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Idiocracy became reality instead of simply being satire.
The apathy and ignorance in the UK now. The serf is so well conditioned to cruelty and injustice it's absurd.

Through neuro linguistic programming the state brainwashed an entire generation in to an acceptable level of white hate and self loathing. As I've said before, each stage a precursor to the next, laying the foundations for our complete subjugation at the hands of a hostile religious culture.
You only have to glance at our leaders behaviour to Islam to grasp this. After packing dates for Iftar Chucky opened Windsor castle for muslims to feast.
Has he ever opened it up to you, serf?

It's Lent, by the way... Not a single mention and no courtesy extended by the Muslim community.

Again, I said a few days ago the 'Justice' minister Shabana Mahmood... was openly supporting the Palestine protests carry a placard...
It's absolutely clear where her allegiance lays and here we are the proof is in the pudding!
She wants to disproportionately sentence white natives and let her muslim brothers and sisters get away with it under a more refined two-tier system than the one we're currently enjoying! Doh

It cannot be any clearer yet still we have so many without a backbone who don't want to get involved for whatever personal reasons they think justify it.
This is beyond any one of our personal feelings, our spinelessness and refusal to stand up for ourselves now has us existing as a sub class to a hostile religious cult who
absolutely will mistreat us when it fully seizes the country.
There won't be any 'minority rights' for us.

Connect the dots, for phuks sake.
Why would you pander so heavily to a 'minority'? Why put the majorities lives at risk continually to protect the 'minority'?
Why would the head of the DWP be secretly attending a Muslim Council of Great Britain meeting?
During the 'riots' why did Kid Harmer snd the Police chief immediately sit down with the mullahs before throwing millions in taxpayer cash at them?
Why are churches being vandalised and burned down?
Why refuse to investigate the heinous crimes of mass child rape and human trafficking by this religious community?
Why disproportionately sentence non muslims under a two tier system?
Why is most meat served in school Halal?
Why is such a large amount of meat sold Halal?
Why is it a crime to criticise Islam?
Why is it 'multiculturalism' is actually only people from Muslim countries?
Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Albania, Kosovo, Bangladesh, Somalia and now the north African muslim colonies where there is actually an Islamic colonisation happening but we don't discuss it. It would draw attention to the parallels in Europe. Doh

We keep hearing about this massive natzee uprising but where is it? Why isn't it attacking Ramadan celebrations? If muslims are such a minority, why was there so much violence coming from their community? Why isn't all the violence coming from this alleged massive natzee uprising?
You really have to be a vegetable to believe it and sadly, many do.

Islamisation. The new Caliphate is here. Anyone pretending things are fine and still will be in another 10yrs is an absolute fking imbecile.
Maddix likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Just another day in Clown country UK! Rewarding rapists from certain demographics with an entirely separate judiciary. Financial compensation too??
Rodent came in 2004 and illegally overstayed his visa.
He was then carried by the taxpayer for a further 5 years.
He raped multiple times whilst in the UK and he's the one who sued. Laugh
Thesr muslim solicitors are a right bunch of parasites. They know exact how to manipulate the system.

This rodent should've been deported, end of. This excuse of " They'll kill me If you send me back " is abused beyond measure.
If these rodents are allowed to stay they will absolutely continue to rape women and the government will continue to lie about it.

Remember, Shabana Mahmood wants more of this!

Another honour killing too by the gutter culture of peace. This poor girl was actually trying to assimilate in to the host nations culture and she was murdered for it. This is why most will never assimilate.. They're not allowed!!

Reeves out gaslighting the natives again claiming too many working class natives are sitting on arse.

I think you'll find that even going by and the 2021 'census data'
60% of muslim women don't work
40% of muslim men don't work.
And those are generous figures.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

More of those far right whites... Doh

Indeed.. Just another one of those things that 'isn't happening' despite evidence to the contrary. Nobody cares because the majority of these girls are white working class and the perpetrators are from an ethnic or religious background.

People are conditioned by the state to either shut down, self police or begin gaslighting other whites.
Which is something you'll never see happening among any other ethnic groups or cultures.... Why is that, I wonder?

Imagine being so out of touch that you think it's all a conspiracy theory.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Islamist haven Syria..

Under Jolani Islamists are discriminately targeting non muslims and other muslim minority groups. Alawites currently and previously Christians, Yazidis and Druze minorities were being attacked.
Just as the Islamists beheading 70 Christians in DR Congo. You aren't hearing anything from our caliphate, I mean government or media.

There continues to be a clear pattern across north Africa, the middle east and across Europe.
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Correct again about the spread and propagation of these radicals and how deeply embedded they are posing as 'moderates'

Shall we also draw attention to how so many Muslims go in to law, becoming lawyers, barristers, clerks and judges. The massive influence on the judiciary and it's processes deliberately targeted by Mullahs to seize the country.
Or are most of you voyeurs sleepy sheep?

