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Hhahahahaha your funny.

Actually thanks for that I assumed you were calling me a troglodyte but obviously i'm not if I live in a bedsit hahahaha
o trus you lie so obviously
Rangers where caught cheating
direct quotes from the judgment
"•Rangers should have disclosed details of the arrangements.

"Those side-letter arrangements were required to be disclosed under the Rules of the Scottish Premier League (“SPL&rdquo and the Scottish Football Association (“SFA&rdquo." (p1)
•Rangers Oldco did not seek any advice.

"Oldco through its senior management decided that such side-letter arrangements should not be disclosed to the football authorities, and the Board of Directors sanctioned the making of payments under the side-letter arrangements without taking any legal or accountancy advice to justify the non-disclosure." (p1)

"Although the payments in this case were not themselves irregular and were not in breach of SPL or SFA Rules, the scale and extent of the proven contraventions of the disclosure rules require a substantial penalty to be imposed." (p1)

"•EBT benefits were considered by the tribunal to be payments.

"Each side-letter issued to a Specified Player clearly constituted a contractual agreement: the unanimous view of the Tax Tribunal also was that it was an “obligation”.

"Accordingly, in the case of each of the Specified Players in lists 1A and 1B, the EBT arrangements were an essential element of “the Player’s full financial entitlement” within the meaning of Rule 10.2.3." (p23)

"If it had not been intended that the player would directly benefit from the EBT arrangements then there is no reason to believe that the player would have agreed to accept the overall financial package offered by Oldco." (p24)

*On the eligibility of players: The SPL alleges “such that Rangers FC was in breach of a condition of the registration of such players and such players were ineligible to play in official matches for Rangers FC” (p26)

The verdict

The decision
(1) We find the breaches in Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 3 (except Issue 3© and the concluding passage of Issue 3(b)starting with “such that Rangers FC . . . .&rdquo and Issue 4 proved against RFC 2012 Plc (in liquidation), formerly The Rangers Football Club Plc. (2) We fine RFC 2012 Plc (in liquidation) £250,000 in respect of Issues 1 to 3, and admonish it in respect of Issue 4. "

So guilty of failure to disclose payment (issue 1), because of that the players WHERE incorrectly registered (issue 3) and withholding required information (issue 2)

so Rangers were caught cheating, not by an outside agency but by the SPL and SFA

LNS was also lied to and misled, by the same people to mitigate the punishment available for proven cheating
SO saying Rangers didn't cheat is simply a lie
Second only to match fixing

o dear poor turs lying again
and unlike your accusations of me lying I have supplied documentary evidence of yours

liar liar pants on fire
Fred i rattled off a few Rangers players, you couldn't come up with 1 hearts player. Now you are either touched or just thick as mince. As for knuckledraggers it's your fans being banned for causing trouble and beating up coach drivers.
I've came up with Fyssas and Jankauskas both won major honours in the game,Skacel another quality player we've had loads,Aye and rightly so, that's because we deal with our trouble makers unlike your lot who just think it's ok,tell me has the horrible xxxx who spat on a a 12 year old hibs fan from a supporters mini-bus been banned for life yet??
Skacel was bought during your cheating period no?
Hate-mongers spouting pish in their vain campaign to discredit their most feared nightmare.

LNS said explicitly that Rangers had not cheated in using EBTs in the manner they did. It's clear desperation to try to claim anything else.

These moon-howling Celtic fans need to get a grip of themselves and move past the massive inferiority complex they have about Rangers. They're hating themselves into ludicrous embarrassment continually misunderstanding everything to do with tax issues.

I blame the likes of Chris McLaughlin and Tom English for igniting the fire of hope, not realising that fire was built on sand. Now the embers are going cold, the tide's coming in and all that's left is the afterglow of deceit. So many of them have been led up the garden path by unscrupulous people in the public eye preying on their deep-seated hatred and inferiority.

Time they got some perspective and learned from their misplacement of trust.
He was indeed,Alan McLaren wasn't though,neither was Levein,Robertson etc.,Klos DeBoer Prso,Numan etc etc were they brought in during Rangers cheating period??

Oh and i'll ask again numb nut has the scumbag who spat on the 12 year old hibs fan been banned by yer club yet?
(11-11-2015, 14:30)Fredstersafool Wrote: He was indeed,Alan McLaren wasn't though,neither was Levein,Robertson etc.,Klos DeBoer Prso,Numan etc etc were they brought in during Rangers cheating period??

Rangers didn't cheat. You know this. Everyone knows this.
(11-11-2015, 14:17)Fredstersafool Wrote: I've came up with Fyssas and Jankauskas both won major honours in the game,Skacel another quality player we've had loads,Aye and rightly so, that's because we deal with our trouble makers unlike your lot who just think it's ok,tell me has the horrible xxxx who spat on a a 12 year old hibs fan from a supporters mini-bus been banned for life yet??

Has he been identified yet dummy ? if not then it makes that task near impossible.

Keep going fred Ken i Ken.
It's not even been confirmed that it happened, coops. Turns out the lad who claimed it was his son, doesn't have a son. Go figure.
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