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These clowns becoming more violent. Something else that was inevitable given the Polices stand down approach.

If the EDL were hitting female coppers in the face with bottles and assaulting emergency workers we'd be running the story about drunk racist white hooligans, wouldn't we..??

I'm well over these pro Palestine degenerates and their ceaseless hypocrisy.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Pro Palestine supporters on social media/news outlets talking about Police tyranny after that nonsense!
Angry, uneducated and ignorant is a dangerous concoction. It's no surprise though. These puppets are state processed, wound up then steered to distraction elsewhere instead of looking for the enemy within our own government.
The same elite oligarchs who sold us all down the river ten times over at this point in human history.

Treachery and treason on an unprecedented scale as billions of pounds disappeared under endless Tory austerity, our water is becoming undrinkable, pensioners and the disabled are being forced back into work, Paula Venellis and everyone involved in the post office disgrace will never face the consequences of destroying lives..Still, the Palestine clowns are hyper fixated on foreign affairs too preoccupied with being a 'good ally' to Islam which has nothing but insidious intentions throughout the west.

It's difficult to fathom the level of disconnect necessary to achieve the mental gymnastics applied
It's common practice to pick and choose which parts of history suit the narrative whilst anything which counters the argument is inadmissible.

Do they really care about 'Genocide' or is it herd mentality and selective outrage?
This lot aren't protesting against Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs.
How about the fact that far more Syrians have been slaughtered under Bashar al-Assad than Palestinians have been bombed by Israel?
Saudi Arabia murdering Ethiopian asylum seekers at their borders because they refuse to let them in?
Schoolgirls in Nigeria being kidnapped, raped and constantly sold into human slavery by Islamist groups like Boko Haram.

These supposed left wing liberals have somehow convinced themselves that a fascist right wing terror group (Hamas) are heroic freedom fighters. It's such an agonising display of dumbness and neuro linguistic programming.
These same buffoons also love the term "read some history" as if they've actually applied this discipline to themselves Laugh
It's fking incredible it really is.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

Yay, Abbott can run under the Labour banner again.
Didn't see that coming from floppy Kid Starver..

Diversity and Inclusion is becoming a scam, it erodes any real meritocracy and simply replaces one from of discrimination for another.

When a proven racist complains about racism and is rewarded, it sets a terrible precedent.
Anti white rhetoric is now both acceptable and beneficial in Britain.

Further and further down the toilet we go.
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
The march tomorrow is going to highlight yet again two tier policing ..they may as well smash the place up like the pole tax riots ..but as ever it's all this we come in peace shite to get trampled on ffs

Anyone in x here by the way so we can exchange mails ? Pretty pointless commenting on this site and others like it with thought police running the shit show .

Inbox only don't want trolls and lefty's hanging around .
Statesideowl likes this post
Ive had the intention of signing up to Twitter and X but procrastinated so long now it's been years Laugh
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
It's quite free no just don't state genocide..that's about it really ...too add only far right working class family men N@zis need apply in my inbox
Statesideowl likes this post

Now that Palestine are offered a comprehensive deal Hamas will say "it's not good enough" or refuse the deal for another reason.
It's not really about a ceasefire for them and they've proven they'll use civilians as human shields. If they supported a ceasefire they wouldn't have murdered or driven out the opposing party 'Fatah' who were willing to discuss state recognition with Israel years ago . Just think how many would be alive today that aren't. Thank Hamas for that. The blame is disproportionately going towards Israel when Hamas and even the Palestinian people have blame to shoulder.
Nobody should condone bombing of the innocent. Unfortunately, our decisions and actions have consequences. Palestinians backed Hamas, allowing them to torture their own people, driving Fatah out and to escalate conflict with Israel...

Still, none of these Arab countries are rushing to help their so called brothers.
After the destruction in Lebanon caused by Palestinians it's absolutely no surprise whatsoever.
It is those who "know their history" that understand the root problem. A problem which doesn't wish to coexist with anything, not even variants of itself.

It's quite remarkable how the blue hairs and left have nothing to say about striking a woman in the face with a bottle leaving her seriously injured but if you so much as get too close to them it's 'rapey' or threatening behaviour..

The rhetoric is entirely different too
The media would be eating the EDL alive ( and rightly so) if they'd glassed a female officer.
Pro Palestine clowns? Nah, just some rowdy behaviour the Police needed to address Doh

The incessant need to flag wave for a foreign country whilst watching your own go down the toilet, better yet facilitating and expediting the process of it has become a new normal.

Its a great example of how well conditioned and crippled we've become as a society/culture. Functionally illiterate people who cannot see the glaringly obvious decay, hypocrisy and two tier system that exists in the UK..

This further proves my point. The language used to describe vandalism and destruction of property by a certain group is entirely different than the language used to describe native protest groups.
In fact Barclays almost sound apologetic and sympathetic, scared of the possible bad publicity by saying the wrong thing..
Miner strikers and poll tax protestors had the crap beaten out of them followed by media smear campaigns for less so why are pro Palestine groups allowed to behave in such a manner?
There's a reason and I wonder if people can see it..
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
Pure carnage in London today I saw the far right neo n@zi working class family's violently singing sweet Caroline along with H@tlers favourite rule Britannia ..shocking how they have become so easy radicalized!
Statesideowl and Maddix like this post
Sounds like they were begging for the police horses to wade in!
There's only one demographic deserving of heavy policing and it's not the one smashing a female copper in the face with a glass bottle and attacking emergency workers.
Apparently these people are on the right side of history Laugh
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius

"When Banu Subramaniam thinks about whether plants should be renamed so as not to honour white supremacist colonialists"

Imagine being this fragile...
"The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." Marcus Aurelius
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