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Ched Evans
The story:
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
Knuckle draggers now abusing her on social media as a result.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I doubt that will change her mind and she has probably got many more fans by making a stance. She has certainly gone up even further in my estimation.
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
Unfortunately in this day and age there are some football fans who see the success of their club as more important than anything else in society!! The abuse all the patrons have received, along with the sponsors who are threatening to pull out, is indicative of this mentality, and for all the loathing I have for them anyway, I am amazed how they are allowing their club's name to be dragged through the mud!!! A lot of their fans now have a siege mentality and are in effect circling the wagons against anyone who criticizes this decision, its become a them against us situation and that is never good for a football club!!

On a separate note, I have never understood why the even called it the Jessica Ennis stand?? They have plenty of former players who deserve that honor well before an athlete who happened to support them!! Unfortunately her stand on this topic will be somewhat lost in the argument over her suitability for the honor in the first place.
I would say they should drop her name from the stand no matter what happens with Evans. No club should have someone from outside dictating to them like that - regardless of whether or not she's in the right. They've honoured her with the name of the stand, and she's now setting conditions for that honour. If they boot out Evans and she's happy for now with her name being up there, is it just a matter of time before she says she wants it removed if the club doesn't recycle all its used bottles, or if she disapproves of whatever bank the club does its business with? Drop the name and honour someone worthwhile connectd to the club, not a one hit wonder.
St Charles Owl likes this post
It's not just her, though. People and businesses are queueing up to drop them.
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
She should demand it be withdrawn, whether they take him back on or not.
Evans should've been sacked on the spot, the minute he was found guilty. Their stance on all this is an absolute disgrace.
No club should be considering re-employing an idiot that can't even work out what he did that was wrong. He'd no business being at that hotel in the first place let alone jumping into bed for sloppy seconds with a barely conscious woman.

It was Sheffield's decision to use Jess Ennis Hill's name and her brand on on their stand. They get more out of it by association than she gets out of it. If she wants nothing more to do with them that is her decision.
Lord Snooty likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I agree Theo, until he shows true remorse and regret over his actions, football as a whole should shun him!! He does have an appeal of sorts coming up, if that one is denied like the previous ones then he has to drop the innocent crap and start being a lot more humble. At that point maybe a club will give him a second chance, a brave decision but I would have nothing against a team if they did.

The other thing that bothers me slightly about this is the mob mentality from outside of the club and football that is almost acting as judge and jury after the legal system has already done its job in this case!! Some of the people hounding patrons, employees and sponsors of Sheffield United are on seriously dodgy grounds for me, it is bordering on harrassment of these people and companies over a decision that there is no legal reason why they cannot do what they want. Its one of the worrying things about current society for me, there will always be two sides to most debates, but for the one who shouts loudest to be the winner is not debate, its lobbying and harrassment!! At the end of the day we live in a democracy with free speech being a key coomponent of this, but the mob forcing their poinion on others in this manner is wrong to me.
Paul Heaton, formerly of the Housemartins and Beautiful South is the latest patron to resign from his position with them. He is a known "ordinary" fan and from all the patrons who have quit so far is the only one who does not appear to be in it to potentially increase his own profile!! Blunt fans are praying that Sean Bean does not get asked by the media about this as there is virtually no celebrity or politician who would speak out for Evans to be training or signing with them again!!!!
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