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Looks very much like he's trying to divert the lies he doled out few months back by attacking Ashley,I'm no sure he's a demon but king is no saint either
Financial : Rangers' EGM tomorrow {12/06/2015}, with two resolutions :

1} Mike Ashley (MASH) : that the £5M loan be repaid to MASH immediately.
2} RIFC Board : that the loan not be repaid immediately and Rangers' contract (through Rangers Retail) with Sports Direct be renegotiated.

So, what information is so embarrassing (confidential) that Mike Ashley wants to suppress it ???

Skysports - Rangers: Sports Direct granted injunction ahead of EGM

Skysports - Rangers First group to back Dave King at Friday's general meeting

Skysports - Mike Ashley issues statement ahead of Rangers general meeting

I had concerns about Dave King's history in South Africa, but he has been cleared as a 'fit and proper person' by the SFA, so that is that, as far as I am concerned, so why is Ashley bringing this matter up now ???
For the record, I also voiced concerns about the Easdales, regarding their convictions in Scotland, when they became Board members.
SportsDirect are everywhere with lots of hidden presence in the high street and online:

"Ashley has made his money by buying brands. The first major brand he bought was Donnay. In February 2003 Ashley bought the Dunlop Slazenger brand for £40 million, followed up by acquiring outdoor gear manufacturer Karrimor in March 2003,[12] Kangol for £10 million,[13] boxing brand Lonsdale, most of these brands were bought from distressed sellers. After considering a takeover,[14] Ashley took a £9 million stake and signed a long-term deal with Umbro.[15]

Ashley has a 29.4% stake in Blacks Leisure Group, the owner of Millets and Mambo,[16] and is thought to hold stakes in JJB Sports and 19% of JD Sports."

SportsDirect brands:
Current brandsEdit
Field & Trek
SheRunsHeRuns - internet and high street retail.
European Golf
Rangers F.C.!!!!

(All from Wiki)

So, a boycott of this little feck is not easy if you want to by sportswear - he has a finger in an awful lot of pies.
Does boycotting buying gers hear from him not impact on the two ways.

A)You make nothing at all

B)the club take the hit for unsold stock.

Surely just paying him his money and hopefull renegotiating a new deal would be better???
The club apparently received nothing from the deal in the last accounting period.

There's more too it than just Rangers merchandise. There's a lot of SportsDirect stores in the parts of the UK where Rangers support is based. A boycott of his stores would have a very long term detrimental effect upon those stores.

It's not an ideal scenario because it could affect people's employment but it's a tactic that is available.

Most of the stuff they sell if cheap shite anyway so no great loss.

The more you read about Ashley the more you realise that he is the face of exploitative capitalism. What a lovely system we have.
Dave King is hardly straight either though is he??
After calling this EGM, neither Mike Ashley nor any representatives from MASH cba turning up !

Any answers to questions raised were limited by the injunction.
The two resolutions were rejected and passed respectively, although we will have to wait until Monday next week for the official results.
There should be a decision made on the identity of Rangers' next Manager next week too.

Skysports - Rangers EGM: Directors issued with Sports Direct injunction at home
Why not just pay back the guy his 5 million quid "short term " loan and be done with it then?
Please keep up if you just comment - it's not about 5 million. That's a side issue. Its about onerous contracts.
Don't you possible onerous contracts??
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