Missed the game on Saturday, was out all day at a wedding, no phone reception, no updates. Remembered to record it though, watched it back around midnight, half-pished. Was a magic day all round!
Some major differences in our team style already evident. The difference in tempo and basic pace of play (and players) is like night and day, we saw Waghorn scoring the crucial third goal by doing something that we haven't been doing since before McCoist took the reigns - gambling on taking a chance to shoot for goal, and benefiting from it, and we saw a much higher pressing line, especially in the second half. Our players seem to have confidence in themselves and more importantly their team-mates, there's a confidence even in the tackle that wasn't apparent previously. There's no more languorous passing between defenders, there's a zip to our tempo that makes it immeasurably more difficult to play against, and in Tavernier we now have an equal attacking threat on the right as we do with Wallace on the left.
The progress made in such a short time has been nothing short of astonishing. Even Barrie McKay put a good cross in!
However, there were some negatives: Pass-backs to the keeper need to be judged better, too many times early on our defence caused him a degree of unnecessary panic, which for a goalkeeper could be disastrous. Of course that will get ironed out in time, I'm sure. Same with the basic defensive errors that caused the first goal - backing off and allowing free shot at goal. I don't think Mr Weir will allow that to go unnoticed.
It has to be said - it has set a brilliant marker for the coming season, and I can only see us getting better over time.
Oh, and one more thing - It was refreshing to witness a referee that didn't seem to go out of his way to penalise Rangers unfairly. Maybe the 'establishment' is looking upon us in a much more cordial light these days. Or maybe Willie Collum just hasn't read the memo yet.