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Thread For Anything But Football
I know your sort, Posting-Freak.......a weedy friendless fascist pretending to be hard.
The other Owl regulars on here probably by-pass your illiterate posts.
I've worked a lot in Sheffield and still have good friends up there. They will be embarrassed that you're a Wednesday fan.

No response necessary!
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with
It's a sad loss of life but imagine putting that sort of outrage and energy in to kids being butchered, women being gang raped, all by the same religious group which continually conveys contempt and hostility toward the natives.

Imagine what we could accomplish then, because nothing is changing.
10yrs ago a 9yr old boy (Aaron Dugmore) hung himself after being continually bullied for being white by Asians at school. There were no riots, no widespread screaming or outrage.

Again, massaging and presenting the facts. These deliberate obfuscations attemp to muddy the water. However, those savvy enough can see all things for what they are and not what they appear to be.

'Chinese National' I can imagine he's as Chinese as Rudakubana was Welsh.
Still no motives given by the Police as information is now gatekept and managed by relevant authorities.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Le Pen, who happens to be leading in most polls ahead of the French election is now being put on trial for 'misuse of EU funds'.
That thing they're all guilty of...

Just a little suppression of your political opponents by Globalists. Nothing to see here.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

"Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has claimed Israel "will not last long" in a rare public appearance today.

Khamenei said on Friday that Iran and its regional proxies and allies will not back down in the wake of Israel's devastating attacks on terror group Hezbollah - which, over recent weeks, have effectively scuppered its entire senior leadership."

"Leading Friday's prayers in Iranian capital Tehran, he vowed that his country would not "procrastinate nor act hastily to carry out its duty" in confronting Israel."

What do they pray for? It's certainly not world peace from the religion of peace. Discussing the destruction of another state during 'prayer'

Blue hairs and their cucks embrace it and refuse to criticise it because they've tied themselves in knots with their overly liberal ignorance. They'll happily apply a bias against white people that they daren't even entertain when it comes to the religious cult, or people of colour in general. It's spineless and pathetic, it does nothing to work towards positive race relations it actually stunts it, creating resentment as other groups are treated unequally.

The way these brainwashed enablers rant about Palestine you'd think it was a tiny Muslim state surrounded by Jewish nations who are attacking it from every direction. Isreal is far from innocent but fk me... How thick do you have to be to not realise that iff the Iron Dome was deactivated, the surrounding Muslim countries would not stop firing missiles until Israel dissolved in to dust.

Aside from that, most muslims across Europe don't really care about Palestine it is simply a beating stick to further their own agendas and force people in to submission.

Just as I'm still waiting for reports about all these far right goons murdering and persecuting Muslims I'm still waiting for the so called moderate Muslim to condemn any of the recent Islamist attacks on innocent natives.
Neither is happening, is it????

Imagine being one of these dense tw@'s that genuinely bought in to the states propaganda about the boogeyman under the bed. Reenforcing the narrative that all natives in opposition are natzees. Natzees simply because theyre fed up of being the target of hostility by a religious cult which refuses to integrate and demands everything.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Slowly but surely.. always proving me correct about their motive to enforce religious doctrine through the back door.
Always presented to you as a 'great idea'
Odious rat, Khan has also given 15M of that 30B he keeps misappropriating to his Islamic friends to 'fight Islamophobia'

The piss just keeps being taken and now that we're outlawing the criticism of Islam it just means rats like Khan will continue to take advantage of the spinelessness of the faux left.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Aa per usual. Peaceful Muslims preying on inebriated native females.

Continually being raped, stabbed and beaten and then gaslit when you address it.
Are we still dumb enough to believe it's the 'far right' boogeyman who is the problem?

Mugs.. it's too late either way. Blasphemy laws and Islamic doctrine are taking precedence.
Huge soapbox issue for me having had a family member raped in the back of a Taxi by one of these disgusting rats. How the Police were reluctant to follow up due to the accused being Muslim. Then she was gaslit for being a victim!
I will not tolerate this communities behaviour any longer, I will highlight who and what they are culturally.

