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King isn't going to show his hand before the chips have hit the table. Fair enough he doesn't have MA's financial clout, but he's not stupid.

He is adamant that the EGM need not go ahead and that he will hold Lambias and Leach liable for the costs should it go ahead unnecessarily. Something that's also mentioned by the BBC (believe it if you like):

"Before they leave, Llambias and Leach must appoint the three new directors, or face the prospect of being held financially accountable for the costs of holding Friday's General Meeting when they have already conceded that King has enough shareholder votes for his resolutions to change the Ibrox board."

King will know what he is going to do from day one. He will know what he's going to do with MA re loans, and he will have a fair idea what he will be doing re contracts etc. No doubt he will have had access to the necessary documentation - by hook or by crook - long before now and will have eyes and earson the inside keeping as fully informed as possible.

I for one hope to see MA get a very unfashionable haircut.
Two main points from the article below.

1} There is no immediate need to repay Mike Ashley's loans
2} Directors cannot resign from the Board without nominating replacement directors.

Skysports - Rangers finance Q&A - A financial expert answers some key questions
They could nominate King and Co thereby saving the need for an egm.
Aye, they could. Maybe they're waiting for official confirmation from Capita before they resign.

f*ck it, what am I talking about? They want a pay-off.

EGM Friday it is, then.
NOMAD resigns - a clear sign that King has won.

Share trading suspended until a new NOMAD is appointed, will be after the EGM and the 'handing over of the keys'. 1 month to appoint a new (competent) NOMAD or AIM suspension occurs.

I'm presuming that the last acts of the current board will be to appoint King etc., to the board at the EGM on Friday.
Let the rebuilding begin!
What a palaver!
It's a right boorach.

Time for some solid, flat ground to build on, I say.
Official notices.

Rangers FC - Suspension of trading on AIM (RNS Number : 5633G) 04 March 2015

Rangers FC - Official Notice (RNS Number : 5640G) 04 March 2015

The sooner all this goddam Boardroom business is over, the better !!!
King delays directorial appointment until stock exchante accept him as fit and proper.

Murray will be chairman....until King gets ok to take up seat on board.

Dreary Retort hail King as "owner in waiting" - what pish is this? When did he offer to buy up the shares?
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