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Oh look. 8 more far right white men Doh

People still not fuc*ing getting it.

Leniency for it in all EU courts. No deterrent and gaslighting natives who address it.

Testimonies of police cover ups and how complicit they've been covering up the crimes of Muslims in Britain.

"At the moment it's very clear to me. That the most toxic form religion takes, is Islam. The horrible idea of wanting to end up with Sharia law. The state of religious law. And, that the best way of getting there is Islamic Jihad, holy war.
That Muslims have a 'special right' to feel aggrieved enough to demand this.. I think it's obscene wickedness. I think their religion is nonsense.. The archangel speaks to some illiterate merchant warlord in Arabia and it contains all the answer to humankind.
Don't waste my time, it's bullshit..
Islam dangerously claims " Ours is the last and final religion there can't be any more after this, this is GOD'S final word"
Which is straight away a temptation and rally for violence and Intolerance. A temptation they are more than willing to fall for"

Chris Hitchens

"And let me say this in English so you can understand what I'm saying,” Salman bin Zayed told the host, to which she responded, “I have translation.”
No, I know you have translation, but I just want to make sure you get it right,” he replied. “There will come a day that we will see far more radical extremists and terrorists coming out of Europe because of the lack of decision-making, trying to be politically correct or assuming that they know the Middle East and they know Islam and they know the others far better than we do. And I'm sorry, but that's pure ignorance.”

Salmon bin Zayed, UAE Foreign Minister

Yet the blue hairs, faux left and state enablers say the opposite to those who speak TRUTH.
Ministry of Truth tells lies. The state tells lies habitually and pathologically.

Example.. 3 months down the line and we finally see the 'Christian Welshman' who butchered those children...

This... is an Islamist rat not fit to be in circulation. It is not a Christian Welshman.

"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
As expected, plenty of 'guests' and zero backbone.. It's only native kids getting raped and murdered, eh. Who cares about a few colonisers.

Anyway, Sir Kid Harmer to gaslight to natives today in public address now that some of the filth is out in the open. Islamo-rat Rudakabana was violent at school hitting other kids with a pipe. He was referred to the 'Prevent' programe multiple times.
He was in posession of Al Qaeda literature and making chemical weapons at home. Then state is still trying to lie about this having nohing to do with Terrorism. As if wearing a balaclava and butchering children isn't terror. As if making chemical weapons from a proscribed terrorist organisations handbook isn't terror related. Welsh Christian?
F*ck right off with your special needs level ignorance.

After gaslighting the native population it has come to light that most people were indeed correct! Gross negligence and enabling by the state. Is Kid Harmer going to step down? Is he f*ck. He's going to double down, blame the white working class for all of this by claiming he acted in the interests of preserving multiculturalism and the 'safety of ethnic groups' just you f*cking watch. I see through these buffoons like Kid Harmer sees through those glasses Lord Ali bought for him.

There's MP's out there right now using this as an opportunity to virtue signal. Laying flowers down for the butchered kids. I don't even have kids and all of this makes me rage so how some of those with kids are behaving so spinelessly is mind boggling to me...
Your kids are a commodity to be beaten, drugged, raped and killed and you will have no recourse ( unless the perpetrator is white) because protecting the lie of multiculturalism is far more important than any of your lives. Islam and it's stranglehold is far more important than any of your lives.

Did anyone even bother to read the first link in the last post? The eight muslim men who repeatedly raped two girls..? IT TOOK 25 YEARS FOR THEM TO GET JUSTICE
That's how it works when tackling Muslim grooming gangs because they are so well protected by state and Police alike. "Justice is complicated" they like to say, unless you're white then we'll actually make room in prison then fasttrack you there!!

2 minutes in and Kid Harmer already lying Laugh
He's suddenly all for a private inquiry in to 'Prevent ' Doh
Gaslighting exactly as I said he would.
Imre varadi likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Point proven.

Faux left in the UK far more outraged by Musk's idiotic salute than the Rudakubana situation Laugh Doh

I am surrounded by c*nts and w*nkers. Imagine thinking you're the voice of reason when you're more affected by an idiotic hand gesture in another country than you are by children being butchered and raped in your own country. All because the truth goes against your delicate sensibilities.

Immoral scum
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
I don't see anything wrong with the salute anyway ..we've been lied too about everything ..I'm sick of hearing all this bullshit Jewry and people thinking they have the law over words and feelings !

Show me the benefits or the proof in the pudding where we are better off and I'll listen ! Till that day you're high horse means absaloutely f@ck all to me and I live in a free country compared ! I can go out tomorrow and hang me a pedo or a rat and the pueblo cheers and the police step too one side I can also go and bury me a pig should he cross the line and the same thing happens !
Statesideowl likes this post
There are far worse atrocities happening than an idiotic hand gesture. The problem for me is there is NO voice of reason anymore since the left was coopted by fascists who are no different to the fascists on the extreme right.

Musk has a habit of being a man-child himself and he is definitely socially awkward.
He's shown repeatedly that he enjoys triggering the emotionally dysregulated faux left and they repeatedly take the bait.

The faux left are using Musk as a distraction to propagate outrage elsewhere and shift focus away from addressing Rudakubana and radical Islam.
Allegedly liberal news like 'LBC' they've published four videos about Musk's hand gesture which is the same amount of videos they've published about Rudakubana.
Topping that, Musk's videos have thousands of virtue signalling comments yet the Rudakubana videos have only a couple hundred.
One voice of reason intelligently goes on to say "Musk is a far right natzee planning to do stuff to people's brains."

That... right there is a massive problem I keep highlighting. These f*king enablers cannot bring themselves to address the elephant in the room because they're so brainwashed and unable to process the cognitive dissonance.
British news media again heavily focused on foreign affairs. America or Palestine, anything but address child rape or child murder by ethnic groups.

Spineless, pathetic and worthless. When you refuse to stand up for the kids in your community/country then YOU'RE the c*nt. Not Musk and his flailing limbs..

The enabling and blatant attempts to dodge the transgressions of ethnic or religious groups by these fake left w*nkers makes me sick.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
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