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Rangers v Hibs - 20/05/15
Trip abroad was a mistake - would have been better staying at home and staying a few bounce games.

If Hibs overcome the scoreline they will, of course, fully deserve to go through. However I don't think they will have to patience required in the 2nd leg: they'll come out of the box like greyhounds and Rangers will score on the break.
Don't agree with point about the break away by all means it turned out to be a good bonding session for the squad. If they played bounce games always the chance of picking up injuries which would have been worse

There's everything still to play for although odds are slightly against us if we score early rangers could crumble HFC have nothing to fear.

McCall will come and sit in with a 4-5-1 like he did last time it's down to hibs to over come this there's no doubt we have better players which are capable of winning the game. C'mon Hibs lets HAVE IT

We played 4-5-1 last time and where by far the better side, Stubbs doesn't have a plan b. Rangers score early and we will run riot!
No sure about running riot coop but yer bang on with yer assessment,I said yesterday his lack of decision making and not his players could prove decisive and it came true he left Cummings on who was a passenger all night no plan b
Don't agree with rangers being the better team at Easter Rd as I said McCall will play 4-5-1 as he did last time you got a massive favour from the ref with hibs defender getting wiped out for the 2nd goal.
Young Jason done himself no favours last night a very poor performance by his standards but he's still a massive threat to any defence his goals total proves that. Got a feeling Big Stubbs will go with Malonga and El Alagui up front which will be interesting to see how rangers will handle a more direct and physical opponent.

Why did he not start with El Al??guy wins shit loads of headers
That's the 20million pound question Fred maybe not 100% fit not making excuses for Stubbs maybe he felt young Jason would have done better running in behind them. But that never happened but it think Cummings will be out on sat for the 2 strikers I mentioned before and keep Cummings for later in the game if its going our way only my thoughts tho.

I feel rangers would toil with Malonga and El Alagui big Dom dd well against them last night he holds the ball well and has a nice touch and Alagui is the stronger with headers as you rightly point out.

C'mon the Hibees
Fit or not you have to ask questions as to why he kept a boy on the park who done nothing for his team last night,game at Easter road he done nothing to change the approach it's like he's to stubborn to adapt to what's in front of him and hopes his way comes through
Everything you say is correct Fred but taking it all into context I'm giving Stubbs the benefit of the doubt yes he's made mistakes but this is his first job in management which brings pressure it's self but looking at the bigger picture he walked into Easter Rd with the whole place in turmoil hardly any playing staff. But after a shaky start he has built a very good squad and taken us to 2nd in the league that in my book deserves some recognition and going with the old saying.


Lets stay positive for Saturday after all it's only half time

From the papers this morning it looks like some of our players have already given up on gaining promotion and,if so, adds weight to the arguments I have been going on about on 606 for years.
After the game on Saturday Hibs will be saying cheerio to 5 or 6 players from our first team squad because of loans finishing and contracts expiring so I hardly expect them to bust a gut to achieve something they will not be part of.
The same thing happened last year when the team won the first leg and threw it away in the second. There were 7 first team regulars cast adrift after that game and they all knew they were going before the return leg. Hardly surprising that the team produced one of the worst displays of the season that day and I am convinced we will see a team going through the motions on Saturday.
Sadly this means that Alan Stubbs will be scraping around looking for players in July when, with the backing of the board. he could have signed the nucleus of a decent team long before now.
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