Every one a winner, DD.
You've cheered me up from a Mr.Angry mood.
back to my self-indulgent bad mood....
Today's music must be the worst ever! (I definitely sound like my old man 50 years ago). They don't even bother with lyrics anymore (or have they all been used up, like our natural resources)? Every record they've played today has had the following lyrics:-
Wo-o-o-oaa, O-o-o-oh oh, oh-ay-ay-ay, etc
....the lazy b*stards. Art for art's sake, my arse. Just turn out some shite in a couple of hours rehearsal, and the daft 10 year-olds will go out and buy it. Job done.
Another thing to get off Mr.Angry's chest:-
Why does everyone always want to know if I know what they mean, you know what I mean?

back to my self-indulgent bad mood....
Today's music must be the worst ever! (I definitely sound like my old man 50 years ago). They don't even bother with lyrics anymore (or have they all been used up, like our natural resources)? Every record they've played today has had the following lyrics:-
Wo-o-o-oaa, O-o-o-oh oh, oh-ay-ay-ay, etc
....the lazy b*stards. Art for art's sake, my arse. Just turn out some shite in a couple of hours rehearsal, and the daft 10 year-olds will go out and buy it. Job done.
Another thing to get off Mr.Angry's chest:-
Why does everyone always want to know if I know what they mean, you know what I mean?