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Labour Leadership Contest
I briefly listened to Starmer's comments on Sky tv re Nicola Sturgeon's departure and he opined that she successfully turned Scots against Labour??? The man has learned nothing re Scottish politics and the "sea change" that has happened in Scotland - a wooden top, a con man! And out of touch as usual!! Labour's decline dates back to 2007 during the Scottish general election and has continued in the six UK and Scottish elections since then. Labour failed to explain how to make devolution work, when all the aces are held by Westminster and Holyrood; constantly undermined by the Tories! They failed to explain what the Union is for. Also failed to denounce Brexit as an obvious sham, and why Scots should accept what we roundly reject. Above all, Scot Labour is a branch office under Starmer's control with no clear vision for Scotland's future and it most certainly is not a govt in waiting!! His speech was all about "poor them". The big, bad SNP done it! Rolleyes Still no self-awareness from them either - you've not learned any lessons re the whole constitutional question Sir Keir!! Thumb down There's a well known saying from many ex-Labour supporting people up here in Scotland - "I never left the Labour Party, the Labour Party left me"!! So appropriate!!
Lord Snooty likes this post
And now Sir Keir "Mr Democracy" Starmer initiates his latest crass move by formally removing Jeremy Corbyn from any Labour representation on the electoral register!!???? This is another example of stamping down any left-wing presence in the Labour Party and effectively flying a red-Tory banner, something he has been doing for quite a while as well as uttering all kindsa undemocratic comments. Corbyn not a vote winner for Starmer and his unrecognisable Labour Party that he has reformed in his image! Therefore, he applies another political "knife job" on someone who previously gave him respect/recognition and is far more genuine than he will ever be and Corbyn will likely represent Islington as an Independent candidate.
A truly disgusting way to treat a man who has devoted his life to the labour party. I think Starmers made a mistake here and looks pretty bad tbh, the constituency should make that decision not him.

No mention of anti-semitism in the blurb either. Which was a surprise. Because if he is an electoral risk to the party then why are milliband and brown still hanging around ?
Lord Snooty and ritchiebaby like this post
I'm seriously thinking of not voting Labour with that burke in charge. But our MP is a good bloke so I'll vote for him.
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
It's my opinion that both are fairly reasonable. Let's face it, Bodgit removed many a "reasonable" or somewhat "more sensible" MP from the Tories back benches, let alone The Cabinet because they voted remain rather than leave. They are all appalling in my opinion but some at least that might have reined him in were no longer there to do it.

My two penn'orth for what it's worth is that the far left nut jobs (and there's plenty of them) that attach themselves to the likes of Corbyn, that crawl out of the woodwork just before every election and make all the easy headlines that the Torygraph and the Daily Heil for example need to stoke up their gammons and the "Red Wall" are behind his thinking. If he's, or rather they are, one less distraction to worry about that's Starmer's business. If Labour Party members don't like it they can call for a Vote of No Confidence and elect a new leader. Whilst I vote Labour when I can, I've no intention of becoming a party member. At previous Labour Leadership elections it was all so cheap and easy to become one at a moments notice and skew the results, as a few card carrying Conservatives and others can tell you.

Even if Corbyn stands as an Independent and wins - which way is he going to vote in The Commons? With Labour or with The CONservatives?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Starmer is not thinking of Labour being a left-wing party, he's thinking of getting a Labour Government elected. Ditching Corbyn now will increase those chances. Starmer will want all this hoo-hah out of the way before then. I suppose the big question will be "do we want a Right-wing Tory Government or a centre-left Tory Government?".

Still a disgraceful way to treat a "trusted colleague and friend" though.
0762 likes this post
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Agreed but I still think it's more about parking those that call themselves Corbyn's mates on the other side of the car park. Tony Blair was more Tory centre right than Tory centre left but also got Murdoch on board. "It was The Sun what done it" at the time and outside Liverpool they still might again if Murdoch goes for Starmer. Never underestimate the political opinion of a young woman (or five) on Page 3 with a big pair of chesticles. The CONS had gone so far right they forgot about the middle when Blair came along, as this bunch of thieves have done and they've gone even further right. That and some of our electorate have finally realised (it took them long enough) what a lying barsteward Bodgit is (was).
ritchiebaby likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
One comment to add in this debate is that one realises again why politicians are still in the top three of despised professions in this country when reading so many different examples, incl this one, of political activity/behaviour that really is reprehensible in this day and age. Absolutely shameless and lacking any credibility or regard for their own reputation or others with different political ideologies. It really has become worse than ever before in my humble opinion. All in the quest to gain political power in any undermine way that it can be achieved!! Rolleyes
Lord Snooty likes this post
Listening to both the Tories and Labour on Question Time it's like listening to the Tory Party and the Tory Party B team. There doesn't seem to be any difference between the 2 parties. If Labour got elected they might be just a little bit better than the Tories but not by much. I feel like Labour have no ideas and are just saying anything to get votes and eventually elected. There doesn't seem to be a vision, they keep using the slogan 'Build Back Britain' and no one seems to know what it means.

They say they stand with and for working people but didn't stand with the unions or workers going out on strike. Looks like Starmer and this current Labour party are more interested in big business and keeping lobbyists happy. They seem to be sucking up to the Murdoch/right wing media to help there election chances but come the general election next year the media will have to make a decision on who they are going to endorse and I think Labour and Starmer are being led up a garden path.

Labour are not offering anything to get people to vote for them they just seem to be saying 'we aren't the Tories' similar to what Biden did in the 2020 election against Trump. If you don't offer people something to vote for or inspire them then they won't vote for you and by marginalising the Left, members, Women, the Unions etc, Labour are going to struggle. The undemocratic selections of candidates in constituencies hasn't gone down too well with members and certain CLPs. By barring candidates and having candidates who are hand picked or parachuted in has got people's backs up.
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Build Back Britain Matt? I think it is an adapted bogus Tory line that embraces the Brexit con and is attempting to draw the "gammon" voters towards the Labour Party. Starmer's mantra is don't say anything or do anything that is controversial. In fact, be as boring and uncommitted as possible!! Rolleyes
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