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I thought Derby County fans were the sheep shaggers, I think you might have offended them because you used that offensive term against a different team!!!!
Hate to be on the other side here, but this is exactly why the PC brigade get on their high horse, because of the way things are interpreted.  Now I do not know where you saw this information and I am not criticising your views in any way, but the truth behind this Mexican sombrero story illustrates the problem well of how something occurs and then is reported in a way which suits the agenda of some newspapers.

The Sombrero story is 12 words from a 600 word news article about possible legal challenges within Universities around who was and more so, who was not allowed to speak at Student Union events, such as that well known 'radical' Germane Greer, she was viewed as to feminist by one university to speak.   The part to you refer was half a line from that article "student unions have even banned the wearing of sombreros because it is ‘racist’".  This is an inaccurate and misleading statement by the press, it was not Student "Unions", it was one, the Student Union at the University of East Anglia. Neither did the Student Union ban them because they were racist, what happened was, a Mexican Restaurant in Norwich during freshers week, handed out sombrero's to the students.  The Student Union has a policy which states: at Student Union events, companies are not allowed to give out gifts which promote racial stereotypes.   Now I am not saying, that is a good policy and I am not saying it is not a little over the top, but I am saying, it is not,  "student unions have even banned the wearing of sombreros because it is ‘racist’".

Should I be offended? Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
BaggieSteve and Amelia Chaffinch like this post
(07-01-2018, 21:38)Salopbaggie Wrote: Hate to be on the other side here, but this is exactly why the PC brigade get on their high horse, because of the way things are interpreted.  Now I do not know where you saw this information and I am not criticising your views in any way, but the truth behind this Mexican sombrero story illustrates the problem well of how something occurs and then is reported in a way which suits the agenda of some newspapers.

The Sombrero story is 12 words from a 600 word news article about possible legal challenges within Universities around who was and more so, who was not allowed to speak at Student Union events, such as that well known 'radical' Germane Greer, she was viewed as to feminist by one university to speak.   The part to you refer was half a line from that article "student unions have even banned the wearing of sombreros because it is ‘racist’".  This is an inaccurate and misleading statement by the press, it was not Student "Unions", it was one, the Student Union at the University of East Anglia. Neither did the Student Union ban them because they were racist, what happened was, a Mexican Restaurant in Norwich during freshers week, handed out sombrero's to the students.  The Student Union has a policy which states: at Student Union events, companies are not allowed to give out gifts which promote racial stereotypes.   Now I am not saying, that is a good policy and I am not saying it is not a little over the top, but I am saying, it is not,  "student unions have even banned the wearing of sombreros because it is ‘racist’".

Should I be offended?  Big Grin  Big Grin  Big Grin  Big Grin

Totally agree, Salop, but why let the facts get in the way of a good story; it never bothers the Daily Mail Smile
(07-01-2018, 21:38)Salopbaggie Wrote: Hate to be on the other side here, but this is exactly why the PC brigade get on their high horse, because of the way things are interpreted.  Now I do not know where you saw this information and I am not criticising your views in any way, but the truth behind this Mexican sombrero story illustrates the problem well of how something occurs and then is reported in a way which suits the agenda of some newspapers.

The Sombrero story is 12 words from a 600 word news article about possible legal challenges within Universities around who was and more so, who was not allowed to speak at Student Union events, such as that well known 'radical' Germane Greer, she was viewed as to feminist by one university to speak.   The part to you refer was half a line from that article "student unions have even banned the wearing of sombreros because it is ‘racist’".  This is an inaccurate and misleading statement by the press, it was not Student "Unions", it was one, the Student Union at the University of East Anglia. Neither did the Student Union ban them because they were racist, what happened was, a Mexican Restaurant in Norwich during freshers week, handed out sombrero's to the students.  The Student Union has a policy which states: at Student Union events, companies are not allowed to give out gifts which promote racial stereotypes.   Now I am not saying, that is a good policy and I am not saying it is not a little over the top, but I am saying, it is not,  "student unions have even banned the wearing of sombreros because it is ‘racist’".

Should I be offended?  Big Grin  Big Grin  Big Grin  Big Grin

You're right to point out the Press slight misinterpretation, Salop. (After all, I read it in the Mail on Sunday - enough said!)

More to the point, though, a Student Union has such a ridiculous policy that it doesn't differentiate between what's offensive and what's totally and obviously not!
The over-concerned Students, who patronise any person (other than white British people) make up a policy against "promoting racial stereotypes" just in case that one person back in Tijuana might start crying.
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with
Beer is like the Sun.

It rises in the Yeast and set in the Waist.

DD Tongue Tongue
A gunman has burst into the Celebrity Big Brother house and killed all the contestants.

Police say that the victims are yet to be identified.

DD Angel Angel
Stairs likes this post
When buying a Lottery ticket never check to see if you’ve won, as it’s far better to be a potential winner than a confirmed loser.

IF your called Gemma Pell don't go to France, you’ll never be able to tell anyone your name..

On January 1st I joked to my girlfriend we haven’t had sex all year. It’s getting less and less funny each day I tell her.

Steve Wright - save time presenting your "Big Show" by simply sellotaping a microphone to your anus for 15 hours a week.

How do you turn a three-dimensional printer into a four-dimensional printer?
Just give it time.

I don't know about you, but I've thought about running away more as an adult than I ever did as a child.

Blokes, if you're not married, but thinking about it, remember; a wife is like a hand grenade. Remove the ring, and the xxxx house explodes.

There is a company called Kia and a company called Nokia. I’m not sure who to believe.

Never take the piss or laugh at your wife's choices. You are one of them.

Learn to countdown from 501 in segments of 26 by watching the ladies darts
Vegas and Wolverhampton, the only two places in the world you can pay for sex with chips!

Gutted that Pigs in Blankets are seasonal and only available Xmas day.

My goal for 2018 is to accomplish the goals of 2017 which I should have done in 2016 because I made a promise in 2015 which I planned on keeping back in 2014 all originally formulated in 2013 because someone mentioned planning and achieving goals was a good thing back in 2012, they didn’t mention how xxxx hard it would be, pious twats, my new year’s resolution is to try to actually finish someth…….,

DD Big Grin Big Grin
I am sorry to learn about the 6 tourists from northern Spain who suffocated when the revolving doors of their hotel in London jammed shut due to overloading......a fire brigade spokesperson said " This demonstrates, quite vividly, that it is very dangerous to put all your Basques in one exit..

DD Angel Angel
I had my first UFO experience this morning. I walked into the kitchen and said to the G/F. "Morning fat arse."
Next thing there were flying saucers coming at me from all directions!...

DD Laugh Laugh
Was out walking the dog this morning when a car went past dropping eggs from the exhaust pipe. Then I realised........

It was a Hatchback. DD Tongue Tongue
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