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SNORE DRAW, don't hold the front page
No wonder the FA Cup is dying on its feet. It is organised by the myopic and certainly geriatric and creakingly patriarchal FA and presented by the out-of-touch and very suburban maiden aunt we fondly call Beeb as she shuffles into her dotage.

Brilliantly they chose to present the draw for the "exciting" first round proper of the FA Cup from stately old Bradford City and ended up in a room of tightly-panelled middle-aged men from around the country, trying hard to evince the odd smile. To head proceedings Auntie Beeb wheeled out fourth-rate miniature presenter Kelly Somers to rehearse her perfectly researched one-line factettes about any club which happened to hove into view.

The problem is the FA has designed its flagship event to leave the dock with a whimper rather than a stunning aurora of galaxy-busting fireworks. The Cup launches on 34 non-league names, some very small indeed, joining giants like Accrington, Morecambe and Bromley. They might draw Wrexham or even Birmingham, we struggle to keep breathing as the lack on excitement mounts and clunky balls flop from a velvet bag to pair perhaps a non-entity against a wannabe or a has been.

Forty games are scheduled, so unexciting that many newspapers next day do not even report the draw, despite the interest of the 80 towns and cities involved. And, of course, to top up that mild absence of interest the FA finds itself then left with 40 clubs of varying levels of decay pitched into a second round designed simply to add 20 clubs to the 44 clubs from the Premier League and Championship, so far absolved from competing (with precious little jusitification). So the Third Round, with the competition, already well under way, is meant to sprinkle the magic dust about and and pitch the odd set of disregarded losers in against a club full of over-paid superstars, which will then have the arrogance to bench most of its stars and give the finger to an expectant crowd.

Apparently this lunatic arrangement saves the BIG clubs from two rounds of games, but in truth it is simply an unusual sleight of hand designed to destroy most of the magic. Small clubs who have fought their way through several rounds of qualifying have precious little chance of getting near a big name.

If ALL the EFL clubs and the Premier League Clubs entered the draw at the FIRST ROUND STAGE and the FA added just 2 more qualifying non-leaguers one round less of the competition would be played and the small clubs would have a better than one in seven chance of drawing a very big name opponent. The excitement of the First Round Draw would then make tiny Kelly Somers redundant and even Auntie Beeb might recognise the need for a Celeb' or three and a bit of American-style razzamatazz.

The big clubs would only have to agree to play one more game to revive this dying competition. Do the maths - 128 clubs in the first round (36 non-league and 92 league), 64 in a newly exciting second round, 32 only by the third round (where currently we overload on 64), 16 in the 4th, then 8, 4, 2. Move the excitement to the beginning of the competition like any other MAJOR sporting event. Excitement is at its peak when everything is to play for, and imagine the delirium in Horsham if they had been able to draw Man City away instead of Chesterfield.
Not quite sure what point your making here, Dev. I personally was very excited about the FA Cup draw and little Kelly's lovely.

The FA need to use similar players selection policy to the EFL Trophy where so many first teamers have to be selected. And replays need reintroducing as do 2nd and 3rd replays.
Ska'dForLife-WBA likes this post
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
Go back to Lancaster Gate on the radio, no giving what number to look for and be rewarded with Mansfield away every sodding season
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

Over now to Bryan Butler, our football correspondent at Lancaster Gate for the FA Cup 3rd round draw.....

Happy days, gathered around an old tranny in the school playground. No not Mr Goldthorpe. Whistle
themaclad likes this post
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
Well - number one - Kelly in a room full of blokes is clearly tokenism at its most token. (And to be honest other than Alex Jones she is probably the TV presnter I would most like to fire too. But that is a personal opinion.)

Number two - if the FA Cup draw can't even make the daily paper, the competition is dying faster than even I thought.

What is there to excite anyone in the draw? There is no one in it who would be exciting to play - except Huddersfield (I'd love that whatever the outcome).

What other sporting competition tries to make itself exciting part way through?

Why would we need to exempt the big clubs from having one game they ought to be able to win with ease ..... other than because we decided to add in an unnecessary round which robs two non-league clubs of a chance of a place in the competition?

Think of Horsham, they battle through several rounds, reached the first round proper and get their excitement punctured by an away draw at Chesterfield? Under my plan they might have come up with us anyway, BUT they'd have had a chance of one of the big boys.

Why shouldn't the First Round be an equal starting line for everyone, irrespective of wealth, power or league success?

I'm making a lot of points, because the Cup isn't jjust dying, this is assisted dying. Assistance by complacency, inaction and pointless tradition.
There's more chance of a Huddersfield v Chesterfield final than the FA making the big boys play an extra game.

Number 2: You still buy a newspaper?

I'm excited for the Tamworth game. We always watch the FA Cup tv games from the early rounds. It's when the prima donna clubs take over that it gets boring.

Last season was exciting right up until poor old Coventry got cheated out of it. The finals are always a bore fest. I couldn't tell you who won any of the last decade of them apart from when little Manyoo beat City last time around. Whistle
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
Yours is a quite a good game, but you can't tell me that Tamworth v Villa or West Brom or Derby wouldn't excite the rest of the population more Snoots.

I agree the FA hasn't the balls to try and save its competition, but the rest of football's governing bodies have no trouble inventing lunatic ingternational competitions to wear the players and their clubs out. And why on earth should Premier League or Championship clubs be afraid of coming up against a lower or much lower league club? The way most of the top 44 clubs exit the competition is by leaving their best players on the bench. You'll probably weaken your side to play Tamworth ...... and the Lambs might come to your slaughter.

If real fans like you Snoots do and say nothing the FA Cup will continue its decline and the supine FA will watch as our top clubs drift off to play in some rich boy's European League.

I realise you like Kelly Somers, but you must surely accept she'd have been about fourth in the BBC pecking order if anyone there really thought the FA Cup mattered. If the FA Cup mattered the draw would take place in a glamorous room at Wembley and the room would be full of big names and Ryan Reynolds would have been banging on the door to get in.And there wouldn't be a clunky billiard ball in sight.
Lord Snooty likes this post
The cup has lost it's magic with the new tradition of playing one round in midweek doing away with replays(because the elite sides want to play an extra 50 matches in Europe, then have the temirity to say they play too many games)
But the thing that is worse of all is that once all third round games kicked off at the same time 3 pm on Saturday in the past few years we have kicked off at 12.30 Saturday, 5pm Saturday, 2pm Sunday 3.30pm Sunday.
As well as teams playing much changed line ups, the elites have ruined it
Lord Snooty and Devongone like this post
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

YES YES YES. One of the reasons I have reached my conclusions is that the Third Round DID once upon a time ride to the FA Cup's rescue. Now because of the existence of large squads and big money being at stake for league positions, being drawn against a big club is far less exciting. If Chesterfield reached the Third Round and managed to beat say Leicester City 1-0 we'd be thrilled, but in the last few years Championship clubs have struggled to see us off, Leicester would probably field less than half its full-strength team and we are professional and fairly well organised. The rest of football wouldn't be that surprised if we won. It wouldn't have the magic of Ronnie Radford impossibly hammering the ball out of cloying mud into the top corner to beat Newcastle. That magic we all could share has died. Chesterfield beating Leicester would be pretty much ho-hum for football outside those two places.

Going off with a big bang, so that everybody could really draw anybody else in the first round is one way to invest the FA Cup once more with glamour and magic. Monday night's draw looked like the Wheeltappers and Shunters. Okay it paid homage to the past, but at the end I felt the curtains should have drawn as the coffin trndled off to be cremated. It didn't feel like the future and it seemed like only to appeal to those with almost as long a memory as mine!
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