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Match Thread - L**ds
Watford go 2-0 up in the 94th minute!!! Been watching their game on tv and their pace and movement is excellent, they should hammer us next week, but then so should have Bournemouth!!! Their PL dream is in our hands!!!
(25-04-2015, 15:10)A57owl Wrote: SG has trouble motivating the team and as for organising our attack... enough has been said about that issue. I'm amazed that DC seems happy for him to continue in the role next season

The lack of ability to inspire and motivate worries me!!!  Other coaches can help with organising the attack, but it has to be SG that leads the motivation!!
Its pretty unbelievable stuff, I knew our lot wouldn't raise the game fo this. Their seasons over. SG can't motivate a morning bowel movement..

Shower of shit L**ds going to beat us at home, SG churns out the same old same old... # man sports director set up can't save this puddle of shite
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
(25-04-2015, 15:16)Imre varadi Wrote: Missed barry like mad !!! we are going to need at least 2 barrys next year when one is injured the other one plays !! without barry the center of midfield is shit !!!

Yes, just shows how good McGugan has been and how vital his type of player is for us!!  Definitely need to up the quality in midfield and up front!!

So we now have Bus, Lavery, May and Keane all on the pitch, none of them will score though!!!
Mistake by Semedo almost costs us!!!

We haven't looked like scoring this half!!
Right effin shower of sh1te
Illegitimi non carborundum
Crowd need to start singing " You don't know what you're doing" at Gray
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
This performance won't motivate fans and get them excited for next season. Our home performances have been poor most of the season. CRAP results like this will effect season ticket sales
(25-04-2015, 15:22)The Statesideowl Wrote: Crowd need to start singing " You don't know what you're doing" at Gray

Illegitimi non carborundum
true A57

Also, season tickets are going up. I'm sure people are kicking each other to get there first...

One day, we'll do things properly. I might be dead. But, it will happen..
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
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