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Trump Watch activated!
A lot of them can make a huge difference at the next election when they are eligible to vote. Let’s hope they stay motivated long enough to actually be bothered to vote, young people need to turn out in bigger numbers that we have see in past elections.

And the latest Trump revelation centres around the 'case of Stormy Daniels' and an affair that was 'hushed up' by using election money that should not be spent in this way. Also allegations of threats being made towards Daniels by persons unknown. This is another example of the 'megalomaniac at work', about retention of power and trying to suppress any kinda damaging issues that could affect the President's status. I hope the chief FBI investigator of Trump's election methods and associates, Robert Mueller, is 'watching his back' after these latest revelations.
(25-03-2018, 01:30)St Charles Owl Wrote: A lot of them can make a huge difference at the next election when they are eligible to vote. Let’s hope they stay motivated long enough to actually be bothered to vote, young people need to turn out in bigger numbers that we have see in past elections.

They’re incredibly inspiring. Heartbreaking to hear them speak, and for them to recognise that they have to do so.

I wish them every success.

Sack Robert Mueller? Come on and do it 'trumpet man' with something to hide because I wanna see you finally 'found out' and impeached!!

So Trump and his 'puppy dog', the UK/'loopy Cruella' (+ France/Macron) does indeed bomb Syria - words fail me and May's lame defence of such a disgraceful act? What?? A bunch of lying, murdering bastards, akin to Tony Bliar and Iraq with another agenda and with corrupt news agencies like Sky and Fox News trying to justify it!!! Thumb down MAY OUT ON HER EAR PLEASE and parliamentarians do it/push for it asap!! They also bypassed the UN Military Council, May bypassed parliament because she knew a democratic vote on her proposal would be a resounding NO! This action does nothing but damage the UK even more! Why don't they bomb England for arms provision to Saudi and the subsequent indiscriminate bombing of Yemen that has killed countless civilians, children and humanitarian personnel 'on the ground' with British ordnance!? Hypocrisy in full view again!
Its a handy diversion for trump, 'look I'm not putins sock puppet after all'.

Its a handy diversion for may 'look away from the mess i'm making of brexit'

Its a handy diversion for macron 'my labour reforms are causing an outrage in france'

Its an absolute disgrace. Political theatre of the most obnoxious kind.....and from a government with zero mandate.
0762 likes this post
Well said mate and there is a rightful unanimous outrage throughout the country although their shameless media is desperately trying to glean the support for such an unjustifiable action with a clear non-humanitarian political agenda attached to it!
Enough is enough says 'Boris the buffoon' lol! We are really observing a level of naivety that deserves the requisite scorn thrown at him and the rest of the lightweight politicians who do not impress in this unacceptable bombing response that does nowt in terms of making any difference to the war in Syria! Thumb down
(15-04-2018, 14:18)0762 Wrote:
Enough is enough says 'Boris the buffoon' lol! We are really observing a level of naivety that deserves the requisite scorn thrown at him and the rest of the lightweight politicians who do not impress in this unacceptable bombing response that does nowt in terms of making any difference to the war in Syria! Thumb down

Both sides have been using chemical weapons in this conflict. So why are the west so desperate to help islamic extremists in syria ?

Nothing to do with the fact the saudi's are backing them, whilst butchering civilians in yemen with the aid and technology of the UK. I'd like to see the UK trying out some ethical foreign policies but we are too tied into the power mongering of the past, the money making from arms and the british empire bollocks. The UK is not a major force anymore militarily or in a world sense.

At the very,very least parliament should be making these decisions unless it affects our national security.

Trump clearly 'upset' by James Comey's upcoming book publication and what a good title. Also some of the excerpts are priceless - eg comparing Trump and his entourage 'like dealing with the Mob'! He may be more accurate than he ever realised!
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