29-08-2024, 19:12
Quite frankly I wouldn't be able to afford a pint in a pub anyway if I was back there. Much safer at home no stabby people as well !
Thread For Anything But Football
29-08-2024, 19:12
Quite frankly I wouldn't be able to afford a pint in a pub anyway if I was back there. Much safer at home no stabby people as well !
29-08-2024, 20:14
(This post was last modified: 29-08-2024, 20:29 by Statesideowl.)
Boat of 'Migrants' lands on UK beach.. (500 on Tuesday alone this week)
Man steps on to shore relieved, as he praises Allah he notices something shiny beneath him. He reaches down and pulls a mysterious lamp from the sand. As he polishes it a Genie appears and offers the man 3 wishes. With his first wish, the man asks the Genie for millions of pounds. "So be it" says the Genie With his second wish the man asks for a huge house with hundreds of acres land. "So be it" says the Genie Final wish the man asks to be a British national. "So be it" says Genie. The Genie disappears with a *poof* and so do the man's money and house. Are we looking forward to this? https://apnews.com/article/pakistan-mob-...8cb3073b51
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
30-08-2024, 06:21
(This post was last modified: 30-08-2024, 06:27 by Statesideowl.)
Straight from the horses mouth several years ago. "First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit." "Adequate financing is critical. The EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs – and to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states. It can raise these funds by issuing long-term bonds using its largely untapped AAA borrowing capacity, which will have the added benefit of providing a justified fiscal stimulus to the European economy." "Finally, to absorb and integrate more than a million asylum seekers and migrants a year, the EU needs to mobilize the private sector – NGOs, church groups, and businesses – to act as sponsors. This will require not only sufficient funding, but also the human and IT capacity to match migrants and sponsors." A million of these per year is not only unsustainable for European cultures it is decimating them. This plan was formulated and implemented almost 10yrs ago. Entirely out of control and pushing millions of Islamic migrants in to Europe. They're not coming from anywhere other than muslim countries. Imagine being one of the mugs in favour of this, supporting illegitimate immigrants whilst actively destroying your own culture.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
30-08-2024, 22:03
I'm not a fan of frogface Farage.
However, a faux leftie threw an object from a works site at Farage as he was on his open top bus. They received a suspended sentence.. Other natives are still bring locked up for throwing objects at Police and saying mean words online. Suspension of habeas corpus for them. There's no two tier, Kier though. ![]()
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
02-09-2024, 08:00
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2024, 08:34 by Statesideowl.)
As I've mentioned before about the two tier judiciary. This stain wasn't punished with the same iron fist of the state as white natives . This stain claims he's innocent (fk knows how) and the kind judiciary system put his case waaaaay back until the dust settles. There's video circulating of a typically upper class judge handing out corrupt, arbitrary sentences to natives of 20 months a pop whilst ignoring crimes of the same nature from those who support the state. Inciting hate and violence towards any groups should consistently fall between 20 months and 5yrs those are the sentences natives are getting snd let's be frank.. If you're getting 20 months for saying "I don't want my taxes going to illegals, they rape kids" Then Ricky Jones needs to be getting multiple YEARS for saying we need to cut the oppositions throat's How about white women next to him applauding and cheering this sentiment? Still, there's people who cannot see it or are willfully ignorant of the states thinly veiled totalitarian policy. The very same enablers who believe they're holding the moral high ground over the others who can see the full picture. Enablers are a specific type of lowlife in my eyes. More low IQ gaslighting being utilised against the critical thinkers. "It only matters if you're far right" "Why are you bothered? It only affects the far right" "Only far right natzees think that" There's people who genuinely believe the rules and laws are applied/enforced fairly and evenly. Not just from a Government perspective either, even in the sports world they're oblivious to the corruption in front of them. ![]()
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
02-09-2024, 23:37
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2024, 23:39 by Statesideowl.)
"Some academics have said also that “Anglo-Saxon” is problematic as it suggests a distinct, native Englishness." Decolonising curriculum by removing and villifying native English history and culture. The State processed blue hair is an angry little Wasp, programmed to seek out white male pheromones and attack the disenfranchised proletariat.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
03-09-2024, 07:40
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2024, 09:16 by Statesideowl.)
Another Islamist attack went under the radar in Ireland last week for fears it could "ignite far right hatred" We can't name him either, he's protected just like Rudakubana. Islamists attacking members of native religions is terrorism!!! Now we cant even call them what they are? The state is deliberately not reporting Islamists attacks because you might get angry about it??? I swear this is a fever dream. It's well and truly over now we're thoroughly cuckolded. White natives being targeted by an extremist religious hate group frequently, and the primary concern is how people might react to it? Pathetic by the media and state controlling the narrative. More gaslighting, more enabling and the gutter culture is laughing at our stupidity. Claiming their communities are fearful when it's their communities harbouring and producing terrorists committing the murders, rapes and bombings. It is NOT the natives. European countries are not having issues with Christian gangs raping girls and stabbing people every day. Astonishing how people can be so dense.. Video circulating of cctv footage showing an individual in Alum rock, Birmingham. Spray painting "No whites" on a wall. Comments section full of more gaslighting and projecting. "I bet that's a white person or zionist" "Thats a white person trying to stir up racial hate" "Deffo a white guy" So, when it IS a white person it's the the most vile, evil, hateful far right. When it ISN'T a white person, somehow it's still a white person trying to stir up racial division in an effort to "make minorities' look bad" ![]() ![]() Imagine being one of the mouth breather's that doesn't see it. Worse still, enabling it! So called intellectuals and professionals parroting the state narrative. Well educated dunces!
