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Labour Leadership Contest
Blair didn't get Murdoch on was the other way around.

Most of this generation of tories are as much children of Blair as they are Thatcher. And we are going back to that same managed democracy system. What exactly are labour offering anyway ? A more competent version of the tories pretty much, and that will serve the purpose of the establishment for the time being, hence the easy ride Starmer is getting from the media (contrast with corbyn)

Starmer is holding Corbyn responsible for an outcome that his own factional allies worked frantically to bring about so they could regain control of the party. Sorry but that just isn't right. It makes me wonder what else Starmer is capable of doing to us as PM if he can do something like that.

He is still ruling out any move towards the single market or the customs union, all in the name of winning back former Labour voters in the mythical “red wall.” This is not the behaviour of a man who believes that Corbyn was the main problem for Labour in 2019. After all he spent huge energy pushing for a 2nd referendum then whipped labour MPs to vote for Boris's deal.

I don't trust the xxxx one bit. He's a snake.

"Even if Corbyn stands as an Independent and wins - which way is he going to vote in The Commons? With Labour or with The CONservatives?"

He will win, he is one of the most popular constituency MPs out there.
I'd imagine that his votes should be to demonstrate that the policies starmer PM enacts will range from inadequate to malevolent in their impact on Britain’s social crisis. And that will be a powerful thing from a former leader.
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Now Labour accused of copying the Tories AGAIN! Starmer coming out against reforming the UK voting system in General Elections. By opposing proportional representation, Starmer going against the vote of his party membership which endorsed the change at their Sept 2022 conference. There is now a huge list of red Tory accusations against Starmer and his party full of "decepticons" trying to con people in much the same way as what happened in the biggest con of Brit political history - BREXIT, THE LIE-THE CON!! Plus never forgiven in Scotland where currently over 72% of Scots reckoned to be opposed to Brexit and want it reversed or a copy of the NI trade model applied asap - so much for fairness and equality in a "fractured" UK Union full of the usual disrespectful bullshit from London-Westminster charlatans!!!
Lord Snooty likes this post
Last week it was curious to observe Starmer U-turning on another pledge to reform the House of Lords (Labour has been trying to do that for the past 100 years!!) - d'ya remember that one!!? His comment being that "we've" got far less peers than they have - a case of just "shut the whole ####### place" down altogether and start again mate!! One wonders if there will come a day when Labour actually hold on to one of their pledges!!!! Rolleyes I think there are about 800 peers who occupy the red benches - IT IS MADNESS TO ADD TO THESE UNELECTED NUMBERS!!! A case of shut it down altogether and finally look like a modern, forward-thinking country!!! Did you know Britain is one of those countries without a constitution - IMO GB is the greatest outlier because it also enables clerics to make laws in this country. The House of Lords has seats for clergymen and women, simply on the basis of their religious views - ONLY IRAN AND BELIZE THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA!!! All that Starmer is planning is "waste even more taxpayers' money" by appointing more of his own lackeys (incl Bliar and the despicable quisling, Gordon Brown!). And then the Tories eventually come along again and "balance it up" - total ####### madness, nonsensical politics at work, played out by politicians who are becoming more n more lightweight as the years go by. Don't forget that some of these law-breaking drunken bastards at Johnson's exposed Downing Street parties may soon be involved in drafting/making new laws in this country!! Absolutely ludicrous, but unsurprising in a country that is regularly being described as "broken Britain"!!
Those drunken bastards were in Bodgits Cabinet for 3 years, so what's new about them approving legislation just because they moved from green benches to red?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.

This expulsion goes hand in hand with some of the ludicrous previous expulsions meted out by the Labour Party/Starmer on the likes of Jewish members (and others) who had been with the party for over 40 years and became embroiled in the whole anti-Semitic nonsense that "sucked in" his predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn, through the toxic RW press in this country (these colluding bastards irritatingly never go away and continue to terrorise this country with their inaccuracies and downright lies!!!). These Jewish members supported Corbyn and saw through the RW agenda in recognising that many Jews/clerics/writers were vehemently opposed to aggressive Zionist/Israeli govt policies, the likes of which we are seeing extreme versions being enacted now in the occupied territories. There is a very good Al Jazeera documentary that covers the demise of the UK Labour Party (whatever happened to it???) and its history of extreme behaviour on issues it wishes to disinherit in its quest to become "squeaky clean" while having no principles or moral compass remaining in its inner sanctum any more. The party of Keir Hardie is dead and I hope that people up here in my native Scotland are not gonna go "daft" on them next year in a General Election in any great numbers - seen it, done it - jam tomorrow???? Still a "busted flush" and has been for well over a decade!! NO THANKS!! THERE'S A MUCH BIGGER PRIZE ON OFFER UP HERE AND IT HAS DECENT PRINCIPLES AND BELIEF/TRUST ATTACHED TO IT AS WELL AS TRUE DEMOCRATIC VALUES!!

Unite Union happy to maintain links with this morphed form of the true Labour Party????? How naive can one become eh! No longer the defender of the working man and the rights of workers, "Why should members ever contribute to their political fund that is funnelled off to Starmer and his Blairite Govt, version II"!!!?

All I can say is , "Well done the UNITE Union"!! Surely there must be lots of their members who will not be enamoured in paying out money to the Labour Party through the union "political fund"????? Why pay out this money to a Starmer led political party that does not represent the true Labour Party and doesn't honour its long-standing ethos/commitment with the labour movement any more???? Nuts!!!

He's out of touch. People are starving and he's complaining about eating tuna sandwiches.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Dearie me!! The words "not living in the real world" come to mind!! Is that what Westminster has become????
(30-07-2023, 23:08)spireitematt Wrote:

He's out of touch. People are starving and he's complaining about eating tuna sandwiches.

BREAKING NEWS: Politician appears on middle-class food podcast to woo potential voters and jokes about his work scran being a bit shit. Just think; if only he'd delivered a grave, po-faced lecture on the cost of living to the Jemimas and Jolyons who listen to Table Manners, those Tory marginals would be toppling like ninepins right now Rolleyes
"I would rather spend a holiday in Tuscany than in the Black Country, but if I were compelled to choose between living in West Bromwich or Florence, I should make straight for West Bromwich." - J.B. Priestley
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