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Scottish Independence
That's civil war he's suggesting, then? Rolleyes
Pretty much. Its not about independence for Scotland its about power and how much he hates England and the English. He said the worst day in his life was England winning the World Cup back in 66.

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DD Tongue Tongue
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Looks like there will be a indyref Part II and to be honest don't blame the Scots.

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(22-10-2015, 19:36)spireitematt Wrote: Looks like there will be a indyref Part II and to be honest don't blame the Scots.

I assume you are referring to the backlash from the new English MPs only to vote on English laws ruling?  To me this makes perfect sense, so many laws and issues are only relevant to English constituencies, so why should MPs from Scotland vote on those?  Scotland has devolved powers, with the promise of more to come, they can vote on what they want within these powers with English MPs having no voting rights because they are Scottish rulings that only affect Scotland, and rightly so.  This law just give English MPs the same right for English matters.
(22-10-2015, 19:55)St Charles Owl Wrote:
(22-10-2015, 19:36)spireitematt Wrote: Looks like there will be a indyref Part II and to be honest don't blame the Scots.

I assume you are referring to the backlash from the new English MPs only to vote on English laws ruling?  To me this makes perfect sense, so many laws and issues are only relevant to English constituencies, so why should MPs from Scotland vote on those?  Scotland has devolved powers, with the promise of more to come, they can vote on what they want within these powers with English MPs having no voting rights because they are Scottish rulings that only affect Scotland, and rightly so.  This law just give English MPs the same right for English matters.

Well not just the English votes for English laws but everything that the Government is doing the English votes for English laws will have added more fuel to the fire for another independence referendum and probably killed the union as well. Would not surprise me if they try and push to get the fox hunting law passed through now as well as changing the constituency boundaries to keep Labour out.

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I'm not sure there was any room for any more fuel to that particular fire, the general election result in Scotland pretty much guaranteed that this topic would not go on the back burner. I am not that close to British politics anymore, don't really know Cameron and no nothing about the new Labour leader either, or any other leaders for that matter, but I do remember that part of the pledge Cameron made during the independence campaign was to give Scotland more devolved powers and give the English MPs the right to be the only ones voting on English only issues. So he has followed through on part of that promise, now he has to follow through on the rest, and if he does that then a politician who delivers on the promises he made deserves some credit for doing so.
(22-10-2015, 21:09)St Charles Owl Wrote: I'm not sure there was any room for any more fuel to that particular fire, the general election result in Scotland pretty much guaranteed that this topic would not go on the back burner.  I am not that close to British politics anymore, don't really know Cameron and no nothing about the new Labour leader either, or any other leaders for that matter, but I do remember that part of the pledge Cameron made during the independence campaign was to give Scotland more devolved powers and give the English MPs the right to be the only ones voting on English only issues.  So he has followed through on part of that promise, now he has to follow through on the rest, and if he does that then a politician who delivers on the promises he made deserves some credit for doing so.

A lot of what Cameron has promised he's made massive U-turns on. He said before the election he wouldn't touch Tax credits and now he's scrapping them which will put 200,000 children in poverty. He's caused war on the trade unions where there has to be a 50% turnout and 40% voting in favour of a strike to make it legal which is ironic seeing as 24% of the British public voted for the Tories and they got a majority. He's brought in the right to buy scheme again but it means 113,000 council houses could be sold off housing associations. He's building starter homes which will be £450,000 in London but rest of UK £250,000 but you have to be earning over £50,000 a year outside London and £70,000 in London to afford one. He's scrapped the NMW and brought in the so called 'Living wage' which will be £9.15 or something in London and £7.85 for the rest of the UK but under 25s won't get the 'Living wage' as they've been deemed they don't work as productive as someone over 25. He's scrapped housing benefit for 18-21 year olds and scrapped the maintenance grant for poorer university students and replaced it with a loan.

He promised devolved powers to Scotland don't know if he's actually given them devolved powers because that's gone all quiet but Cameron is giving devolved powers to Manchester and Sheffield and there will be mayors for them cities and parts of surrounding towns. He promised a Northern powerhouse and then said after the election 'Oh sorry we don't have enough money now' so he's gone cap in hand to the Chinese to ask if they would invest in it and would they invest in a Nuclear Power Plant which will be built by the French and owned by the Chinese. Osborne and Cameron have given £3 million to fund grassroots football in China while funding for grassroots football in the UK was cut. They squandered £8.5 million on a TV advert about workplace pensions which aired yesterday.

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Slow down Matt, take a breath!! I wasn't supporting him, I merely said it made a change to see any politician keep an election promise!!! Besides, I hear your pain, I lived over here under George W Bush followed by Barack Obama, so I have seen both ends of the political spectrum do their best to screw things up!! And the next choice seems likely to be another Clinton and Donald Trump, you may actually have it good by the time either of those two have had 4 years in office!!!!
(23-10-2015, 01:22)St Charles Owl Wrote: Slow down Matt, take a breath!!  I wasn't supporting him, I merely said it made a change to see any politician keep an election promise!!!  Besides, I hear your pain, I lived over here under George W Bush followed by Barack Obama, so I have seen both ends of the political spectrum do their best to screw things up!!  And the next choice seems likely to be another Clinton and Donald Trump, you may actually have it good by the time either of those two have had 4 years in office!!!!

I know just giving you a run down of what's been going on or what is happening, Cameron will be stepping down before the next election and Osborne, Theresa May and Boris are favourite to take over. People are up in arms about tax credits and its a big talking point over here at the minute it could be like Thatcher's Poll tax moment. British politics is very interesting at the moment because you've got the Tories who are trying to be the centre ground but with right wing policies and then you've got Labour who have moved straight back to the left under Jeremy Corbyn who is keeping things rather interesting and attracting a lot of support due to his ideas and vision but the question is Will he be PM? The Lib Dems are pretty much non-existent then you've got the SNP who want another referendum and then UKIP and some backbenchers in the Tory party who want the EU referendum ASAP. 

It looks pretty interesting in America and yes it does looks like it will be between Clinton and Trump. Could it be possible they might vote in Jeb Bush? 

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