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Rangers FC - International Call-Ups
Sunday 11/10/2015.

ECQ D : Gibraltar 19:45 Scotland Sky Sports

ECQ F : Finland 17:00 Northern Ireland Sky Sports

ECQ D : Poland 19:45 Ireland (ROI) Sky Sports


Feed2All - Gibraltar v Scotland

Feed2All - Finland v Northern Ireland

Feed2All - Poland v Ireland (ROI)
Sunday 11/10/2015.

ECQ D : Gibraltar 0-6 Scotland

ECQ F : Finland 1-1 Northern Ireland ... N Ireland top their Group.

ECQ D : Poland 2-1 Ireland (ROI) ... Ireland in play-offs.

Play-offs draw next Sunday, matches to be played over two legs in November, 12th to 17th.
Well done Poland.
Turned out to be a pretty good group, and although Scotland didnt wrap themselves in glory ultimately, they still did quite well, and it gives some hope for the future. We are not overladen with great players; in fact we dont have any, but they have mostly worked well as a team. Long may it continue
Both Poland and Ireland took points from Germany while we struggled to pick them up from Georgia.

The league table never lies at the end of the campaign.
This must be a thunderbirds thread. International Rescue is as close to international as Sevco will ever get.
(12-10-2015, 01:45)struth Wrote: Turned out to be a pretty good group, and although Scotland didnt wrap themselves in glory ultimately, they still did quite well, and it gives some hope for the future. We are not overladen with great players; in fact we dont have any, but they have mostly worked well as a team. Long may it continue

I thought we'd tuned a corner after years of abject football when Strachan came in and turned us into a fairly competent side, but that bubble was burst when we went to Georgia and played like one of Levein's teams on mogadon. In fact Strachan got the whole build up to that game absolutely wrong, coming out with laughable statements about the game not being a 'must win'. Well, it certainly looks like it was a 'must win' game from where we are now.

The trouble is, is there anyone waiting in the wings who would be a better Scotland manager than Strachan? I'm not sure there is.
What about Pete Lawwell? They seem to let him run everything else in the Scottish game so surely it's the next logical step? Mind you, if that happened there might have to be some sort of show of accountability and that doesn't seem like his bag.

The bigger problem for me is the selection of players. Strachan's cronyism was detrimental to our cause and we could be doing with a captain capable of showing leadership, but even if his team picks were terrible at times, it's hard to see too many more players who could come in to the squad and improve it. Some of the more promising young players from a year or two ago have stalled and I don't see the squad for World Cup qualifiers looking drastically different.
Very disappointed to not make the play offs at least. Kind of torn in terms of where we go from here, On one hand we competed well with germany and poland and were unlucky not to beat the republic home and away. only the georgia away result could really be claimed as a bad one.

Then on the other hand we only won 2 games outside the gibraltar ones. Stick or twist ?
From the outset we were relying on Germany winning all of their games and they didn't.

Had they done so we'd have been in the playoffs .
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