time soon. I know our surgery was struggling before the pandemic because our village has seen building on a huge scale but there are no more doctors. I do think they have welcomed the chance to close their doors. I think them, like a lot of others, will face consequences for how they have behaved. I don't know if I'll need a covid pass. I can only think I will need one to go to the John Smith's, if it's decided we need one.

At the beginning of this we were told to advise people who came into pharmacy that masks would not help, it was just handwashing. But then Boris decided he ought to act and masks became a thing. Masks are not 100% effective but they are more effective than not wearing one at all. Combined with handwashing, social distancing and vaccinations, efficacy increases. That's why we can't have a "freedom day". We are not free. I am still at risk of hospitalisation if I get it. I can't just skip around pretending everything is alright and that's got nothing to do with me being a Labour voter, it's reality.

You are right, maclad, the whole world needs vaccinating then we might just have a chance of seeing it off one day. However, I fear that we do everything too slowly and it now has it's stranglehold on us. I hope I am wrong.
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Opposition has had no choice but to suck it up for the last 16 months. A 70 seat majority, backing or rather not opposing Brexit and Covid being declared a national emergency would neuter any opposition. All Starmer has had to fight against is lies and cronyism, when the evidence presented itself. Had that majority been 20 or less then he'd have had more to chew on. The Tories are wobbling with half that majority now voting against the government, occasionally, however Bodgit is known for withdrawing The Whip when that happens.

There's all manner of protests going on but you won't hear about them with our press. It doesn't suit their political leanings.
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A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Opposition's job is to oppose like he said if we hadn't opened up on Monday, restrictions until next Spring and those anti vaxxers are never going to get jabbed, as for the opposition Starmer is about to boot 1000 out all they will be doing is fighting themselves for the next few months.
Yep keep restrictions all games behind closed doors until the end of time. Australia 111 cases 1 death extended lockdown for another 7 days banned people from leaving their areas even for work utter insanity the only Political way out of this is the vaccination and if people won't get vaccated what can yu do

Anyone watch the cricket on Friday 18000 people having a damn good time, they decided that having a good time time out weighed the prospects of getting the virus,.

By teh way Theo it's an 80 seat majority
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

Even harder to overcome then.

Like putting a 5-a-side team out against a full 11 on a full sized pitch and telling them to pass the ball back to the 11 every time they get it.

Anything he opposes, he's not patriotic or he's going against what he voted for. Remember a fairly reasonable man, who came within a few seats of winning an election that he was told he had no chance of winning, became the most wanted man in England for "crimes against the state" (they might as well have been the way Murdoch's et al press went at it) for reasons only the Tory press can make up. The Tories then elect a clown as leader and everyone rushes to vote for the clown because that sinister criminal over there is going to boil your first born and tax you at 110% - and he's not as much fun.

Bodgit can blame Brexit xxxx-up's on Covid lockdown's the EU and small minded English businesses not grasping the nettle and trading with Outer Mongolia instead of The EU where most have traded since they were formed. He can blame Covid xxxx-up's on the EU, Brexit, being in the National Interest and anything else he likes until he's caught out lying or hiding something.

You seem to have all the answers, let's hear some, maybe we'll even vote for you.
Amelia Chaffinch and Lord Snooty like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(20-07-2021, 13:57)themaclad Wrote: Been in a supermarket this morning Security Guard a bruiser of a bloke had no mask wasn't wearing one on Saturday, not masked up walked round in the minority no one said anything.
Truly weird experience
Anyway just a thought, you folks on the left politics like restrictions can't understand that, the Opposition have been pitiful over the last 16 months or so, barely raised a whimper about the restrictions on personal life, I am far happier when a Government of any political colour is not on the news everyday means things are ticking over, we have had 16 months of continual Government control in all parts of the UK and it's crap.
Suggest you get the NHS app because Starmer and Co will vote for this passport and it's wrong because where you need to use it will increase not lessen

What are you on about? No one like restrictions certainly not me and what's wrong with being on the left? I'm centre left not far left. We don't have an opposition the opposition seem to be Tory-lite. As for Starmer and Co they will be more worried about keeping the Labour Party going as they are on the verge of going bankrupt.
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More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Starmer has painted himself into a corner with his non opposition. The nurses are getting 3 per cent pay rise and he wouldn't go over 2.1. Outflanked by the tories from the left. Just one of many examples where he has made it all too easy for them.

If Starmer had put a more professional spin on what corbyn was offering and tidied things up I would likely have voted for him. But not now.

I'm more and more convinced he is a fig leaf to cover up for Blair and Mandelson. The only tactic seems to be remove any semblance of left wing politics and hope the tories xxxx it up so bad Murdoch gives them his blessing.
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