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
03-09-2024, 22:40
When will the peaceful muslims actually 'call out', as people like to say nowadays, Hamas for the actual cause of the atrocities that have only been carried out by Israel
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and complicated
04-09-2024, 07:13
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2024, 08:31 by Statesideowl.)
They won't. You're not allowed to criticise Islam or Muslims. You're not allowed to address their actions or behaviour without immediate hostility towards you. Which again tells you enough as they show their true nature.
More Israeli hostages turned up dead. Sort of makes sense now why Hamas refused to return them. All downplayed over here, of course. Britain announced it would dial back its military support for Israel. This should have people worried, not from a military perspective but the fact nothing has ever stopped the war machine or money it makes.. However, Starmers little religious friends now have so much leverage in this country they can make such a demand. To have that 'Influence' over a Government. This should be terrifying in its implications yet the usual majority mouth breathers can't even see it. On Monday in Turkey, a few US marines wearing civilian clothes were mobbed, had sacks put over their heads as the crowd shouted this is for Palestine. Fortunately Turkish Police intervened. Islam is currently colonising Africa, slaughtering coptic Christians and there's nothing said about it. We're still talking about what Europe did 300yrs ago. Its very, very clear who is being enabled here. Anyone savvy enough can see how language and dialogue is being weaponised and used to deliberately obfuscate, and to deceive. Hamas and Hezbollah, always been Terrorists. Now Islam is in control Language has been softened. These groups now referred to as 'Freedom fighters' or ' Militant group' Same use of language softening used around knife crime and how it's disproportionately committed by people of colour. I've already taken the sensible precautions to protect me and mine. Between the government and hostile religious group, the natives are done. Statistics are alarming. 100k exodus last year from Londonstan (whites) with 80k incoming ( All people of colour) It can't be be because our lives became unbearable, no. We gaslight further by calling it 'white flight' And on top of all this, anyone see the German election being rigged to remove one seat from the AFD so they couldn't have a 'blocking minority in the state' ? German state tries to claim a 'computer error' gave the AFD one seat too many lmao Oh boy, if you cannot see the sweeping authoritarianism and totalitarianism by this point you have to be an idiot. Its clear who is in bed with who but some people love being cuckolded. Islam is attacking everyone ubiquitously. Remind me, who is it thats fearful again? ![]() And this fabricated story about a boat full of women and children (for the first time ever) all drowning trying to cross to England is pathetic. So much wrong with this story it stinks. It's woven as such to provoke an emotional response and to again soften the public to what comes next. More boat lanes,basically. It's very convenient that ministers are now being pressured to 'open more and safer routes for access' If you believe this bulls*t story you're the same person believing all the other Government/pro Islamist garbage. For 30yrs it's been boat after boat of men. It's painful to watch the government insult your intelligence because the majority are ignorant.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
05-09-2024, 08:39
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 09:31 by Statesideowl.)
Trans-Saharan slave trade conducted by Arab Muslims is estimated to have enslaved between 10M-20M Africans over several centuries (and still happening today)
The 'trade' involved the movement of slaves from sub saharan Africa to North Africa and parts of Asia. Also, during this time Arab slavers (Barbary Pirates) enslaved an estimated 1.5Million Europeans. White slaves were often castrated and had a mortality rate which saw them die in their teens or twenties... This practice was only halted when European nations such as England and France joined to bombard Algiers and turn it to a French colony did we FINALLY stop Muslims enslaving Europeans. Now look, our traitorous, treasonous leaders are essentially selling us back to them as playthings. Oooh, not historical facts which can't be refuted. We don't like those, racist whitey. I've covered this before though with regard to the Ottoman caliphate falling and going back as far as the Ummayad caliphate in Europe centuries ago. The reason it isn't broadly discussed or addressed is the same reason we don't address Islamists today. You do not criticise Islam or you bring upon yourself the threat of hostility and violence. The same cult which suppresses any vocal opposition is in bed with Globalists who also suppress any vocal opposition. Islamic tribes (Taifa) used to make deals with Christian kings to the benefit of both parties as early as the 11th century. These Islamic tribes later grew in power. History repeats itself and some would do well to pick up a book that isn't written by a modern, revisionist dick head lusting for recognition and plaudits.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
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