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TV Debates
Well the first one was last Thursday and I thought Miliband came across very well. Paxman did brilliant to put Cameron underĀ a lot of pressure and I thought that the audience questions to Cameron were stupid they may as well have asked him what his favourite colour is?. Did anyone else notice how Kay Burley didn't interrupt Cameron when he was answering the audiences questions but when Miliband did she kept questioning him, now her job was to moderate the questions not answer them that was Paxo's job.

The debate this week is going to be really difficult especially when you've got 7 people up against each other, I don't know how it's going to work but will have to wait and see.

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I didn't see the Cameron bit but I did turn over in time to see Mr Milliband and within 30 seconds I thought why did I bother.

Yes, the very first question from the audience summed up for me what's wrong with people in our country, you have a chance to ask the potential new leader of our country a question and you say the following...
"Why are you so gloomy"

WTF! Ask him about health,immigration,tax, armed forces....anything that is relevant not about his glum personality.

It didn't get much better either with another audience member saying "let's face it, we've got the wrong brother" FFS! Even Paxman joined in on that.

Now I'm no Milliband fan but for crying out loud give him some sensible questions to at least try and answer.
Really depends on which newspaper you read or Breakfast TV show you follow to who won

I`ll leave any of my own political views away from the forum, I have enough bigots in my facebook feed thinking their opinion is the correct one

it is for once quite interesting though IMO
I thought the debates yesterday were utter chaos too many people on the platform. Yes Turkey it does depend on what newspaper you buy or what News channel you watch. It will be very interesting to see what the result will be on May 7th.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Well after watching the third debate without Messrs Cameron and Clegg, I thought it was crap because there just repeating the same thing over and over again.

I think the big question is do we really need these TV debates?

I mean people have been voting for hundreds of years without the need of TV debates because the information is available to the electorate via the media, party political broadcasts, parties leaflets and now online manifesto's so its available and easy to find.

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