The pandering and enabling by Labour after Rudakubana butchered those children was a disgrace. Immediately sitting down with mullahs to control the situation by portraying those who have suffered for decades as "racists"
The state relies on the stupification of the serf. How quickly we move on and forget these crimes against us..

There's going to be more Islamist attacks that will not be addressed.
There's been NO attacks by the far right against muslims.

Again... Mugs

Never heard a peep from our enabling blue hairs about women in Afghanistan being oppressed by Islamic extremist.

Never heard a peep from our enabling blue hairs about muslim men habitually raping native women because they're Kafirs who can be 'used' for sex according to their religious teachings.

There are no moderate muslims anymore. They all fall in line behind the mullahs and the zealots. This is why we don't hear any condemnation of Islamist crimes. Only continual whining about how vulnerable they are, as they intimidate, rape and murder others they consider infidels. Islam in the west is heavily radicalised now to the point of palpable intolerance on the streets.

'Beautiful culture, religion of peace"... F*ck right off with that ignorant, enabling toxic mentality. Proven hypocrites over and over again.
It's always the people who know nothing about Islamic extremism or the culture itself who advocate for it.
Maddix likes this post
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Start connecting the dots..
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
(07-10-2024, 07:07)Statesideowl Wrote: Never heard a peep from our enabling blue hairs about women in Afghanistan being oppressed by Islamic extremist.

Never heard a peep from our enabling blue hairs about muslim men habitually raping native women because they're Kafirs who can be 'used' for sex according to their religious teachings.

'Beautiful culture, religion of peace"... F*ck right off with that ignorant, enabling toxic mentality. Proven hypocrites over and over again.
It's always the people who know nothing about Islamic extremism or the culture itself who advocate for it.

Never has the statement "be careful what you wish for" been so apt for our enablers. I would love to still be around when the inevitable happens and see all the hand wringing because "it won't is actually happen happening to us, we're a democracy blah, blah, blah" Laugh It's only taken the taliban 3 years to basically turn females into blow up dolls Cool

I was going to say "I can't wait to see their faces" but I won't be able to Laugh
Statesideowl likes this post
and complicated
Completely In character behaviour by a certain demographic to celebrate the one year anniversary of Hamas murdering kids at a concert.

These pro Palestine clowns really do hold the moral high ground Doh

These western women who are converting (or, reverting in their tiny brains) to Islam are an embarrassment and I hope they enjoy everything coming their way, they 100% deserve it for their enabling.
Again, it's the rest of us who don't deserve it.

Here's yet another example of civil erosion due to pandering..

It's the far right though who are the problem and if not them, it's your white privilege. If not your white privilege it's being a heterosexual male. On and on with this gaslighting and guilt propagation.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Whoopsy Daisy!!
I'd hate to say "I told you so" to the alleged 'intelligence' of British Authority.

But.. I fking told you so!
And instead of suggesting the threat is abroad. Tell the truth, explain how the country is already teaming with radical Islamists who are continually intimidating, raping, bullying and murdering natives.

We've suffered three Islamist attacks since Rudakubana butchered those kids. Strangely, they've been swept under the carpet quickly whilst STILL pushing the narrative of the far right boogeyman.

Even this article skirts around the truth, it's another example of controlling the narrative.
The hack of a journalist tip toes around the Islamist issue calling them "Iranian state actor's" but finishes the article strongly focused on "extreme right wing neo natzee 13yr old" Doh
The deliberate and calculated use of manipulated language.

There's no recorded far right (Natzee) attacks on Muslims. No rapes on their women, beatings or murders.
Their mullahs are still spreading messages of hate, unchecked by authorities... Strange that when we're clamping down on divisive rhetoric!?

Yet we still have mouth breathers on the extreme left blaming native white Serfs for everything. Absolute scum of the earth enablers, pandering to poison.

These genius' chose gender studies and critical race theory for degrees. Now they're experts on geopolitics and religious history.
Oh, and they believe every world a Muslim says because they would never lie to an infidel! Doh
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
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