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Still using that stick to beat me with?

That just proves you're a f*cking moron. Thumb up
Proves you stay away from cesspits.
I do indeed. You obviously wallow in them. Each to their own.

However, your argument that Ibrox is therefore a cesspit because I haven't been there for a while doesn't make any sense. Well, not to anyone that's not a childish f*cking moron.
It's not a cesspit because you've never set foot in the place it's a cesspit because that's what it is a complete toilet mostly full of shite
Well, we've learned something. 'Moron' has the same effect on him as 'idiot' does. I'll just have to stop mentioning him altogether
He is one bigoted tosser.
Worth you calling anyone a tosser is hilarious
(17-11-2015, 15:49)Trusevich Wrote: This 'John James' character has already been outed as a Celtic fan using the moniker 'Barcabhoy' on twatter and elsewhere. Predictably, he's one of the obsessed doom-mongers that seem to comment on Rangers all the time.

While posing as a Rangers fan, 'John James' managed to ingratiate himself into the company of the estimable Bill McMurdo's RSL group, which was simply a conduit for pro-Ashley/anti-King propaganda, until the cover was blown and McMurdo was revealed as being in the employ of PR company Mediahouse. The RSL website was promptly closed down, with all of it's daft claims and predictions of impending doom deleted.

It's no surprise that El Car can easily pick holes in that blog post. 'John James' is an idiot, El Car isn't.

Even Moron1 had his doubts, despite his obvious idiot leanings.

Thanks for the explanation Trus, you've told me things I didn't know, I'll view this stuff through a thicker filter from now on. Shame about the "moron" bit but hey........I'll get over it
Sometimes right and sometimes wrong, but always certain  Thumb up
seems a pity hearts fans and the others feel the need to post more about Rangers and stir it at same time than post about their own team that are having a great season. Hibs are doing well to but that need to abuse their self felt enemy is there always.
I have to say I dont understand it, but guess I was brought up in a differing era and would prefer to talk about my own team 95 % of the time
supercooper, Larry-AV, Trusevich like this post
Get the message.....I'll butt out
Sometimes right and sometimes wrong, but always certain  Thumb up
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