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Match Thread v Charlton
(12-04-2015, 13:40)Was Wereham Owl Wrote: Having watched the highlights this morning these are my opinions
We should have been 3 down before we scored, Westwood is the player of the year by a country mile
Our loanees show more passion and effort for the Owls than some of our own players do
That miss from Nuhiu was the worst I've seen for years unforgivable
SG don't think DC will sack him, but if he has anything about him he should walk away and admit he has done all he can

1) Yes, Westwood by a mile
2) Not sure about this. Not sure that anyone isn't trying.
3) Yes worse miss I have ever seen by Wednesday player
4) Think DC will probably sack him in the summer but won't be surprised either way.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
the game wasn't that good imre Doh we should have been 3 down before we scored. I was falling asleep the game was so poor
Removed until we're actually on our way back  Doh
Charlton should have been three up before we woke up.

Some might ague that we were worth a point because we hit the woodwork twice and missed two sitters but Westwood saved us with four great saves whereas we didn't work their keeper apart from the goal.

It was much improved o recent performances but to suggest that we deserved to win is just wrong.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Just a cameo appearance folks. I've been following the posts from time to time and I've noticed the following:

* 2 posts (thurnscoe and A57, I think) saying they think I have something useful to contribute to the forum. Appreciated.

* well intended comments from imre - again appreciated.

* follow up posts from thurnscoe and a few others with childish "digs" at yours truly (the shit ones - I never claimed ownership of that epithet anyway), including one where thurnscoe had so much time on his hands he dug up an old post of mine. None of this appreciated.

* Complete misrepresentation of my dissatisfaction with the group. It never was about everyone having to agree with me. It was always about my right to hold an opinion different from the majority. I notice that others are now saying much the same thing that I said and are not being pounced on like a ton of bricks and ridiculed!!

* a growing body of people who are starting to agree with me that nuhiu is a total waste of space and that by continually playing him ahead of May, SG is totally ruining the morale of a player who will probably leave the club and do well elsewhere.

Bye for now.

Love y'all.

St Charles Owl, Was Wereham Owl, Imre varadi And 2 others like this post
"God Save the King."
was never about you not liking nuhiu it was how you put that opinion across.

I wouldn't ply nuhiu either now we have nothing to play for

leprechaun shit Whistle
Maddix likes this post
Removed until we're actually on our way back  Doh
He kept accusing me of saying stuff and making constant digs about my position on Nuhiu so I asked if he could read or if he needed stronger prescription glasses because he was putting words into my mouth. Then he got tit on and left
Removed until we're actually on our way back  Doh
I can read thurny and my eyes are fine, I've only come back today because us blades have somehow found some form and look to be safe for play offs.

That miss by that donkey Nooopoooooo was pathetic though. We should be playing May every game, not like he's ever missed sitters from 3 yards out is it

chameleon shit
[Image: Owlsceleb_3196141.jpg?20140827084843]
will do
Imre varadi likes this post
Removed until we're actually on our way back  Doh
(12-04-2015, 20:54)Thurnscoe_OWL Wrote: was never about you not liking nuhiu it was how you put that opinion across.

I wouldn't ply nuhiu either now we have nothing to play for

leprechaun shit Whistle

I concur  Thumb up

* Complete misrepresentation of my dissatisfaction with the group. It never was about everyone having to agree with me. It was always about my right to hold an opinion different from the majority. I notice that others are now saying much the same thing that I said and are not being pounced on like a ton of bricks and ridiculed!!

Nobody took that right away PEI  Doh It was the way that you slated people who didn't agree with you 100%  Doh

I can't recall anyone saying Nuhiu was a 'World Beater' and most of us agreed that he is pretty limited but at the time he was the best of the crap that we had. Lavery was injured for most of the season and then went on loan to regain his fitness. Bus wasn't even in the equation, neither was Keane, and May was bringing nothing to the team. At least Nuhiu could help out in defence  Whistle That doesn't make us idiots it makes us pragmatic at the worst  Thumb up
and complicated
(13-04-2015, 12:16)Maddix Wrote:
(12-04-2015, 20:54)Thurnscoe_OWL Wrote: was never about you not liking nuhiu it was how you put that opinion across.

I wouldn't ply nuhiu either now we have nothing to play for

leprechaun shit Whistle

I concur  Thumb up

* Complete misrepresentation of my dissatisfaction with the group. It never was about everyone having to agree with me. It was always about my right to hold an opinion different from the majority. I notice that others are now saying much the same thing that I said and are not being pounced on like a ton of bricks and ridiculed!!

Nobody took that right away PEI  Doh It was the way that you slated people who didn't agree with you 100%  Doh

I can't recall anyone saying Nuhiu was a 'World Beater' and most of us agreed that he is pretty limited but at the time he was the best of the crap that we had. Lavery was injured for most of the season and then went on loan to regain his fitness. Bus wasn't even in the equation, neither was Keane, and May was bringing nothing to the team. At least Nuhiu could help out in defence  Whistle That doesn't make us idiots it makes us pragmatic at the worst  Thumb up

OK. Just as I thought there might be a meeting of the minds, that I might be able to re-integrate, along comes this nonsense.

* I never did "slate people who did not 100% agree" with me. I dealt with the issues as I saw them, not the individuals. My position was unpopular on here and quite frankly, I couldn't care less. Like one of thurnscoe's recent posts, in which he took issue with the way I parsed my phrases, in your case Maddix, it's a bit of the case of the pot calling the kettle black. You were the one who said I was talking horse shit and then indulged in the childish nonsense afterward with thurny about the various types of shit. Anyhow, thurny can surely take time away from his important studies to root out an old post of mine, which taken out of context may show the opposite.

*I never ever intimated that you lot were "idiots" and I take strong exception to your inference.

So, I can see that I am really not welcome on here. I tried to be somewhat conciliatory and this is what I get. Imre, MS, SCO and all the others. I meant what I said. I "love y'all" and I'll always be a strong Owls supporter.

Byut thurny and Maddix (whom I used to actually like) have convinced me that this is not the place for me. So enjoy your camaraderie. I fully expect a load of snide, childish comments to be posted now.

"God Save the King."
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