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Trump Watch activated!

Untraceable money in US election year 2016??? Reminds me of the "money questions" levelled at Brexit morons like Aaron Banks, Farage and others - never been fully clarified up to now btw!!
(09-10-2020, 22:34)0762 Wrote: What you are highlighting SCO is absolutely ludicrous from any outside observer's point of view. I've mentioned this before on this board why on earth extreme individuals can display assault rifles in public even with the US gun laws, and their rights under the US constitution, is beyond me. What is required is a "tweak" of the rules governing people who flagrantly practise this kinda behaviour and banning it to the point where said arms can be removed because it is a public threat to any community and worthy of confiscation of offending weapon(s) and possible arrest.

If you did what they did in about half the states in the US you would have been arrested, Michigan is whats called an open carry state which means you can openly carry any legal weapon when out in public. If you start pointing that weapon at anyone then the rules change and you can be prosecuted for doing that as we saw that couple in St Louis do, but carrying it is ok. But there should be no states or no circumstances where you can take your weapons into a building and menacingly watch government in action.

I have given up on the 2nd amendment and its various interpretations. It does not give people the right to bear arms, its gives people the right to form an armed militia in the event of it being required but the actual amendment is so twisted by the right that it is meaningless. The federal government has proved toothless when it comes to changing these laws so it comes down to individual states to make their own decisions and that why you get differing gun laws from one state to the next. The only way this will change is if the Dems get complete control for a period of time, most US citizens want tougher gun laws even though most do not want them banned, finding a government strong enough to deal with this has always been a problem in the US and with a SCOTUS that leans right more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa will mean it won't get challenged anytime soon.

(09-10-2020, 23:33)hibeejim21 Wrote: Trump rushing out his nut on drugs saying that the military will soon be delivering whatever drugs he took to get over the coronavirus to hospitals so people can get the same treatment he did for FREE.

Laugh  Laugh  Laugh

Meanwhile he's ranting away about California, claiming he can't win there because people vote more than once  Laugh  Nothing to do with him being about as popular as bubonic plague out there.

Read an article the other day about the cost of the cocktail of drugs for ordinary people and its over $10,000 per dose!!! Now if you have good insurance it will cover some of that but will still cost you a decent chunk of change. The pharma companies over here will never allow these drugs to be available for free nor can they produce them fast enough to be available for all. He is of course talking shit as per usual.

Joe Biden doing a bit of "drum-beating" in Gettysburg but keeping the debate civil, sane and steady. Just keep "ticking over" and apply pressure to the right "buttons" in Trump's head!
And it transpires that 59% of the US female voting population is backing Joe Biden! Anybody surprised? Not really eh! But this is a big revelation in the lead up to the election vote, a big factor in winning it.

California is "going to hell" in the latest tirade from this lunatic of a US President!!! Curious campaigning by such an irrational character eh!! As for the "New York already in hell" jibe, a big chunk of the NY populace despised you long before you ever entered the White House son - well sussed out in your home city due to your past crass business activities, arrogant attitude and unacceptable behaviour!!

So Trump the desperate bastard resorting to name-calling and lies/fake "doctored" bullshit!! What I'd like to know is if the social media platforms where he is "trying this on" are allowing it to pass or rightly placing warnings of misinformation being used. Biden's response is just to "up" his campaign, show his face and keep hitting Trump with the "ammunition" that is there to manipulate and destroy this lunatic of a President once and for all, use a bit of satire on the way if poss - 20 pts ahead and rising!! Btw the abuse of COVID regs by Trump at rallies etc is absolutely astounding!!
AND another Republican governor can't "wear" Trump getting anywhere near the oval office! He prob recognises the big-mouthed lunatic that currently presides there.

Nice to see a lotta Americans sharing the same sentiment that Trump's corrupt behaviour and past questionable financial dealings are worthy of criminal investigation. Absolutely and hopefully it does end up in a law court to judge whether a substantial punishment is in order.
I think he's toast now. And he knows it too.
(23-10-2020, 16:43)hibeejim21 Wrote: I think he's toast now. And he knows it too.

Can't rule him out yet!! Last nights debate saw him peddle the usual lies and exaggerations but he did much better than the previous one. Biden was solid but for me made two potentially key mistakes. First, he upset the left with his healthcare lines, he needs the progressive left voters to vote for him and while they are not going to vote for Trump he needs to make sure they do get out and vote. Secondly, he stated at the end that he would essentially kill the oil industry. Now while this goes without saying if we are to reverse climate change, it should not ever be said that the oil industry is to be killed. That line alone removes any slim chance he had of taking Texas but more importantly will hurt him in PA, a crucial state for him.

As we stand the popular vote will go Biden's way but with the electoral college as it is, lets hope those votes are in the right places. If Biden takes FL, and he is up a couple of points there, then Trump cannot win, but if Trump takes FL then it will come down to Michigan, Wisconsin and PA. It still could get closer!!
I watched most of that debate last night and it was actually Trump who said that Joe Biden would "kill off the oil industry", as usual trying to capitalise on Biden's comment that the oil industry has to change. Biden could've easily lied re the issue in the way that Trump consistently does it but he followed on from Trump's scathing remark, "He's gonna kill off the oil industry", to explain that the industry would be gradually phased out through time and encouraged to progress to a more eco friendly operation that would embrace renewables, solar energy, effectively providing clean energy on a mass scale. I think he responded properly to what is indeed an intractable issue that has to be redressed and Trump is not gonna do that. I pray that most Americans watching last night's debate finally realise that climate change is not a myth as preached by Trump often enough. Biden's push for radical change has to be applied together with returning to the Paris Accord as Biden intimated rather than "burying one's head in the sand". Enough climate catastrophes have already happened in California, the southern states etc (and globally!!!) to enlighten most Americans that these extreme incidents are not coincidental. Joe Biden "laid it on the line" fairly eloquently in the fact that "time is running out" on climate change and people in the USA have to heed the warnings. He will never convince everyone re this particular issue and if he loses Texas then it is clearly down to "vested interest" within the fossil fuel industry - that is the way it goes but hopefully he draws the majority of Americans who see exactly where he is coming from. I agree that he had a solid debate last night and, overall, he did more than enough although I didn't personally like his response on fracking. I didn't think Trump was as good as some American media people were intimating (see the above Independent article re the perception "Trump sees no problems" - delusional/in denial comes to mind! And Biden rightly hit him him hard on his "no plan/strategy for this current pandemic" and all his unfulfilled promises of "it will all be over soon"; same on his tax evasion issue - full of denial and promises to reveal all but never does; same hard hitting re Putin non-action and embracing political thugs who have a nuclear capability; separating kids from their families for months and not "batting an eyelid" - an embarrassment to a country like the USA!! He did alright and responded well to the personal attacks and other stuff without being flustered at all.
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