Yanks are in trouble now they've foolishly played with a fire you cannot control. Strict borders and heavily enforcing restrictions on Islam is the only way.
People can't handle that methodology though. it's "unfair and oppressive" clueless people who can't fathom they're dealing with a very hostile and violent political doctrine neatly tied up with a religious bow to hide its nefarious and insidious intentions.

"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Exposed UK

"Hamas fanatic FILMS himself arriving in Britain on small boat after terror thug posted pics with assault rifles

Palestinian Abu Wadei is seen on his TikTok feed flicking a V for victory sign as he sits at the front of a boat packed with migrants in orange lifejackets.

Jewish community leaders in the UK reacted with horror amid fears Wadei’s arrival could herald a flood of dangerous supporters of the bloodthirsty terror group.

Wadei has posted violent imagery of himself toting assault rifles, hurling slingshots and flexing his muscles in front of burning debris in the besieged Hamas stronghold.

His real name is Mossab Al Qassass aged in his 20s - has 170,000 TikTok followers.

He also has a YouTube channel followed by 189,000 subscribers which collects money via PayPal. Wadei’s social media feeds also show him at a rally declaring he is a member of a violent Hamas “tyre burning unit”.

He rails against Jews in the post, adding that his “loftiest aspiration” is to “die for the sake of Allah”.

The UK-based Campaign Against Anti-Semitism learned of Wadei’s arrival under UK coastguard escort on the south coast of England on Friday.

The group said it had carried out exacting computer “body-mapping” checks comparing images of the boat arrival plus with video and images on Wadei’s online profiles. CAA officials said they had also taken legal advice on their findings and issued an urgent appeal to the Home Office to take action yesterday.

Wadei’s post of his arrival shows his packed dinghy being escorted to UK shores by a British Border Force patrol boat. A spokesman said: “We are sure this man is now in the United Kingdom.

“We are asking the Home Office to take immediate action to locate Abu Wadei and ensure that he cannot pose a threat to public security. “Anyone who may have a track record of being in any way affiliated with Hamas or promoting antisemitic rhetoric must not be permitted to endanger this country.

“If jihadis who want ‘to die for the sake of Allah’ can enter the United Kingdom from Gaza with relative ease, that poses a serious threat to national security.”

Wadei’s TikTok charts what appears to be his journey from the Middle East across Europe ending in a bus stop in France and a migrant campfire before he crossed to the UK.

He also appears in footage among men chanting a battle cry referring to a massacre of Jews at the Battle of Khaybar in 628.

His chant concludes: “The army of Muhammad is returning”.

Wadei’s arrival is the latest of a long list of asylum scandals.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: “We are committed to ending small boat crossings which undermine our border security, and restoring order to the asylum system to ensure that the rules are respected and enforced. “While it is a long-standing rule that we never comment on individual cases or operational matters, the British public can be reassured that we take all steps necessary at all times to protect the nation's security.”

Yay! Well done, everyone involved in advocating for these gutter rats to circumnavigate the correct channels to enter the country and to also deliberately pose a direct threat to natives. Doh

He's just rocked up in a boat and disappeared apparently. We couldn't keep tabs on an illegal immigrant connected to a terrorist outfit and who poses a direct threat. He just waltzed in...
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
He's probably in Bradford and will be washing my car next week Laugh
Statesideowl likes this post
and complicated
You'll be driving off with a ticking noise from the engine Laugh
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Mental init, the country is filling up with Islamist filth who openly declared Jihad on the west.
Yet all we hear about are these armies of far right natzees which never seem to materialise.

Still no murders or 'terrorist' attacks on Ramadan festivities. Strange that considering there's supposed to be soooooo many Islamophobic natzees.
Throughout Christmas there were multiple violent attacks and groups of muslims intimidating people at Xmas markets.
You know, from that 6% minority? Doh

Who's the victim again? Very strange narrative to believe when so much evidence is to the contrary.
Neuro linguistic programming continues to bombard us with bullshit.

Syria: Islamists still slaughtering Alawites and Christians.
Not a phuking peep heard here!
Anything portraying them negatively or anything which draws attention to it's crimes is continually downplayed or ignored.

An entire generation of emotionally dysregulated kids who now sympathetically align themselves with Islam because Palestinian liberation and Islam itself have been conflated to the point where these clowns can't tell the difference between the two. So, the clowns rabidly defend Islam believing they're defending Palestine..

Very clever stuff is psychological warfare and gaslighting.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
The power play continues as weak Brits are further subjugated.

Muslims praying on the grass outside Westminster Abbey. Feasting with
Chucky the Turd at Windsor Castle.
Praying in the streets. Obstructing traffic and the general public.
Ramadan lights, posters everywhere. Khan spent millions of taxpayers money. Remember the bargain basement Xmas tree the odious Rat rolled out for Christmas?
Ramadan celebrated in the media. Also by corporate chains.

Barely a peep about Lent. This is not a Christian country. I keep trying to illuminate the fact that it is an Islamic country, a baby caliphate in the making. The muslim community are handled entirely differently by the authorities.

So, what does that tell you about the religious majority in the UK?
How has '6%' completely changed the landscape of The British Isles?

There's still too many muppets pretending it isn't happening.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
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