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Trump Watch activated!
Unfortunately the Ambassador has left himself wide open to criticism for not being diplomatic. In the olden days, his opinions would have been sent directly to a trusted recipient, but nowadays they're sitting there to be viewed by anyone with security access.

It doesn't really matter that he is totally correct in his opinion, it appears to be just another example of British ineptitude at a high level - bet he went to "Oxbridge".
Cabbage is still good for you
I can understand that an ambassador in Kazakhstan or Mali might NEED to make detailed reports on the governance of those countries and the characters involved, but why does our Ambassador in Washington have to spend a lot of his time re-stating the bleedin' obvious?

He wasn't saying anything that was even slightly insightful. Jon Sopel would have sent better ..... 0762, Hibbee Jim or I could have crafted together a few such reports on the Donald and his chaotic (but occasionally almost inexplicably successful approaches to government, or should that be management verging on tyranny?)

The question I'm tempted to ask is ...... is an ambassador an outmoded concept in a digital age? Certainly his level of insight doesn't suggest it's worth our money. He isn't telling us Trump is an emissary of a subterranean alien race of lizards is he? He isn't relaying news of a worryingly secret pact with China to allow it to turn the South China Seas into a land mass is he? He's telling us what the whole world already knew. The only part of it that was secret was that the Ambassador was going to feel the need to justify his position by regularly reporting it back home.
0762 likes this post
And Sir Kim resigns after firm support being given by May and other UK gov officials?? So what does one conclude from this latest development in this fiasco? IMO the Trump jack boot has ensured that this British Ambassador has been removed much like many other US casualties of this bullyboy President!! So much for British govt resolve to "back their man" lol!! The words "inevitable" and "untenable" also come to mind!
And the "twit on Twitter" now "crosses another red line" by uttering deplorable racist remarks to four female Democrats! This President never fails to come out with the most crass comments akin to some nutty punter "off the street", only this twit is a US President, an ersehole who has outlived his presidency and really should be "got rid" by proper people who are far more honourable and pragamatic than this c### will ever be. The guy is not normal and I think most folk realised that fact a long time ago.
(15-07-2019, 21:39)0762 Wrote: And the "twit on Twitter" now "crosses another red line" by uttering deplorable racist remarks to four female Democrats! This President never fails to come out with the most crass comments akin to some nutty punter "off the street", only this twit is a US President, an ersehole who has outlived his presidency and really should be "got rid" by proper people who are far more honourable and pragamatic than this c### will ever be. The guy is not normal and I think most folk realised that fact a long time ago.

I find it hilarious that he wanted the 4 females to go back to their own country ("Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came."), apparently not realising that 3 of them are American. Not that he would ever admit to his mistake. Sir Kim is obviously right in his assessment, along with billions of others.
0762 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
What the USA is getting right now is coming our way with BOJO, its been the plan for years now.

It's text book trump/bannon. Marginalise non-white people, rile up the thick-as-pig-shit, white base. I mean trump is actually less American than some of these women he is talking about having to go "home".

Don't over estimate the intelligence of the American electorate, they will likely re-elect this joker.
Stairs likes this post
Re your last prophetic line, the frightening thing is watching the masses of hateful people who attend Trump's political rallies! I watched some tv footage of his poisonous rally in South Carolina and it "struck me" that the Democrats, if their "cute" enough, could utilise this footage in their eventual main presidential campaign by using historical archived footage of Hitler's massed rallies of hate in Berlin and "marry it up" to Trump's rallying shit in S Carolina, a cleverly produced political "cocktail" of video satire and condemnation - the similarity of RW hate, racism, sectarianism and anger is so striking one could use this effective method of "going for the jugular" and destroying Trump politically with the spectre of a German despot and political ideology that many Americans fought against and died in the quest to stop c#### like Trump and other RW hateful associates who have "peddled" this shit for far too long and are being allowed to continue under the auspices of freedom of speech and expression!!
ritchiebaby likes this post
We always ask why were the German people supportive of a mentally deranged psychopath who blamed his own failings on others? They supported him because he played into their ill feelings of Germany being betrayed in the war and a Jewish conspiracy to destroy Germany.

Then you see Trump and he’s done the same tactic by playing into the fears of people. The fear of immigrants takings over America (the irony considering how America came about), the fear of losing jobs to immigrants, the fear of big Government having too much control, the fear of American jobs being outsourced and he’s played into these fears with douses of faux patriotism and faux Christianity.

At the moment he has a long way to go before he can be called a dictator but if anyone in America could be a dictator, it’s him because his supporters will accept it and his party will be complicit in it.

The 2020 election is important for America to regain its soul, just like Germany has done since reunification.
0762 likes this post
The Democrats must choose their presidential candidate wisely!
2 shootings in 1 day in America. 1 in El Paso, Texas which has 20 dead so far and 1 in Dayton, Ohio which has 9 dead so far. 250 shootings so far this year.

The shooting in El Paso was at a Walmart so I’m sure Trump will suggest arming all Walmart employees rather than take a look at what further changes can be made about guns. Doh

The usual thoughts and prayers will be the order of the day here for the NRA backed Republican Trump Party.
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