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Big Grin 
Every one a winner, DD. Thumb up You've cheered me up from a Mr.Angry mood. Big Grin

back to my self-indulgent bad mood....

Today's music must be the worst ever! (I definitely sound like my old man 50 years ago). They don't even bother with lyrics anymore (or have they all been used up, like our natural resources)? Every record they've played today has had the following lyrics:-

Wo-o-o-oaa, O-o-o-oh oh, oh-ay-ay-ay, etc

....the lazy b*stards. Art for art's sake, my arse. Just turn out some shite in a couple of hours rehearsal, and the daft 10 year-olds will go out and buy it. Job done.

Another thing to get off Mr.Angry's chest:-

Why does everyone always want to know if I know what they mean, you know what I mean? Angry
Still plenty of great music around, it just requires a bit of digging, because the charts are owned by Simon Cowell and his mates.

"I would rather spend a holiday in Tuscany than in the Black Country, but if I were compelled to choose between living in West Bromwich or Florence, I should make straight for West Bromwich." - J.B. Priestley
Tend to agree Talksaft.

Some good stuff there Ska'd.

For something different try music by Seth Lakeman.

Todays music with a "Family influence". DD Thumb up Thumb up
Just been to the gym. They've got a new machine in.
Only used it for half an hour, as I started to feel sick.
It's great though. It does everything -
KitKats, Mars Bars, Snickers, Potato Crisps, the lot.."

DD Tongue Tongue
I`ve just received a letter saying that my rich old long lost uncle has died and left me a very expensive watch in his will. I hope it`s not a wind up.

DD Tongue Tongue
No wonder the frogs are shitting thenselves. The last time they had a tiger on the loose was when the Germans were there.

DD Big Grin Big Grin
I was wondering the other day what our parents did for entertainment before television was popular and affordable.

I asked my 38 brothers and sisters if they had any ideas, but none of them could suggest an answer either.

DD Doh Doh
A scotsman and his wife went on a Holiday to Israel once. Of course the mother-in-law insisted on going with them and they had no choice but to let her come. Sadly she had a stroke and died on the second day. The authorities offered to bury her in Israel for free or to send her Body back to scotland for 7000 Pounds. The scotsman declined the first offer and wanted her to be flown back home.
An official asked, "Why sir, here she will be buried in the land of God and it won´t cost you a penny"
The scotsman said, "Listen son, 2 thousand years ago a man called Jesus died here and within a week he was up and living again and i´m no teken any chances!"

DD Big Grin Big Grin
<<<<<<<<<<<< WARNING >>>>>>>>>>

.This is a naughty one.

If easily offended do not go any further.



.On your head be it.

Click on the picture.

DD Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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