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TV Debates
So Cameron wanted as many parties as possible for the TV debates and is now blaming the broadcasters for causing a mess. I'm sorry but the broadcasters should not bow down to him and have the debates on his terms. The truth of the matter is Cameron doesn't want these debates because he's scared that a member of the public will ask him the wrong question and stump him whereas in PMQs all questions are vetted by his party and he has time to think/write up a response to that question whereas you can't do that when you're put on the spot.

He doesn't want to debate with Miliband but back in 2008 he was having a go at Brown for not wanting to the debates but he is no better. He doesn't want to defend his record in Government and what a poor one it has been. He only wants to be in one TV debate on his terms but the thing is if he only does one debate then himself and the Tories will lose votes.

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Don't know why they can't all just go on Question Time and have done with it.
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
They're all politicians, so there's plenty of hot air with not much to show for it. Not one to better another! Angry

I could go on a rant, but I won't. Angel
Cabbage is still good for you
People need to vote on policies not on personalities.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Last time I checked I wasn't voting for any of the leaders, I was voting for what the local MPs could do for my local area.

A TV debate would only turn into a farce anyway
The whole thing's a load of Americanised nonsense that shows nothing but who can sling mud most effectively from the hip. Alex Salmond is streets ahead of anyone else in the UK in that sort of environment, but his claims during the independence campaign were still balderdash. Parties have months and years ahead of elections to construct and present their policies in every media, and televised debates reduce politics to the level of Big Brother. By all means there should be public forums for putting questions across to the the party leadership, but there are plenty of those already.
The ones who rise to the top are usually the ones who can smarm anyway. In fact, anyone who can express their own opinions wouldn't get past a selection committee to even become an MP in the first place now. They always have to come out with the right soundbites. Woe betide any who say what they really think. That's why we have all these homogenised MPs with very little to distinguish them from left or right. If they don't watch it, that's how the extremists will slip through. All in my humble opinion, of course. Whistle
If politics has been dragged down to the most important thing being a tv debate, then we might as well go the whole hog and let tv viewers elect the PM via a phone vote.
Democracy sucks!
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[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
Instead of having National debates between the parties why don't they have local debates betweens MPs in Town halls or Church halls because at the end of the day we are voting for an elected MP in our constituencys not voting for the leader of the country. The leader of the party with the most seats will be the leader of the country. What really annoys me is people need to vote for the party and for the policies they associate themselves with but there not there voting on the basis of personalities and charisma.

I saw a girl who probably isn't politically minded tweet that she was voting for David Cameron on the basis of he has a better personality and is a good speaker than the rest of them. Now of course he's going to be a good speaker the guy used to work in PR and that's all he is he's a PR man not a leader.
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More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
(09-03-2015, 20:48)Lord Snooty Wrote: If politics has been dragged down to the most important thing being a tv debate, then we might as well go the whole hog and let tv viewers elect the PM via a phone vote.
Democracy sucks!

X Factor style, MPs have about as much appeal as that lot do to me right now...zilch.

It pains me to say it but not a lot of point me voting as it won't change a thing in my area, we literally could put up a chimp for election in my part of the world and because it wears red the locals would vote for it.
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