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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
As long as el cars banking job is safe we can all breathe again. Naughty naughty England.
I don't have a job in banking, and my job is far from safe, so...not really sure where you're going with that.
I was very shocked at the result as I stayed up all night watching the results come in. After 15 results it was too early to predict but there was a pattern emerging especially in Labour heartlands of Northern England. I did expect Scotland, Birmingham, London and the Home counties to win it for remain but I was wrong. Seeing each result come in on the BBC results programme be Blue instead of Yellow was pretty disheartening but also shocking and I couldn't quite believe what I was witnessing.

I voted remain. The EU isn't perfect no organisation is but I thought we could achieve more together than we would alone and possibly reform. Disappointed and a little upset? Yes. Angry? No. We live in a democracy and it was a democratic vote where the Leave campaign won a majority. At the moment you could say we're in a mourning stage as it is sad but we all need to calm down and keep a clear and open mind and not abuse or offend anyone for the way they voted like I have seen on social media today.

Not only could this be the beginning of the end of the European Union as other countries are now thinking of leaving but it looks like it will be the beginning of the end of the United Kingdom as it looks likely Scotland will vote for independence if Westminster grant them another referendum and Northern Ireland and Ireland could become United. David Cameron wanted a legacy and his legacy looks like it could be leaving not one union but two.

This decision could take 2-3 years to sort out and no one really knows what's going to happen as they can only guess and estimate. We could fail or it could be the making of us and it can only go one way.
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Scotland can suck it up, it voted with its arch enemy, the rich and wealthy of London in this one and completely bottled its own independence referendum last year. Time to move on from that one!!! The swathe of blue across middle and working class England won the day, a victory that has seen Cameron resign and should see the end of Corbyn as well!! He completely failed to get Labours message across and the heartland of Labour support was overwhelmingly in the leave camp. This is as muc a slap in the face of Labor as it is the Conservative, in fact this is a slap in the face of every government that has consistently ignored the middle and working classes for a long time now.
Cameron's own arrogance fuqed him up the arse,the one good thing is he is now gone the man couldn't run two yards never mind a country good riddance to him,can anyone truly say that being in the EU has benefited the UK?? Because from where I'm sitting I've seen no significant difference, for all the money we supposedly received we still have no housing for our people and people are forced into paying ridiculous high rents to put a roof over there heads,I just got a wage rise and because of the choice I had to make regards my pension my NI went up and left me £16 a month worse off only in this shite hole country eh??
(24-06-2016, 20:28)El Car Wrote: I don't have a job in banking, and my job is far from safe, so...not really sure where you're going with that.

Sorry i meant 'major global financial firm'

I feel a bit bitter about last night. No offence meant to yourself. i do hope all our jobs are safe though.

(24-06-2016, 22:11)Fredstersafool Wrote: Cameron's own arrogance fuqed him up the arse,the one good thing is he is now gone the man couldn't run two yards never mind a country good riddance to him,can anyone truly say that being in the EU has benefited the UK?? Because from where I'm sitting I've seen no significant difference, for all the money we supposedly received we still have no housing for our people and people are forced into paying ridiculous high rents to put a roof over there heads,I just got a wage rise and because of the choice I had to make regards my pension my NI went up and left me £16 a month worse off only in this shite hole country eh??

People are blaming the EU for things they aren't actually responsible for. Which i suspect a lot of last night was about.
Spot on Jim, the whole campaign was devoid of truthful independent facts, just like the Scottish referendum a year earlier. The leave campaign predicted doom and gloom if we stayed and now the remain are saying the same thing now we are leading!! Both cannot be right.

The political parties all took a huge hit in this one, Cameron and Corbin need to resign as neither of them were able to get their parties line across and their core supporters throughout England voted against both of them. With both parties officially supporting the remain campaign, this should have been a slam dunk, but they completely misunderstood their electorate and completely failed to get their message across.
0762 and hibeejim21 like this post
It certainly was, hibeejim. 'I don't earn as much as I want to - must be Johnny Foreigner's fault.' 'Britain doesn't manufacture industry has been dying for decades - must be because of all the freedom of travel.' 'The NHS can't keep pace with the demands of an ageing population and the effects of self-inflicted drug and alcohol abuse - well that's all down to the Belgians, innit.'

And let's not even start on the whole refugee situation. People caught up in brutal, bloody wars not of their own making; their homes bombed, their neighbours trying to murder them or one another, and it's somehow outrageous that we should offer any sort of refuge to those people.

90% of this has come down to sheer xenophobia and outright racism. For all the moaning I've heard from the 'leave' campaigners about the EU, I've not heard a single argument about how things would be any better out of it, and I know from where I stand things have the potential to get a lot worse now. My point about the firm I work for is that it's not a British company, it's a major name that chooses to operate and invest in the UK, bringing jobs, opportunities and a lot of wealth (and we pay a hell of a lot of UK tax on top of that). It will now significantly downsize its operations here simply because it's a lot easier and more efficient for it to be in an EU country. It'll probably move most of its staff to Germany now and they'll reap those benefits. And it's one of countless firms and companies that will now take that sort of action, and there'll be nothing to replace them.
hibeejim21 likes this post
Your predicament is one of many that will arise after this astoundingly wrong brexit vote El Car! I'm already listening and reading stuff from folk who fear the impact on their work place status, some who have lost life savings in whatever they were investing and this is just the beginning. Also I don't think the main protagonists, who brokered 'Brexit', have a clue re the way forward because they never thought they were actually gonna win this referendum. Also IMO there should be another general election as I doubt the thousands of voters down south never voted for a right-wing Tory govt!!! What a f###### shambles!! Democracy in this country has left a bad taste in my mouth and, like other like-minded posters, I am angry and numbed by this referendum result which should not have happened if the opposition players had done their jobs properly!!
El Car, I'm glad that I was one of the 10% who didn't use xenophobia nor racism as their reason for voting Leave.

The UK is a net contributor to the EU (we're still in it for years to come), so that money should now be able to be used for the UK's benefit - tax cuts, funding house-building, whatever. Of course, this depends on politicians, so don't hold your breath.

As far as immigration is concerned, I was much more interested in the ideal of being able to expel hate-filled undesirables from this country, instead of having the European Court telling us we couldn't do it.

As usual, there will be winners and losers, but that applies to everything. I've been a UK taxpayer under Conservative and Labour governments and before and after the Common Market/EU and I've always managed to have a car, a house and an annual holiday. Perhaps I'm luckier than most, but we Brits tend to get on with it and manage the best we can.

As far as the result is concerned, that's democracy at work. The ballot box rules and I for one didn't need to be cajoled into voting by one side or the other.
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