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Trump Watch activated!
The Republicans will be delighted he might miss the second "debate". It'll allow them to keep him under wraps until the big push a week or so before the election - old man Sleepy Joe, not man enough to stand up to Covid, left-wing anarchists, postal vote rigging, you know the style.
Cabbage is still good for you
(03-10-2020, 00:08)hibeejim21 Wrote: To think he was mocking Biden for wearing a mask the other day  Laugh  Laugh

Even if the old scumbag croaks, he could still win if the republicans embalm him and send him out on the campaign trail with some racist tapes for a backing track. A kind of fascist 'weekend at Bernies' if you like.

It says a lot about his politics that my first thought was 'he's at it'. Too convenient for him.

It is curiously convenient and that conspiracy theory was expressed by a good number of American voters last night during street interviews, some indeed saying there is nothing wrong with Trump - don't you believe it!!

(03-10-2020, 00:16)ritchiebaby Wrote: The Republicans will be delighted he might miss the second "debate". It'll allow them to keep him under wraps until the big push a week or so before the election - old man Sleepy Joe, not man enough to stand up to Covid, left-wing anarchists, postal vote rigging, you know the style.

That is indeed my biggest concern - flooding the population with this military style data-streaming/influencing of targeted voters - commonly practised by populist parties from the UK to Brazil to the Phillipines and other affected countries globally with no recourse by assigned electoral enforcement agencies to stop it - IMO it is highly irregular and illegal to do this but it is somehow allowed to prevail!! I hope SCO's assertion that most Americans have already decided who they will vote for is an accurate one as I cannot contemplate another 4 years of Trump's crass and unacceptable style of politics. IMO the USA needs a period of stability, also a radical change in its politics that should incl "well being" and human rights prominently in the future way forward as well as a strong policy in recognising climate change and trying to mitigate for a better eco-environmental future. Doing nothing would be perilous TBF!!
It would appear someone has the same thoughts as me - this obviously would be his treatment in an NHS hospital - the UV lamp is in the wrong place too but only needs some slight adjustment.

[Image: M25o04M.jpg]

Given that he likes to use Strolling Bones toons without permission on his campaign trails ......

I know, it's irony Rock & Roll but I like it, like it, yes I do. Tongue
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A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Feels like the same games that were being played when bojo had covid...allegedly. Meanwhile the trump bots are out in massive numbers.

xxxx this guy, I couldn't give a flying one if he croaks or not. The guys a monster, he thinks it's ok to stick children in cages FFS - that's if he's not rabble rousing fascist gangs or saying the most horrible things about his political opponents. He has not one shred of decency.

I suspect he will bounce back as nasty and despicable as ever, boasting about how beat a world record viral load 'bigly'.
Add in his "signed off" legitimate killing and serious life-changing injuries of thousands of innocent people, incl innocent kids, in drone strikes in countries like Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq. Legitimate because the bastards cutely changed the definition (under the rules of engagement set in the international convention) of the type of bombing attack that they regularly initiate - no troops on the ground, no military deaths, bomb out a whole area and everything/everybody inside it - SHAMELESS, CALOUS BASTARDS!!! In reality, their success rate of striking a target is about 10% and many innocent people are actually killed inside the strike zones - been doing it for years and it is outrageous that so called accountable organisations like the UN have been allowing this to continue under such a flagrant disguise of the US being the righteous party. I personally believe there should be another independent world organisation that should be dealing with this kinda shit and seriously holding offenders to account incl apprehension but this organisation must have serious clout in applying the rules of international law etc.
Re this whole Trump fiasco, look at some of the astonding video footage of Trump's recent events with senators and associates, many of whom are now infected, flagrantly ignoring the strict rules re tackling COVID19 - no social distancing, shaking hands, hugging!!!!!!!?????? FFS - accountable US govt officials!!!!!! Thumb down It ties in well with the video footage that exposed Trump's entourage in the audience during his debate with Joe Biden - various bimbos and other Trump associates - not one of them wearing a mask and flagrantly ignoring the tv company rules that were set out for everybody to follow except Biden and Trump re wearing of masks. I think Nancy Pelosi got it right by laying into Trump and his associates who "deserved what they got" - f####### right Nancy!! Thumb up Outrageous people with outrageous attitudes and arrogance and no regard whatsoever for other people. I hope there are enough reasonably intelligent American voters who are observing this, and the monster in full view, who do not get caught up in the "sympathetic vote" for a sick US President. I agree this man is a monster who will not change one jot in his poisonous disregard for people and the well-being of a nation that is hugely polarised due to him and his crass RW politics. Also it is time Joe Biden "upped the ante" and started pushing on with his campaign - he has so much "ammunition" to kill off this President and the minions around him - USE IT FOR FFS!!! But use it wisely!!
And there he is BACK as predicted - its still El Trumpo just minus the suntan, talking shite and signing a blank piece of paper Laugh

America is heading into banana republic territory now. I'm actually starting to get really worried, this man and his backers are capable of anything.
0762 likes this post
Yep! I concur with the same concerns! It is indeed "banana republic territory" and it will be catastrophic if this lunatic, and the RW morons who back this kinda shit populist political stance, end up winning this election AGAIN!!!! Thumb down THEY SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ANYWHERE NEAR WINNING A US ELECTION UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES BUT ONE CAN SEE THE CONSPIRACY THAT IS GOING ON "BEHIND THE SCENES" (AND THE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS THAT HAVE BEEN PILED ON TO TRUMP'S POLITICAL CAMPAIGN!) AND WE'LL CERTAINLY FIND OUT HOW MANY STUPID AMERICAN VOTERS ACTUALLY SHOW UP TO VOTE FOR THIS BASTARD!! Hopefully not enough!!!!! I'll seriously pray that this doesn't happen as the implications at home and abroad will be horrendous!! I see a gradual slide into global totalitarianism where Presidents/political leaders are becoming puppets of the super-rich who are bankrolling them or even blackmailing some of them due to their secret criminal/unlawful activities. I'm hoping a Biden victory will at least "stop the populist trend" that is spreading worldwide like a contagious disease and finally apply an element of stability to a country that really needs that assurance and calm after years of Trump's shit politics of bullying, intimidation, racism, incitement, lies and fraud.

The lunatic in full view again and the use of the word "insanity" is so appropriate in this report - a desperate madman who will lie, incite, break the law or "fix" an election, a la Belarus govt corruption methodology, if he had the power to do it!! Thumb down All I can say is STOP THIS BUNCH OF RW CRIMINALS/FASCISTS AT ALL COST!!
It's all about him - doesn't give a flying one about anyone else. Doubtful that Bodgit does either. It should be no surprise to his current squeeze if her and her kid end up on the same pile as the rest of has-been ex's and aren't financially supported's.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
He is apparently pissed off re his lesser financial status because he is no longer getting any of his media or journo slots that kept him "ticking over" nicely - must be tough being a PM these days eh lol Laugh I can't think of a more deserving victim of his own making!!
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