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No I have brought to your boards attention what a former employee of yer club is saying about yer club.

This comes from a piece in the Daily Record you idiot you can go read it i'm no making it up,but as normal you try to deflect anything that is said/written about yer club because you are an ignorant b'stard.
Daily retard! Sums him up. Ffs i wouldn't trust their weather report, and the fact the story involves a man wanted for questioning for possible fraud, makes it even more laughable.
(15-09-2015, 14:50)Fredstersafool Wrote: No I have brought to your boards attention what a former employee of yer club is saying about yer club.

See, you can dress it up like that if you want, but it's still trolling. And pretty dumb trolling too. If you want to debate anything about Rangers, do it with language that encourages debate instead of terminology that only invites a negative response - that is the dictionary definition of trolling.

I sometimes(!) think you don't understand what you're doing, or even why you do it.

(15-09-2015, 14:50)Fredstersafool Wrote: This comes from a piece  in the Daily Record you idiot you can go read it i'm no making it up,but as normal you try to deflect anything that is said/written about yer club because you are an ignorant b'stard.

Hmmm. Not trolling you say. . .

(15-09-2015, 15:02)supercooper Wrote: Daily retard! Sums him up. Ffs i wouldn't trust their weather report, and the fact the story involves a man wanted for questioning for possible fraud, makes it even more laughable.

Aye, it's an obvious deflection tactic from Ahmad under threat of an inevitable police charge. He must be shiting bricks to come out with that load of bollocks.
It's also on the BBC website feel free to read what someone who was well inside the corridors of Ibrox thinks of the club.

Correct not trolling,one day you might just take the blinkers off and see the woods for the trees,nah ain't gonna happen the Rangers religion that Mr Ahmad refers to is well ingrained into your character.

Simple solution for ye Trus put me on ignore i'm happy no having to reply to a simpleton.
(15-09-2015, 15:14)Fredstersafool Wrote: It's also on the BBC website feel free to read what someone who was well inside the corridors of Ibrox thinks of the club.

Correct not trolling,one day you might just take the blinkers off and see the woods for the trees,nah ain't gonna happen the Rangers religion that Mr Ahmad refers to is well  ingrained into your character.

'The Rangers religion'? Whit? Explain that for us why don't you?

(15-09-2015, 15:14)Fredstersafool Wrote: Simple solution for ye Trus put me on ignore i'm happy no having to reply to a simpleton.

The only simpleton here is the dullard that thinks that me putting him on ignore means that he can't read my posts.

You could simply do us all a favour and stop posting your shite troll attempts on our board. Then everyone will be happy.
I'm ignoring you now tata stupid man.
If you could find the decency to put all of us on ignore that would be appreciated.
I haven't put him on ignore i'm just ignoring him from now on,as for you Worthless I can't ignore you.
Good Lord, a nemesis. And such a poor one.
I love you to much to let ye go,Trus is just an idiot your more of a challenge.
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