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Another wee victory over the tanks on our lawn:
You may be winning the battles but will you win the war??
Great news on that, slowly but surely his influence will be driven out!

Who's got an agenda here then. Spiers made a claim about the integrity of the Rangers board members which he was completely unable to corroborate or prove, leaving himself and, more importantly, his employers open to the possibility of being sued for damages by every member of the board.

Why he would make such a claim without evidence is beyond me. Why the newspaper would publish such an accusation without sight of some evidence is beyond insensible. I can only assume he assured them that he had evidence.

Anyway, they quite rightly apologised and the other columnist who undermined the apology - thereby leaving  them potentially open to legal action again - deserved the bullet. If she was tweeting solidarity with Spiers it indicates that his apology - as published in order to avoid legal action and the sack - was not heartfelt.

But why would the NUJ be up in arms about one of their members having to withdraw an unfounded accusation? What about journalistic integrity and publishing facts rather than bitter rants and finger points that pander to the baying mob?
Let's face it, with the apalling standard of journalism not just prevalent but actively encouraged in the press these days, with the sole purpose of selling advertising space, the NUJ standing up in support of someone making things up is exactly what you'd expect. The British press other and news media are an absolute disgrace these days, even where some of the formerly more reputable and upstanding brands are concerned.

It's actually laughable that they stated "It is outrageous that  commercial meddling has led the Herald to sack a respected columnist" when commercial meddling is exactly why people like Spiers and Haggerty even have a job. The only reason they get to write anything is because of the lowlifes who eat up the shite they peddle.
The first I've come across a union - and I was a rep for a number of years - actively supporting its members' right to lie and endanger the business they work for in full knowledge that the member is unable to substantiate his claims.
(29-01-2016, 23:43)TheWorthinGer Wrote: The first I've come across a union - and I was a rep for a number of years - actively supporting its members' right to lie and endanger the business they work for in full knowledge that the member is unable to substantiate his claims.

This is exactly the problem with the NUJ. As part of the apology and explanation issued by the Herald they said that Spiers had admitted what he said wasn't true, and yet Haggerty (and let's not forget she has a demonstrable anti-Rangers agenda and is an associate and supporter of a prominently known sectarian bigot blogger) still protested about the retraction, and all this despite knowing that persisting with the lie was likely to land her employer in legal trouble. In other words she wanted the paper to deliberately pursue a defamatory lie even after acknowledging that it was a lie. In all honesty I can't think of any situation where an employer would find it acceptable for any employee to intentionally seek to legally damage them in order to pursue a personal agenda, and in a world where it's practically impossible to get sacked it's one of the few situations that would practically guarantee termination of employment.

And yet the NUJ thinks the Herald was wrong in this?? The Herald wasn't "unwilling to stand up for its contributors", it was protecting itself from a suicide bomber. 
I think the Rangers board were quite soft on them. Let's face it a writ could have been choice number one.
So hoisted by his own pertard. I await the pouring of outrage to follow. It's not as if he hasn't got form.
(30-01-2016, 00:00)El Car Wrote:
(29-01-2016, 23:43)TheWorthinGer Wrote: The first I've come across a union - and I was a rep for a number of years - actively supporting its members' right to lie and endanger the business they work for in full knowledge that the member is unable to substantiate his claims.

This is exactly the problem with the NUJ. As part of the apology and explanation issued by the Herald they said that Spiers had admitted what he said wasn't true, and yet Haggerty (and let's not forget she has a demonstrable anti-Rangers agenda and is an associate and supporter of a prominently known sectarian bigot blogger) still protested about the retraction, and all this despite knowing that persisting with the lie was likely to land her employer in legal trouble. In other words she wanted the paper to deliberately pursue a defamatory lie even after acknowledging that it was a lie. In all honesty I can't think of any situation where an employer would find it acceptable for any employee to intentionally seek to legally damage them in order to pursue a personal agenda, and in a world where it's practically impossible to get sacked it's one of the few situations that would practically guarantee termination of employment.

And yet the NUJ thinks the Herald was wrong in this?? The Herald wasn't "unwilling to stand up for its contributors", it was protecting itself from a suicide bomber. 
Laugh Laugh Laugh 

The herald was a great paper. Its actually done because of the likes of you.

cheap level 5 etc etc...
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