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European Union Referendum - In or Out??

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(25-06-2016, 13:13)Fredstersafool Wrote: There's no turning back 0762 petition or not the nation has spoken and now need to deal with

Well the number of signatures have risen to 3 million + and still rising - a lotta people in the UK who know this vote was inherently wrong and are even more incensed by the shameless people who represented the Brexit movement and the lies that they peddled!!! Foe example, they are already backpedaling on their positive financing of the NHS and the 'dream' they had to offer - pish!!!!
What needs to happen now is for Cameron to grow a pair and take back his resignation.
Then he needs to call an immediate general election with his main manifesto being that he will ignore the referendum result.
Labour needs to stop the in fighting and unite in order to beat the Tories, but also with the promise of ignoring the referendum result.
The Brexit supporters will then have the choice of voting for the Conservatives, Labour or a Nigel Farage led UKIP party.
If the country then votes him in, we can leave the EU.

Won't happen like, but it's a better idea than crying over it and demanding another referendum.

Lol. It turns out that the petition for a 2nd referendum was started last week by a Brexit campaigner who was sure that the country would vote to remain. Laugh
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There will be no change the votes are in counted and leave won,there would be anarchy if that was quashed
It doesn't have to be quashed, the result doesn't bind anyone to any action since it was legally no more than a mass opinion poll. The government could easily use the 75% + 60% conditions to say the result wasn't enough to justify exiting the EU. They won't though because it would be political suicide and if there's one thing that's generally true of politicians in the public eye it's that they care a hell of a lot more about their political career than the good of the country.
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(26-06-2016, 16:25)El Car Wrote: It doesn't have to be quashed, the result doesn't bind anyone to any action since it was legally no more than a mass opinion poll. The government could easily use the 75% + 60% conditions to say the result wasn't enough to justify exiting the EU. They won't though because it would be political suicide and if there's one thing that's generally true of politicians in the public eye it's that they care a hell of a lot more about their political career than the good of the country.

Maybe Cameron is the one to do that as his political career is now essentially over, problem would be making it stick and I would imagine the Leave bigwigs would take that straight into the courts!!
No they can't El Car because apparently it wasn't in the rules of the vote so I've read,
It didn't have to be though. The vote isn't legally binding so they can still do whatever they like at this stage, and they could use that as justification if they really wanted to. They won't of course.
It would be a complete farce if they did I'm actually surprised there's no counter petition,
(26-06-2016, 17:02)El Car Wrote: It didn't have to be though. The vote isn't legally binding so they can still do whatever they like at this stage, and they could use that as justification if they really wanted to. They won't of course.

There will be a general election quite soon i think,then the parties can define their manifesto on the Article 50 matter and let the voters decide accordingly. Then the winner has the mandate to implement their manifesto.

Until then i can't see article 50 being signed so we are still in the EU. Just in a really poor position and the economy faces damage.

Meanwhile the brexiters are doing more back peddling than a clown on a unicycle.
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