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Trump Watch activated!

What a wonderful bit of satire by Barack Obama in mocking Trump who couldn't take on Stahl's more challenging questions in a 60 min interview and decided to walk out in such a wimpish way that he did it!!!! I hope millions n millions of watching American voters studied this President's latest unimpressive and unstatesmanlike gaffe and then trying to justify it with his usual shit and failing miserably in the process!! Priceless but clearly desperate and "wanting"!!
A CBS News/YouGov poll of three southern battleground states finds Joe Biden in a dead heat with Donald Trump in Georgia with a slight edge in Florida (by two points) and North Carolina (by four).

Biden is biting into Trump’s 2016 margins with seniors in Florida and Georgia, cutting Trump’s 2016 advantage in half. In North Carolina Biden has a two-point edge with seniors.

Should I be getting worried again ?
(25-10-2020, 23:34)hibeejim21 Wrote: A CBS News/YouGov poll of three southern battleground states finds Joe Biden in a dead heat with Donald Trump in Georgia with a slight edge in Florida (by two points) and North Carolina (by four).

Biden is biting into Trump’s 2016 margins with seniors in Florida and Georgia, cutting Trump’s 2016 advantage in half. In North Carolina Biden has a two-point edge with seniors.

Should I be getting worried again ?

While all of these are battleground states, Trump won't win even if he wins all three of them unless he can pick up PA or MI/WI, and in those states Biden leads by more than the margin of error. It could still be tight, but nearly 60m people have already voted so approx 50% of likely voters can no longer change their votes, so hopefully not much will change compared to the polls.
Yep! I saw that 60M voting turnout figure on Euronews and it is reckoned there will be a record turnout of American voters by the time the voting ends. Hopefully the vote will be overwhelmed by decent people who finally realise what a "nut job" Trump actually is and rightly remove him from the oval office. It is the RW legacy that he has left behind in the USA, incl the Supreme Court RW bias, that still concerns me TBH!

A Biden win saving the Tories from themselves????? It is an opinion that I certainly don't concur with as I think it is far too late for that element of political stability to finally enter the extreme politics that they have been exhibiting for far too long incl their incursions and prep to impose real antagonism on the democratically devolved governance of Scotland - that is gonna cause real ructions next year if they are allowed to force a second tier of governance up here in contravention of the devolution bill and the terms of agreement set out in the Scotland Act 1998 - BEWARE!!

All remaining American voters should be forced to watch and listen to the Kushner comments re Trump's plan in "taking back the country from the doctors"!!!?????? The cynical political planning to eventually signal his advantage in winning the COVID battle is really worthy of full scrutiny and condemnation, something Biden got exactly right in his criticism of this shameless c###.
Whoever wins won't save the Tories from themselves. They don't think they need saving anyway.

I've a shed load of former colleagues over in the former colony. Most didn't vote for him in the first place but those that did were looking for someone who wasn't a career politician, in it for themselves, and would do what he/she said they would do in the election process. This of course never happens (same here) and to rally the troops they send America off to another war that they won't win. Or if by sheer incompetence or lack of resources of who they are fighting they do win, they forget to plan what to do next when they've won.

Trump ticked those boxes and for a while he did what he said he would do, or some of it, or appeared to do some of it, in the photo-ops and the stuff they released for TV news. Now they (mostly) realise he's a bigger fuckwit than any of the career politicians, trouble is they now don't know whether to continue to sit in the fire or jump back into the frying pan and have another career politician back in charge. Oh the fun of 2 party politics and voting for one idiot dictator or another. Now they are realising, those jobs he promised ain't coming back. GM just decided to shut their Lordstown plant - right in the middle of Rust Belt country where he said he's be bringing jobs back to. He hasn't, and the ones they are now losing won't be coming back anytime soon.

Of course - that doesn't explain why we ended up with a "majority" of fuckwits voting for Bodgit. Especially in cities (and towns) that haven't had a Tory MP since the days of Knocker Powell and his rivers of blood. Fellow Apprentice boss Lord Sugar wasn't standing over here, but he was backing Bodgit.

Same batshit response to the same batshit fueled virus, same batshit time, same batshit channel. Time to go back to the batshit filled cave Robin.
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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I detect your frustration Theo and the fact we appear to be powerless to do anything about these shameless bastards as it appears to be getting worse not only in both countries on either side of the "pond" but in a global sense too - so much shit going on all over the place and the word "populism" is a common feature of this shit! You are not the only one to despair but it doesn't make it any easier to endure!
I just watched tv footage of a Biden campaign bus on a Texas freeway being impeded by Trump supporters in a motorbike/car motorcade and attempts made to run it off the road!!! WOWWWWWWW!!! Then Trump is viewed endorsing this shit as well as vilifying ANTIFAD activities and prompting the Police/FBI to deal with these extremists instead. Is this where we are now in the US FFS??????? Jim was definitely right re the banana republic comparison! What a sad state of affairs when watching such a loon ball of a US President hitting another all-time low as well as inciting violence!! He should be arrested IMO for this kinda dangerous, inciteful narrative that he is "peddling about" again.
Thicko was shown on TV claiming his "supporters" were "escorting the bus". He needs escorting to a place where he can't steal oxygen anymore.

How many chads will he hang in Florida this year in order to fiddle the results (again)
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A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
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